Onion/pyaz - 100+ Ayurvedic remedies, Health benefits, chemical constituents and many more



Onion belongs to the genus Allium in Alliaceae family and contains many cultivars which are colored. Onions are the oldest cultivated vegetables, and are second only after tomatoes, both of which are extensively used not only for culinary purposes all over the world. Onion is a multi-use vegetable that is consumed fresh as salad as well as in the form of a number of processed products. .It is commonly known as “Queen of kitchen” due to its highly valued flavor, aroma and unique taste and the medicinal properties of its flavor compounds.

Onion is used through out the year, for example in curries, in the form of spices, in salads, as a condiment or cooked with other vegetables such as boiled or baked. It is also used in different forms of processed food, e.g. pickles, powder, paste and flakes and it is known for its medicinal values. It shows Antioxidants, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-cholesterol, Anti-hypertensive, Anti-cancer, Anti-arthritic, Anti-bacterial or Anti-biotic, Bronchodilator, Expectorant, Anti-spasmodic, Antiseptic, Carminative, Anti-coagulant, Fibrinolytic, Anthelmintic property.

                Click here for more information about Anti-oxidant

Onions vary in size, shape, color, and flavor. The most common types are red, yellow, and white onions. The taste of these vegetables can range from sweet and juicy to sharp, spicy, and pungent, often depending on the season in which people grow and consume them.

It has different names in different languages such as Marathi name(Kanda, Konda), Hindi name(Piyaz, Pyaz), Telugu Name(Nirulli), Tamil name(Vengayam), Kannada name(Nirulli, Irulli), Bengali name(Pyanj), Malayalam name(Chuvannaulli), Punjabi name(Ganda), Gujarati name(Dungali, Dungari, Kando)

Parts of plant used

Shoots, Bulbs, Seeds, leaves

Vitamin and mineral content

Vitamin : B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C

Mineral : Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc

• Most onion cultivars are about 89% water, 9% carbohydrates (including 4% sugar and 2% dietary fibre), 1% protein, and negligible fat.

• Onion are major source of flavonoid and organo-sulfur compound. The phytochemicals present in onion are mainly saponin, quercetin and anthocyanin

• Onion base has a higher concentration of sulphur compounds than the rest of the bulb.

                 -  whole bulb of onions are good source of (+)-S-alk(en)yl-L-cysteinesulfoxide and γ-glutamylpeptide, which together account for over 70% of the total sulfur in onions.

• The color of red onions is primarily due to anthocyanins present in the epidermal cells of the scale leaves of the bulb, and their main anthocyanin pigment is reported to be cyanidin 3-glucoside.

• The total flavonols increased by 58% and total anthocyanins by 39% in fresh-cut onions when stored in transparent polystyrene cups under visible light.

              - Hot and dry environmental conditions have been shown to enhance the flavonol contents.

• The main active constituent in onions is QUERCETIN, which is one of flavonoid that exhibits a good antioxidant property.

• Layers from each onion bulb were manually cut and separated into three nearly equal portions, i.e., outer layers, middle layers and the inner layers. The outermost layers of the bulb showed the highest concentration of antioxidant compounds and a distinct decreasing trend was observed towards the innermost layers in all types of onion samples. 

• Onion has plentiful chemical compounds such as allicin, quercetin, fisetin, other sulphurous compounds: diallyl disulphide and diallyl trisulphide.

• During tissue destruction, the alk(en)yl-L-cysteine sulf-oxides are degraded by alliinase enzymes. This leads to theformation of new compounds, such as alkyl alkane-thiosulfinates, which have an influence on the characteristicodor and flavor of alliums. These ingredients may bedecomposed to other organosulfur compounds, includingpropyl-1-propanyl thiosulfinate, 1-propanethial-S-oxide,allicin, dipropyl disulfide, diallyl sulfide, methyl propanyldisulfide, and ajoene. Simultaneously, γ-glutamyl cysteineis also converted to different organosulfur compounds, including S-allyl cysteine and S-allyl mercaptocysteine

> Cause of Eye irritation while cutting onion

Freshly cut onions often cause a stinging sensation in the eyes of people nearby, and often uncontrollable tears. This is caused by the release of a volatile liquid, syn-propanethial-S-oxide and its aerosol, which stimulates nerves in the eye. This gas is produced by a chain of reactions which serve as a defence mechanism: chopping an onion causes damage to cells which releases enzymes called alliinases. These break down amino acid sulfoxides and generate sulfenic acids. A specific sulfenic acid, 1-propenesulfenic acid, is rapidly acted on by a second enzyme, the lacrimatory factor synthase, producing the syn-propanethial-S-oxide. This gas diffuses through the air and soon reaches the eyes, where it activates sensory neurons. Lacrimal glands produce tears to dilute and flush out the irritant.

