Betel leaf(pan) - Health benefits, ayurvedic remedies, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more

                      Pan(betel leaf)

Betel leaf which is commenly called as 'pan' in India. it is mostly consumed in many asain countries. In India pan is consumed from ancient times. It is mostly consumed with supari(arcea nut) or tobacco by many Indian people. Consumption paan without tobacco after a meal is better for digestion.                     

In many Indian festival pan is used most in Pooja's(because of its religious value). Many old people consume pan along with kattha(catechu). Catechu is mostly used as astringent(constict or shrink tissue) in ancient times in ayurveda as well as in many breath freshening spices(such as pan masala). Experimental studies have shown that it possess diverse biological and pharmacological effects, which includes antibacterial, antifungal, larvicidal, antiprotozal, anticaries, gastroprotective effects, free radical scavenging, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory hepatoprotective, immunomodulatory, antiulcer and chemopreventive activities.     

Ancient Ayurveda scriptures recommended Tambula Sevana (Paan/ betel leaves chewing) for normal wellbeing. According to Ayurveda, Tambula Sevana is a post meal digestive 
stimulant, oral deodorant, natural antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, mood elevator, aphrodisiac, and nerve tonic. It relaxes the mind, creates a feeling of wellbeing and improves the vocal chords. The antioxidant activity of its ingredients provides enormous scope in correcting the imbalances between free radicals and anti-free radicals, which is the major cause of several diseases. Betel leaf is useful for the treatment of various diseases like bad breath, boils and abscesses, conjunctivitis, constipation, headache, hysteria, itch, mastitis, leucorrhoea, ringworm, swelling of gum, rheumatism, abrasion, cuts and injuries etc.
Betal leaves have many health benefits and they are loaded with vitamins like Vitamin C, thiamine(vit. B1), niacin(vit. B3, riboflavin(vit. B2), carotene and a good source of calcium. Phytochemicals: chavibetol, chavicol, hydroxychavicol, diosgenin, eugenol, allylpyrocatechol, methyl eugenol, triterpenes
                         ( Refrance: flora journal and ncbi)

Properties of Betel leaf

• Rasa(taste) – bitter, pungen
• Vipaka(taste conversion after digestion) – Katu (pungent)
• Virya(potency) – Ushna (hot)
• Gunna – Kshara – alkaline
• Laghu – light to digest Saram – flowing nature
• Shleshma – relieves diseases related to kapha dosha like cough, high cholesterol level, abscess, diabetes, obesity etc
• Ruchya – Improves taste
• It relieves bad breath (Halitosis), removes dirt, moistness and cleanses the oral cavity.
• Vata – Vata disorders
• Srama – exhaustion
• Balyam – improves strength
•Kandu – itching
• Swarya – improves voice
• Kasa – cough Sore throat, Asthma
Anorexia, tastelessness
Bloating Inflammation

Method of Preparation of Ayurvedic Tambula/ pan

Tambula or Paan chewing should be done daily and in the general preparation of it, two betel leaves are washed with water and smear with slaked lime and then with Khadira (catechu) paste, Puga (Areca nut) with this other ingredients like Karpura, Kasturi, Jatiphala, or other fruits which produce cleansing of the mouth along with Sugandha Dravyas 
(aromatic substances) are added and, it is wrapped carefully with the same leaves. While preparing one should discard the tip, root and the middle portion (rib) of the betel leaf. 

Tip : After eating pan two spits are necessary because these because juice produced in first and second spit is somewhat poisonous and hard to digest

Biological classification:

Kingdom:   Plantae
Clade:    Tracheophytes
Clade:    Angiosperms
Clade:    Magnoliids
Order:    Piperales
Family:   Piperaceae
Genus:    Piper
Species:   P. betle    

Ayurvedic remedy

1) it used in kapha related diseases like cough, running nose, bloating etc.

2) it is used as paan mix to relieve bad breath, toothache, tastelessness, cough, sore throat. 
           Pan mix : pan with edible, clove, nutmeg, cardamom, fennel, mint.

3) Chewing betel leaf after meal relieves indigestion, bloating, anorexia and cleanses the mouth.

