Amazing health benefits of Cow Milk



Cow’s milk (CM) and dairy products represent basic foods for human nutrition and development, being unique sources of energy, nutrients, calcium, proteins, and vitamins. Cow Milk is usually the first food introduced into an infants’ diet when breastfeeding is either not possible or insufficient to cover nutritional needs.

Cow's milk contains, on average, 3.4% protein, 3.6% fat, and 4.6% lactose, 0.7% minerals and supplies 66 kcal of energy per 100 grams.

The average composition of cow milk constitutes 3.5% protein (80% caseins, 20% serum proteins), 3–4% lipid (triglycerides), 4.6% carbohydrate (lactose), 1% mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium), vitamins (especially B1, B2, B6, retinol, carotenes, tocopherol) and 88% water.

Properties and Benefits

  • Swadu – Sweetness
  • Sheeta – cold
  • Mrudu – soft
  • Snigdha – unctuous, oily
  • Bahala – dense, thick
  • Shlakshna – smoothness,
  • Picchila – slimeness, stickiness
  • Guru – heavy
  • Manda – slowness
  • Effect on Tridoshas : reduces Vata and Pitta but Increases Kapha.
  •           Click here for more information about Tridosha
  • Prasanna – calming, clarity
  • Jeevaneeya – enlivening
  • Rasayana – rejuvenating, anti aging
  • Medhya – Brain tonic, improves intelligence
  • Balya – improves strength and immunity
  • Stanya – improves lactation
  • Sara – laxative, promotes movement of liquids in channels
  • Improves Ojas – Ojas is taken into account because it is the factor responsible for immunity of the body.  
  • Nourishes the body tissues 
  • Acts as a natural aphrodisiac.
  • Rejuvenates, increases life expectancy.
  • Improves intelligence, strength
  • Increases breast milk in a feeding mother.
  • Assists in easy movement of intestines (peristalsis).
  • Relieves tiredness, dizziness, excessive thirst and hunger.
  • Useful in diseases like severe debility, relieving stage of fever, diseases associated with urinary system, bleeding disorders like nasal bleeding, heavy menstrual bleeding etc,
  • Cow milk for newborn – Cow milk is the next best thing to breast milk for the newborn.
  • Indicated in –
  • Kshataksheena – chest injury
  • Shrama – tiredness
  • Bhrama – dizziness, psychosis
  • Mada – intoxication
  • Alakshmi – inauspiciousness
  • Shwasa – asthma, respiratory disorders involving difficulty in breathing
  • Kasa – cold, cough
  • Trut – excess thirst
  • Kshudha – excess hunger
  • Jeernajwara – end stage of fever
  • Mutrakrichra – dysuria, difficulty to pass urine
  • Raktapitta  – bleeding disorders like nasal bleeding, Ulcerative colitis and menorrhagia

Uses, benefits and application

1) Cow milk in Ayurvedic oils – In processing many oils, where the oil is desired to have nourishing and rejuvenating effects, milk is added and processed along with oil and other herbs.

  • used for massage against degenerative diseases like Osteo arthritis,
  • used to calm burning sensation,
  • used to heal nerve irritation and nerve pain.
  • used to nourish and strengthen muscles and ligaments.

2) Milk boiled in copper alleviate vayu, in gold it alleviate pitta, in silver it alleviates kapha and in bronze it promotes blood.

3) Cow milk for gargling: To relieve burning sensation and to relieve oral ulcers.

4) After processing cow’s milk to paneer, therest over water is called morat and that has been found useful in treating many diseases.

5) Milk is used in detoxifying many herbal and mineral Ayurvedic ingredients.

6) As rain water extinguishes fire of forest, similarly a patient suffering from fever and having his  body emaciated by the fasting therapy become free from ailment by the intake of milk. 

7) Milk of black cow alleviates vayu, and is excellent for patient. The milk of white cow aggravates  kapha, while that of red cowaggravate vayu. The milk of brown cow alleviate vayu and pitta. The milk of yellow-cow alleviates pitta and is very useful.

8) Milk at bed time is for people who are underweight, excessively tired, those suffering from insomnia and low body weight. It is not recommended in people with high Kapha conditions such as obesity, cold, cough, weak digestion etc.

