Marking nut( bibba )


       Marking nut( bibba )

Very few people knows this fruit which is called as making nut by Europeans. It is a deciduous tree and it is closely related cashew. Fruit is composed of two parts, a reddish-orange (accessory fruit) and a black drupe that grows at the end. The orange part of this fruit is edible and sweet when ripe, but the black part of this fruit is toxic and produces a severe allergic reaction if it is consumed or its resin comes in contact with the skin. The seed inside the black fruit, known as godambi (गोडंबी), is edible when properly prepared. As it belongs to Anacardaceae family, it is very hot in potency

It is commonly known ‘Ballataka’ or ‘Bhilwa’, has been used in various traditional system of medicines for various ailments since ancient times. Its nuts contain a variety of biologically active compounds such as biflavonoids, phenolic compounds, bhilawanols, minerals, vitamins and amino acids, which show various medicinal properties. The fruit and nut extract shows various activities like antiatherogenic, antiinflammatory, Antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-reproductive, CNS stimulant, hypoglycemic, anticarcinogenic hypolipidemic neuroprotective, hypoglycemic,  hair growth promoter and antifungal. A variety of nut extract preparations from this source are effective against many diseases, viz., arthritis, tumors, infections and so on. 

It has many other names in many other languages such as Hindi name( Bhilawa, belatak, bhela, bhilava), English name( Marking nut, Ink nuts, Marsh Nut, Oriental Cashew Nut),  Tamil name( cenkottai, arutkaram, erimuki, , seraangottai), Kannada name( aginimukhi, bhallataka,chera),  Malayalam name( alakkuceru, cera, cerkkotta),  Urdu name( baladur, bhilanvana ),  Persian name( biladur ),  Arab name( beladin, hab-el-kalb ),  Telugu name( bhallaathaki, gudova,jeedi, shenta, simidi ),  Marathi name( bibba, bibha, bibo, bibwa ),  sanskrit name( Antahsattva, Arusharah, Aruskara (Arukara), Arzohita, Balla’ta (Bhallata, Ballata), Bhallataka (Bhalltaka), Bhallatakah, Viravrksa, Visasya).

It is used in the preparation of various Indian sweets. It’s light taste with crunchiness makes it perfect to be added to various desserts as a topping. 


Properties of marking nut according to Ayurveda(After ripening)

Kashaya – astringent
Pachana – helps in digestion
Snigdha – unctuous
Teekshna – piercing
Ushna – hot
Chedana – has cutting, slicing effect
Bhedi – induces purgation.
Medhya – improves intelligence
Vahnikara – promotes digestion
Kaphavatahara -balances Kapha and Vata
Vranahara – induces quick wound healing
Udarahara – useful in ascites
Kushta – useful in skin diseases
Arshahara – useful in piles
Grahani – Useful in malabsorption syndrome
Gulma – Useful in gaseous distention of abdomen
Shopha -Relieves inflammation
Anaha – relieves bloating
Jwara – useful in fever
Krimi- useful in worm infestation.

Biological classification

S. anacardium

Marking nut(ripened)

Marking nut(dried)

How to do purification of marking nut?

As it is of hot potency, it's contact with skin causes burning sensation. Because of this purification is done

step 1: Ripe seeds of marking nut  taken, and put into water. Only those which sink are used for purification.

Step 2: Then seed is cut into two and kept immersed in dry brick powder for sometime. During this time, the dry brick powder absorbs all the strong pungent oil and reduces its pungency and makes it usable for medicinal purposes.

Ayurvedic uses

1) There is no Kapha imbalance disease and constipation, which can’t be cured by this marking nut( Bhallataka ).

2) It improves intelligence and promotes digestion.

3) it is also used in treatment of hemorrhoids ( shows good result ).

4) it is applied on wound. Because it shows antimicrobial property.

5) it is used in the diseases due to vata, like sciatica, paralysis, facial palsy, epilepsy, rheumatic conditions.

6) The combination, bhallatak(marking nut), haritaki, Tila(Sesame Seed) powders with jaggery, awards excellent results in chronic rheumatic disorders.

7) it is best medicine to cure various skin related disorder such skin rash, swelling, itching, etc

8) it is good for reliving constipation, digestive disorder, ascites, distention, piles and various type of warm infestation

                                 ---- Proper advice should take from ayurved  Practitioners abou how to take for different disease.


1) it is allergic to some person.

2) use after proper detoxification.

3) seed inside it called godambi also gives heating effects so it is good to consume in winter not in summer. It is used in winter dink ladu.

4) It should not be used by kids and pregnant women ( you can use godambi, rest all don't use )

5) Due to its hot potency it should not be used in hot weather

Ayurvedic medicine which contains Bhallataka ( marking nut )
                          - In Ayurveda marking seed is called as bhallataka

1) Bhallataka Rasayana( skin diseases,  anti aging, Weakness,  Blood loss)

2) Sanjivani Vati ( poisoning, fever, dyspepsia, indigestion, gastro-enteritis )

Note: 1) The salt, spices and exposure to sun should be strictly restricted and during Bhallataka treatment.

           2) Bhallataka is used for hair care in traditional system of medicines. It is used for dyeing, and promoting hair growth in folk medicine.

           3) it shows antispermatogenic effect ( not internal godambi part, only external part ).
                                 - according  to research methanolic and ache extract of this show this property.

           4) it contains large amount of Antioxidant.

           5) it contains large amount of active compounds such as phenolic compounds, biflavonoids, sterols. Research is ongoing on this nut to identify more active compounds.

          6) flowers of this plant are also beneficial  for asthma.
          7) All the three Brihatrayee (three major treatises), viz. Charak,  Sushrut and Vagbhat of Ayurveda elaborately described Bhallatak formulations. 
          8) Bhallatak is acclaimed as Ardha-Vaidya meaning it does half the job of a physician

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Refrance : 1) NCBI
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                    3) charak samhita chikitsa
                    4) Indian Journal of Traditional
                    5) Sushruta and vagbhat ayurvedic prepration


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