4) betel leaf juice is used in asthma, laryngitis (swelling of vocal cords) and sore throat.
Betel leaves applied with castor oil is warmed and tied over the chest relieves asthma and cough in children.

5) in diphtheria juice of 4 betel leaves or 2 drops of betel leaf oil is mixed with warm water is used to gargle. Its steam can also be inhaled.
6 ) betel leaf are warmed and tied over arthritic joints to relieve pain, swelling and inflammation. 

7) Chewing betel leaf after meal relieves indigestion, bloating, anorexia and cleanses the mouth.

8) Reduces Kapha and Vata Dosha, Grahi (water 
absorbent), improves taste perception and 
enhances digestive power, causes downward 
movement of Vata Dosha, produces cleanliness 
and wards off the bad odour from the mouth, cures the hoarseness of voice, kill the germs, useful in skin diseases.

9) Combination of betel leaves with slaked lime, 
areca nut and catechu mitigates( reduces/ balances ) all the three Dosha.

10) eye drops – In netraabhishyanda (conjunctivitis) juice of betel leaf with honey is used as eye drops.

11) purgative – Due to its sramsana effect it is used as mild purgative. For constipation cold infusion of betel leaves taken in empty stomach can be used.

12) in children stalk of betel leaf dipped in castor oil is used as suppository to relieve constipation.

                                 (Refrance: Sushruta samhita, local traditions and uses, ncbi  and many more)

 Benefits of Betel Leaf:

Improves Digestion:

Betel leaves increase metabolism triggering circulation and stimulating the intestines to absorb vital vitamins, minerals and nutrients.  Betal leaf show some property such as carminative ( prevent formation of gas), intestinal(absorption of vitamin and minerals), anti-flatulent( prevent accumulation of gas in intestine )

Eases Constipation:

Betel leaves are full of antioxidants. It restores normal PH levels in the body and helps upset stomach( the condition such as heart burn, indigestion, nausea). Ayurveda widely suggests that  eating betel leaves for relief from constipation.

             Ayurvedic tip: Crush betel leaves and put it in the water overnight. Drink the water in the morning on an empty stomach to ease bowel movements.

Reduces respiratory issues:

Betel leaf widely helps in treating issues related to cough and cold. It is an excellent cure for those suffering from chest, lung congestion and asthma.

Ayurvedic tip: 
1)soak leaves in mustard oil, warm it and place it on the chest to cure congestion.

2) Boil few leaves in water, add cardamom, cloves and cinnamon in two cups of water. Reduce it to 1 cup and consume this two to three times a day for an excellent relief from congestion and breathing issues.

3)Betel leaf juice with honey and ginger can be given to children to get rid of phlegm and wet cough


Betel leaf is an highly analgesic( because of its pain relief property).
It can be used in pain caused due to cuts, bruises, rashes. Make a paste of betel leaves and apply on the affected area. Betel leaf juice provides relief from internal pains in the body, it is analgesic

Antiseptic and anti-fungal properties:

Betel leaves have amazing antiseptic properties as they are rich in polyphenols especially chavicol offering dual protection from germs. It is also used extensively in treating arthritis and orchitis.


          1) It’s amazing anti-fungal properties provide instant relief from fungal infections. Applying the paste of betel leaves kills fungal infection in the affected region.

          2)A betal leaves contain active molecules called tannins and alkaloids. Tannin shows antidiabetic properties while Betel alkaloids can lower blood glucose levels by inhibiting glucose absorption in the intestine.

          3) betel leaf also releases catecholamines that interact with the compounds released by areca nut and slaked lime. This, in turn, can cause oral and throat cancers so avoid eating betal leaf with areca nut and slaked lime.

          4) Chewing on paan may induce a sense of well-being, alertness, increased heartbeat, and mild euphoria(intense excitement and happiness) due to this reason it give relif from pain so it is addictive.

          5) it helps from depression at some extent because of its euphoria property.

          6) act as a moth freshener and prevents oral infection(if you use it without slaked lime, areca nut, tobacco and kettha).
          7) no records of side effects till.

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