Properties and benefits

  • Taste – Madhura (sweet), Katu (Pungent)Q
  • Qualities (Guna) – Guru (Heaviness), Snigdha (Unctuous, oily), Teekshna (strong, piercing)
  • Taste conversation after digestion - Sweet
  • Potency (Virya) – Anushna (Not very hot in potency)
  • Effect on Tridosha – It balances Vata and neutral effect on Pitta and Slightly increases Kapha Dosha.


  • Balakara – improves strength and immunity
  • Veeryakara – improves quality and quantity of sperm and semen
  • Agnivardhana – improves digestions strength
  • Sthira Dhatukara – improves body strength and stability
  • Medhada – improves intelligence
  • Psuhtida – nourishing
  • Snigdhangatva – makes body lustrous
  • Gaurata – imparts heaviness
  • Kantimata – improves skin complexion
  • Vahnerdeepti – improves digestion strength
  • Charma shuddhi – Detoxifies skin
  • Vrushatva – acts as aphrodisiac
  • Deerghamayu – anti ageing
  • Balakara– improves strength and immunity
  • Varnakara – Improves skin tone and complexion
  • Ojaskara – improves immunity
  • Swarakara – improves voice tone and quality
  • Saumanyasya – Brings calmness to mind
  • Badhira – useful in hearing problems

Health benefits, Application, Uses

1) Regular intake of one onion relieves dysuria and scanty urination.

2) Administration of onion with few black pepper, morning and night helps to promote the health benefits in fever.

3) Instillation of lukewarm onion juice 1-2 drops into the ear relieves ear related problems like earache, discharge from ear, tinnitus etc.

4) Regular intake of 1 teaspoon of onion juice, 2 buds of garlic and 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera juice mixture in the morning up to 1 month controls Asthma.

               Click here for more information about AloeVera

5) To control high cholesterol- fine paste of onion is mixed with 1 cup of buttermilk and ¼ teaspoon of black pepper powder and is taken.

6) Paste prepared out of onion and turmeric if applied on wound helps in fastening the healing process.

7) Onion consumed along with dinner followed by intake of 1 glass of hot water helps to reduce excess fat in the body.

              Click here to explore more about Hot water

8) Intake of raw onion with meals particularly with dinner induces good sleep.

9) Intake of onion flower juice with the addition of buttermilk helps to cure dysentery.

10) 1 teaspoon each of onion juice and ginger juice along with honey reduces productive cough and it facilitates expectoration.

11) Administration of onion juice along with breast milk cures hiccough in children.

12) Intake of onion along with butter milk and salt instantly relieves fatigue.

13) Intake of fried onion relieves constipation.

14) Intake of onion reduces the severity of cholera.

15) Application of onion juice relieves skin disorders and promotes lustre of the face.

16) Intake of 1 tea spoon of onion juice and equal amount of ginger juice mixed with ½ glass of hot water at bed time relieves cough & cold.

               Click here to explore more about Garlic

17) Peeled onion soaked in honey for 45 days if taken (one onion regularly) corrects the hormonal imbalance.

18) Oil prepared with onion juice, coconut oil and turmeric powder is useful in wounds.

19) Oil prepared with onion juice and mustard oil relieves joint pain.

20) Regular intake of buttermilk mixed with smashed onion and little rock salt reduces the excess fat in the body.

             Click here to explore more about Rock Salt

21) Intake of onion paste mixed with buttermilk relieves headache.

22) Instillation of small onion juice with juice of holy basil into eyes relives fever in children.

23) Application of onion paste with salt on forehead relieves headache.

24) Rubbing of smashed onion bulb on the affected area of hair loss, in Alopecia areata facilitates hair growth.

25) Application of onion juice with turmeric powder removes dark patches.              

26) Onion juice rubbed over affected area reduces the complaint of itching.

