Watermelon/Tarbuja - Health benefits, chemical constituents, side effects and many more
Watermelon (family Cucurbitaceae and species Citrullus lanatus) is a major fruit widely distributed in the tropics and sub tropic regions. It is one of the most important vegetable crops and has large, round, oval or oblong fruit shape, the skin is smooth, with dark green rind. Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) a fruit crop, is a herbaceous creeping plant.
It shows Antioxidant, anti diabetic, antimicrobial, anti-hypertensive, mosquitocidal, repellent, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, radioprotective, anti-ulcer and laxative properties.
Click here for more information about Anti-oxidant and free radicals
It has different names in different languages such as Hindi Name(Tarbuja, Tarbuja), Marathi Name(Kalingada), English Name(Watermelon), Gujarati Name(Tadbuja), Telugu Name(Panchkaya, Tarbhuja), Tamil Name(Komati), Bengali Name(Tarmuja), Pujabi Name(Tarabuuja),
Vitamin and mineral content
Vitamin : A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, choline
Minerals : Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, zinc
• Watermelon fruit is 91% water, contains 6% sugars, and low in fat.
• lycopene is an extensively studied antioxidant potentially present in watermelon, tomato, pink guava etc. Watermelon is one of the unique sources having readily available cis-isomeric lycopene.
• The distinctive aroma of watermelon is imparted by medium- and short-chain fatty acids along with geranial, ├Я-ionone and neral that are some of the norisoprenoid and monoterpene compounds.
• watermelon rind contains important amino acid (citrulline). Citrulline is a non-protein amino acid and was first identified from watermelon. Citrulline is used in the nitric oxide system in humans and has antioxidant and vasodilatation roles. According to 2013 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, citrulline improves circulation by reducing muscle soreness and heart rate.
• Watermelon seeds are quite healthy and edible. They contain iron, zinc, protein, and fibre.
• Watermelon fruit contains carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, steroids, glycosides, tannins, polyphenols and carotenoids including lycopene.
• watermelon seeds are considered to be a good source of oil that can be used in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Seed oils showed high amounts of total unsaturated fatty acids (~82.32%), mainly oleic (C18:1) and linoleic (C18:2) acids.
Properties and benefits
• Taste – Sweet
• potency – cold (shitha)
• Vrishya – aphrodisiac
• Effect on Tridosha – Balances pitta and neutral on kapha and vata
Click here for more information about Tridoshashas
• Santharpano – nourishes all tissues (dhatu)
• Balya – improves strength
• Veerya vivardhana – increases virility
• Pushti vivardhana – increases nutrition
• Daha – relieves burning sensation
• Shrmapaha – relieves fatigue
> Seeds, watermelon seed kernels, dried
• Rasa – mild sweet
• Guna – heavy (as it is dried)
• Veerya – cold (may be hard to digest)
• Taste conversation after digestion – sweet
• Effect on Doshas –
Vata balancing (contains magnesium, which can cure migraine, muscle cramps, strengthens bones)
Pitta balancing (contains iron which is Pitta balancing)
Kapha increasing (strnegthen simmune system, improves male fertility)
Uses, benefits and application
1) Vitamin A helps keep skin and hair moisturized and it also encourages healthy growth of new collagen and elastin cells. Vitamin C is also beneficial in this regard, as it promotes healthy collagen growth.
2) The rind is used to make pickles and eaten as vegetable, candied fruit, stir-fried, stewed or grilled.
3) watermelon Seeds are used as snacks. They are dried, roasted or ground into flour.
4) Watermelon juice is used as antiseptic in typhus fever.
5) watermelon Seeds Used to relieve symptoms of acute inflammation of urinary bladder.
6) Ash of dried rind of watermelon is applied on aphthous mouth ulcers.
7) Juice of watermelon with added sugar(jaggery) and cumin is the best coolant drink. It is a good remedy in painful, difficult urination, urinary tract infection, gonorrhoea, liver congestion and inflammation.
