Rose/Gulab/Shatapatri - Health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more



Rosa centifolia Linn. is also known as Cabbage rose or Hundred leaved rose or Shatapatri or Taruni. It is one of the species commonly available in India. In Ayurveda it is mentioned that every plant existing in this universe is a Medicine. Rose is the best example of this saying. This Ornamental plant is having many medicinal properties which are mentioned in classics of Ayurveda and are also being critically studied through researches. Also it is used in traditional system of medicine for the management of inflammatory conditions including arthritis, cough, asthma, bronchitis, wounds, ulcers etc.

It shows antidepressant, psychological relaxation, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antifungal, probiotic and antipyretic effects, smooth muscle relaxation, lipid-lowering content, antitussive, hypnotic, antidiabetic, relaxant, antiulcerogenic effects.

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Phytochemical constituents

Several components were isolated from flowers, petals and hips (seed-pot) of R. damascena including terpenes, glycosides, flavonoids, and anthocyanins. This plant contains carboxylic acid, myrcene, vitamin C, kaempferol and quarcetin. Flowers also contain a bitter principle, tanning matter, fatty oil and organic acids. It found more than 95 macro- and micro-components in the essential oil. Among them, eighteen compounds represented more than 95% of the total oil. The identified compounds were; β-citronellol (14.5-47.5%), nonadecane (10.5-40.5%), geraniol (5.5-18%), and nerol and kaempferol were the major components of the oil.

The therapeutic potential of Rose species is based on its antioxidant effects caused by or associated with its phytochemical composition, which includes ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds and healthy fatty acids.

The important chemical constituents isolated from flower petals by gas chromatography analysis were Phenyl ethanol (43%), Geranyl acetate (15.6%), Geraniol (10.5%), Linalool (6.9%), Benzyl alcohol (3.3%), Benzaldehyde (1.5%), Nerol (5-10%), Citronellyl acetate (0.3%). It also contains tannins, oloigomeric proantrocyanides, saccharine matter, mineral salts, salt of mallic acid & tartaric acid, Pectin (11%), Riboflavin, sugars, purgative glycosides (multiflorin A & B).

Rose essential oil is rich in flavanoids, tannins, antioxidants, and vitamins A, B3, C, D and E

Properties and Benefits

  • Guna – Laghu (Light),Snigdha (slimy)
  • Rasa (Taste) – Tikta (Bitter),Kashaya (Astringent), Madhura (Sweet)
  • Taste conversationafter digestion – Madhura (Sweet) 
  • Veerya (Potency) – Shitala (Cold)
  • Effect on Tridosha – Tridosahara (pacifies all 3 dosha)
  •                  Click here to explore more information about Tridosha (vata-Kapha-Pitta)
  • Hrdya – Strengthens the heart
  • Shukrala – improves & and female reproductive system, improves sperm quality & quantity
  • Grahi – absorbent, bowel binding, useful in IBS, diarrhoea
  • Deepani – improves digestion strength
  • Hrudya – cardiac tonic, good for heart
  • Varnya – promotes skin complexion 
  • Medhya – Brain tonic
  • Twachya – Beneficial for skin
  • Ruchya – Enhancing taste
  • Vrushya – Aphrodisiac
  • Kushthaghna – Anti leprosy
  • Grahee – Absorbent
  • Pittahara – Balances Pitta
  • Dahahara – relieves internal burning sensation, like Pitta imbalance conditions such as gastritis, sore throat, laryngitis, sun stroke etc
  • Jwarahara – useful in fever 
  • Indicated in
  • Mukhapakaghni – indicated in mouth ulcers
  • Trushna – Excessive thirst
  • Chardi – vomiting
  • Raja Taruni(bigger variety):
  • Kashaya – astringent
  • Kaphakara – increases Kapha Dosha
  • Chakshushya – useful in improving eye sight
  • Harshada – pleasant, useful in depression
  • Hrudya – cardiac tonic 
  • Kubjaka variety/plant musk rose(Rosa moschata)
  • Swadu – sweet
  • Kahaya – astringent 
  • Sara – laxative, promotes movement of liquids in channels
  • Tridosha shamana – balances all the three Doshas
  • Vrushya – aphrodisiac
  • Sheetahara – alleviates coldness

Uses, Remedies, Benefits and Application 

1) The paste of the rose petals or the powder of the dried petals is applied over the wounds for quicker healing. 

2) Gulkand is a cool herbal preparation, it reduces the occurrence of mouth ulcers and helps reducing burning sensation and pain in the mouth due to mouth ulcers.

3) The extract of the rose petals is used as drops or eye wash in burning sensation of the eyes. 