27) Onion juice rubbed over scalp kills lice.

28) The sweet variety of onions are cut into slices, fried in ghee and consumed regularly to increase the vitality and sexual vigour.

29) Intake of white onion with jaggery and turmeric is useful in obstructive jaundice.

30) Onion juice with jaggery cures sore throat.

              Click here to explore more about Jaggery

31) Intake of onion juice eliminates worms in children.

32) Consumption of raw onion regularly acts as a good nervine tonic.

33) Regular intake of onion with jaggery helps to gain weight.

34) The onion seed is powdered and consumed in a dose of 3-5 g with pomegranate juice to improve sperm count.

           Click here for more information about pomegranate/Anar

35) Application of onion juice to the site of scorpion bite reduces the pain markedly.

36) 30 grams of juice of white onion, 5 ml of ginger juice and ghee, 10 grams of honey are mixed well and eaten in the morning for 4 months. This helps in rejuvenation and promotes body strength.

37) Regular consumption of onion reduces the incidence of cancer.

38) Onion juice helps to counter fluid retention and can provide relief from arthritis and gout.

39) Intake of raw onion boiled with water facilitates expulsion of renal stones.

40) Red onion boiled with olive oil can be applied on cracked nipples to effectively manage the complaint.

41) The fresh juice of onion is consumed in a dose of 15-20 ml to treat fever arising due to indigestion.

42) The paste of onion is kept over the area affected with dental caries and inflammation of the gums.

43) Inhalation of red onion aroma helps in dizziness and fainting.

44) Chewing red onions for few minutes kills microbes present in oral cavity.

45) Salads prepared with onion and other raw vegetables acts as antioxidant and revitalise.

46) Regular consumption of onion is good for memory and nervous system.

47) Regular consumption of onion increases the sperm count, motility and viscosity.

48) Intake of onion flower increases digestive capacity.

49) Onion being rich source of iron increases the Haemoglobin percentage, body stamina and vital capacity.

50) Application of onion juice on bleeding gum immediately arrests the bleeding.

51) Regular intake of raw onion increases the body resistance.

52) Application of paste of onion seeds on white patches decreases the patches.

53) Place some chopped onions in a vessel, cover with salt and leave over night. The resulting juice if applied twice daily, helps to cure warts.

54) The paste of onion or onion juice is applied over black head, moles to treat them.

55) Intake of onion juice 2 teaspoon along with honey cures foot corn.

56) Application of onion juice or poultice on heels helps in crack healing.

57) Oil prepared out of 100 ml of onion juice and 50 ml of coconut oil if instilled as ear drops, reduces the pus discharge from the ear.

             Click here for more information about Coconut

58) Administration of onion juice along with Holy basil flowers, ginger juice and honey helps to reduce phlegm.

             Click here for more information about Basil/Tulsi

59) The paste of onion is applied over localised swelling and wounds and then covered with bandage as treatment.

60) White onion juice applied with turmeric powder cures scabies.

             Click here for more information about Turmeric/Haldi

61) Instillation of 3-4 drops of onion juice along with 3-4 black pepper seed powder helps to cure half sided headache.

62) Massage with smashed onion on gums relieves toothache.

63) Chewing of raw onion regularly prevents tooth decay.

64) Intake of onion juice with ghee and sugar candy cures Haemorrhoids.

65) Application of onion juice relieves Acne.

66) In bleeding from the nostrils caused during summer (due to heat stroke), few drops of onion is instilled to the nostrils. This relieves the complaint.

67) Onion fried with ghee is given to delivered woman to relieve constipation.

68) Daily consumption of raw onion with sugar helps in children to gain weight.

69) 1-2 teaspoon of onion juice with honey twice or thrice a day relieves chest congestion.

              Click here to explore more about Honey

70) One teaspoon of onion juice with equal amount of honey if taken lowers the blood pressure.

71) Intake of 2 teaspoon of onion juice with ginger juice controls vomiting.

               Click here for more information about Ginger

72) Application of onion paste on feet reduces heat stroke.

73) Onion juice diluted with rose water applied as eye drops. It helps in improving the eye sight.

74) Onion piece soaked in vinegar or lemon juice if taken with salt and black pepper twice a day helps to cure jaundice.

75) Onion juice mixed with hot water acts as diuretic.