Click here for more information about Jaggery / Gud
Click here for more information about Cumin seeds/ Jeera
8) Seeds of watermelon are coolant, diuretic and nutritive in nature.
9) Flowers are diuretic and coolant.
10) In some places, its pericarp is used in diarrhoea.
11) Watermelon is a sweet, commonly consumed fruit of summer, usually as fresh slices, diced in mixed fruit salads, or as juice. Watermelon juice can be blended with other fruit juices or made into wine.
12) watermelon is beneficial in relieving inflammation, fatigue, excess thirst, oedema, kidney infections, scanty, painful urination, bladder infection etc.
- Lycopene in watermelon makes it an anti-inflammatory fruit. Lycopene is an inhibitor for various inflammatory processes and also works as an antioxidant to neutralize free radical.
13) Heart health : Watermelon contains high levels of lycopene that is very effective in protect cells from damage and lower the risk of heart disease. Watermelon extracts help to reduce hypertension and lower blood pressure in obese adults. Watermelon fruit is also a good source of potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Thus, it prevents against stroke and coronary heart diseases.
- Watermelon's high levels of lycopene are very effective at protecting cells from damage and may help lower the risk of heart disease, according to a study at Purdue University. A study published in the American Journal of Hypertension found that watermelon extracts helped reduce hypertension and lower blood pressure in obese adults.
14) Watermelons help with overall hydration and additionally watermelon juice is full of electrolytes. This can even help prevent heat stroke.
- Watermelon has a high water content. This makes it hydrating and helps you feel full.
15) Drinking watermelon juice before an intense workout helps reduce next-day muscle soreness and heart rate. This can be attributed to watermelon's amino acids citrulline and arginine, which help improve circulation.
16) Regular intake of Watermelon helps to reduce the acid level in the stomach because of its Shitala(cold) property.
17) Applying Watermelon pulp paste gives excellent cooling effect and reduce burning sensation due to its cold potency and healing nature.
18) Watermelon seeds will help reduce the appearance of lines, wrinkles as well as age spots.
19) Eating of Watermelon seeds increases energy levels & immunity, and reduces stress.
- Watermelon seeds helps in improving memory and also boosts brain health.
20) B vitamin that is present in Watermelon Seeds helps regulate metabolism and improve nervous system function.
21) Magnesium in Watermelon Seeds helps in better digestion and prevents in formation of stomach acids.
22) It quenches the thirst and balances Pitta inside the body. Excess Pitta inside the body is responsible for burning sensation.
Side effects :
1) Taking it in very large quantities can cause weak digestion.
2) Eating too much of it increases Kapha
3) some people consuming watermelon can cause Allergic reactions. This is for those people who are naturally allergic to watermelons.
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Reference :
1) EXCLI J. Published online 2014 Jun 3. PMCID: PMC4464475
2) Nutrients. Published online 2019 Mar 12. PMCID: PMC6470521
3) Curr Dev Nutr. Published online 2019 Jun 13. PMCID: PMC6573957
4) Biochem Pharmacol, an open access journal. ISSN: 2167-0501.
5) Niger Med J. 2015 Jul-Aug; . PMCID: PMC4697216
6) Reetu and Tomar.Watermelon : A valuable horticultural crop with nutritional benefits.Popular Kheti.2017;5(2):5-9.
7) International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 2016; 5(2): 139-144
8) International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review 27(1): 1-9, 2019; Article no.IJBCRR.46989 ISSN: 2231-086X, NLM ID: 101654445
9) Bhojanakutoohalam
10) Local tradition and knowledge
11) Wikipedia
12) NCBI
14) World Journal of Advance Healthcare Research│ Volume 5, Issue 1. 2021 │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │
15) Bhavaprakasha Nighantu
16) Imeage source : pexels
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ReplyDeleteTry mixing different veggies to get the various minerals, vitamins & antioxidants in your diet to yield the benefits of vegetable juice.