4) The dried paste of the petals of rose is taken internally in a dose of 5g along with milk to treat gastritis and duodenal ulcer. 

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5) Gulkand is a general tonic, which helps to reduce fatigue, muscle pain, burning, lethargies and mental stress. Eating Gulkand helps to relieve Stress.

6) The decoction prepared from the rose buds in a dosage of 20-30ml in divided doses is used to treat constipation. 

7) Acidity is a common problem worldwide and many people have to take antacid drugs on empty stomach every day. Some feel burning sensation in throat, heartburn, sour mouth or throat, indigestion and stomach ache. You can get rid of all these problems using Gulkand in your daily life. You can eat Gulkand every day at night just before sleep/after meals along with betal leaves.

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8) Rosehip tincture is an effective astringent for treating diarrhea or in relieving colic or as a component in cough remedies.


9) Gulkand also helps to reduce the side effects of antibiotics, painkillers and other strong drugs that cause nausea, burning sensation and ulcers.

10) Rose water, derived from its petals, is good for rejuvenating skin and fighting skin problems like allergies and acne. A few drops of Rose water may help provide instant relief from strain in the eyes due to its Sita (cooling) and Ropan (healing) properties.

11) Rose essential oil is used in aromatherapy to treat insomnia and blood pressure. The rose extract or oil is used extensively in the cosmetic industry as an ingrdient of soap, body wash, perfumes, body spray etc.

12) Gulkand is natural remedy for kid’s constipation. It is also delicious and favorite among children. You may need giving Gulkand for several days to get a cure of constipation. In addition,  include fiber rich fruits and vegetables in your kid’s diet along with Gulkand.

13) Regular consumption of Gulkand reduces the impact of excess heat on the body, sunstroke, water retention problem.

14) Rose perfumes are made from rose oil (also called attar of roses), which is a mixture of volatile essential oils obtained by steam distilling the crushed petals of roses. An associated product is rose water which is used for cooking, cosmetics, medicine and religious practices.

15) A gargle made from petal infusion of rose is used for sore throats.

16) Rose petal jam/Gulkand is useful in managing digestive problems like hyperacidity and diarrhea due to its anti-inflammatory and laxative property.

17) Creams from the essential oil of rose are used to treat dry or inflamed skin. 

18) Gulkand, a sweet preserve of rose petals, is an ayurvedic medicine and Indian traditional recipe used for skin, constipation in pregnancy & kids, acidity, gastritis, ulcer, Indigestion, dysmenorrhea, acne, foul body odor, palpitation, hypertension, nosebleed, stress, etc.

19) The dried hips of the wild rose are especially high in vitamin C, having three times that of citrus fruits, and have long been used to prevent scurvy. 

20) The paste of the petals is applied over the body to control excessive sweating and to give a pleasant smell. 

21) It has a long history in its use in folk remedies, especially in the area of skincare. It is suitable for all skin types, but it is especially valuable for dry, sensitive or aging skins. It has a tonic and astringent effect on the capillaries just below the skin surface, which makes it useful in diminishing the redness caused by enlarged capillaries. It is also used in various formulations like rose water, Gulkand, Rose oil, Rose petal tea. 

22) Rose wate/Rose oil helps in decreasing the redness due to inflammation or skin rash when applied to the affected area. This is due to its Sita (cold) and Kashaya properties.

23) The most therapeutic effects of R. damascena in ancient medicine are including treatment of abdominal and chest pain, strengthening the heart, treatment of menstrual bleeding and digestive problems, and reduction of inflammation, especially of the neck.

24) Herbal tea prepared using rose petals is consumed to treat acidity, burning sensation in the body, dryness of the oral cavity and effective against infection in the intestine.

Gulkand; How to make?

  1. Take fresh rose petals and sugar(Mishri)  in the ratio of 2:1
  2. Mix  rose petals and sugar together.
  3. Preserve the mixture in glass jar and keep under sunlight.
  4. keep under sunlight for a few days.
  5. This is an conventional non heating method, which helps to preserve nutrients present in the rose petals.


  • Medicinal properties are found in the original variety of rose than in the hybrid cultivated variety.
  • Rosa damascena Mill. forma trigintipetala Dieck, Rosa alba L. Rosa damascena Mill. var. alba, Rosa gallica L. Rosa centifolia, Rosa chinensis, and Rosa rugosa are grown worldwide predominantly as a raw material for the perfume and cosmetics industry
  • In India about 150 original varieties and more than 2500 hybrid varieties of roses are found. 
  • Cabbage rose is commonly found and also cultivated plant throughout cold and temperatic climate of India. It grows to a height of 1.5-2 m with spikes. It is cultivated for its fragrant flowers which are used commercially.

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