             Click here for more information about Hot water

76) Massage with sesame oil mixed with onion juice relieves arthritic pain.

             Click here for more informat about sesame seed and oil

77) After removing the bee stings from the site, application of crushed onion to the bee stung site reduces the inflammation

78) Rubbing of raw onion on mosquito bite relieves itching.

79) Application of onion juice reduces age spots/marks.

80) Rinsing the face with refrigerated onion juice diluted with water reduces the oily skin.

81) Application of the mixture of onion juice, apple cider and vinegar helps to get rid of Melasma.

82) Chopped onion is added to the shampoo bottle; kept for 2 weeks and used to wash the hair. This facilitates hair growth.

83) Place onion slices on the area as soon as possible to facilitate the healing process in bruises.

84) Eating fried onion helps in preventing and dissolving the blood clots.

85) Eating onion slices with salt after meal helps reducing recurring hiccups.

86) Regular intake of few slices of onion reduces the menstrual problems.

87) Rubbing with onion and garlic paste together reduces the toxic effects produced in the localised area in insect bite.

              Click here for more information about Garlic

88) Few drops of white onion juice if used as nasal drops, it effectively cures nasal blockage.

89) Onion juice mixed with honey is rubbed on the dog bite site to reduce its poisonous effect.

90) Keeping the slices of white onion on forehead reduces the temperature in case of fever.

91) Application of onion juice on burn wound facilitates wound healing.

92) Regular consumption of onion reduces the incidence of osteoporosis.

93) Onions are effective in treatment of diabetes as it increases the insulin production.

94) Red onion helps to preserve and maintain the normalcy of cholesterol in the body.

95) Daily intake of red onion reduces the incidence of coronary heart diseases.

96) Application of onion juice on moles helps to reduce the markings.

97) Application of onion juice on scalp reduces hair fall.

98) Eating onion twice a day helps to clear stuffed nostrils and alleviates Asthma, bronchial and nasal catarrh.

99) Onion juice mixed with half the quantity of honey if taken daily on empty stomach for 1-2 months will help to develop resistance against cold, fever, respiratory infection and worm infestation.

100) A tablespoon of lime juice and onion juice (equal quantity) if taken before the journey will avoid motion sickness.

101) Drinking onion juice mixed with ghee or sugar for a fortnight helps in recovery from bleeding piles.

           Click here for more information about Ghee/clarified butter

102) Outer peeling of onion is boiled with a cup of water and used as a hair conditioner; particularly in dry area where only hard water is available.

103) Fine paste of smashed potato and white onion is applied to cure the burn lesions.

104) Turmeric powder mixed with bishops weed and onion juice helps in all types of skin infections and rashes.

105) Apply onion juice 10 minutes before hair wash, is known to improve hair shine, hair growth and reduces hair fall.

106) Steam of red onion used for washing wound facilitates faster healing in chronic wounds.

Note : 

  • According to research done on red, white, green and violet onion. Chopping, refrigeration, oven roasting, and frying did not have a significant reduction in flavonols and anthocyanin contents in red onions.
  • Onions contain antioxidants and compounds that fight inflammation, decrease triglycerides and reduce cholesterol level.
  • Their potent anti-inflammatory properties due to flavonoid compounds such as Quercetin with high amount of potassium may also help reduce high blood pressure and protect against blood clots.
  • Onions have mild anti-asthmatic and potent anti-inflammatory effects. However, onions cannot be used for therapeutic purposes in bronchitis and asthma, but it can be a good diet for patients with bronchitis and asthma. 

                     - For asthma mixture of onion and black pepper with honey is very useful.

            Click here for more information about Honey

  • Onion juice tropical application can help reducing hair loss and increasing re-growth of hairs on the scalp. Onion juice improves the blood circulation to the hair roots and scalp. Sulfur present in onion juice helps in production of collagen tissues. Collagen formation is necessary for the hair growth. Onion juice is also anti-dandruff and anti-microbial, which helps reducing scalp infections and provides strength to the hairs.

        -  Zinc helps to secrete the scalp with much needed oil and avoid dandruff that may cause hair loss.Onion is used because it is rich in Sulphur which is one of the essential minerals in encouraging hair growth. Blood circulation gets better due to Sulphur which provides the hair follicles with anti-bacterial properties of onion help to heal scalp infections that can contribute to hair loss.

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Reference : 

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