9) In order to digest milk properly, one should avoid drinking cold milk right out of the refrigerator. Milk should be brought to a boil. Allow the milk to foam up, and then bring the heat down so the milk is on a slow boil for about 5 to 10 minutes. Heating the milk changes its molecular structure so it is much easier for human consumption, and it reduces Kapha, making it lighter to digest. While cooking it, you may add a pinch of ground turmeric, a pinch of ground black pepper, a cinnamon stick, or a few pinches of ginger to reduce the heaviness of the milk and reduce any mucus-causing side effect. According to ayurveda, milk provides special and unique nutrition that cannot be derived from any other type of food. 

             Click here for more information about Cinnamon

             Click here for more information about Ginger


11) warm milk may be consumed with sweet tastes such as rice, cream of wheat, dates, and almonds.

            Click here for more information about Dates

            Click here for more information about Dates

12) If you have trouble digesting milk and have not consumed it for a while, then it is recommended that you start again in a gradual fashion to help your body acclimate to it. Start with drinking ⅛ of a cup of the boiled milk with ginger. Then gradually increase the amount to about a cup over a ten-day period.

13) Cow milk is administered as the only diet throughout the day, while administering some of the anti ageing recipes such as Shilajeet Rasayan. Cow milk along with cooked rice is the diet of choice while administering many other rejuvenation medicines such as Brahma Rasayan and Chyawanprash.

14) Cow Milk in Basti – Basti is a Panchakarma procedure, it is a type of enema. Milk processed with herbs is used for Basti in many acid peptic disorders, in Ayurveda.

15) Shirodhara with Cow milk – Shirodhara is a procedure, where a continuous stream of liquid is directed uniformly over the forehead region. Milk is used in cases where Vata and Pitta are involved. Like – headache and dizziness, which mainly have Vata and Pitta imbalance.

16) Garlic processed with milk, used in digestion problems.

           Click here for more information about Garlic

17) Cow’s milk acts as blood purifier and is very useful against various disorders of old age.

18) The cream of cows milk if used on hairs, maintains the shine and blackness.

19) person with lack of sleep and many sleep related problem, should take cow milk along with Nutmeg at bed time.

            Click here for more information about Nutmeg

Other remedies

1) Milk which is medicated, which is cold, which is hot, which is dharoshna (warm immediately after milking of cow) or the foam collected by the churning- all useful likenectar for the patients suffering from fever,Milk foam is useful for weak patient havingles power of digestion.

2) patient suffering from fever cay=used by vayu and pitta associated with burning sensation and thirst get cured by milk even if the doshas are adhered or detached or innirama (free of ama) state. In chronic fever, when there is reduction of kapha, milk works as ambrosia. After the fever is reduced in intensity, the residual dosha of such patients should be removed by the administration of milk.

3) Patient  suffering  from  fever  because  of vadha (stabbing etc.), banda (typing of ropes etc.), samavesha (affliction by evil spirits), fracture and dislocation should be in the beginning, be given food including alcoholic drinks and milk.

4) But milk is taken in the first stage of fever and then it works as a poison and may even kill the patient. Milk should not be administered  to  patient suffering from hiccup and remittent type of fever, however, if there is continuous cough in a patient suffering from asthma and in irregular type of fever, milk works as ambrosia (अमृत).

5) Milk boiled with Nagra, Mrdvika and Khajura and added with ghee as well as sugar cures fever  associated with morbid thirst. Use of milk for gargling cures dryness of palate, cause of morbid thirst.

6) Milk (32  parts), honey (4  parts), sugar (2parts), ghee (1 part), pippali (1 part) - churned with the help of stirrer and given to patient to drink, will cure irregular type of fever, heartdisease, cough and phthisis (Panca Sara). If hoarseness of voice is because of loud speaking take milk boiled  with  drugs belonging to Madhura gana, mixed  with sugar and honey. While with madhura varga useful for patient suffering from fainting.

           Click here for more information Ghee

           Click here for more information about Honey

7) The powder of amalka or the paste of Badri or Saindhava fried with ghee, should betaken along  with cow’s milk in the form of linctus cures hoarness of voice and cough.

             Click here for more information about Amlaka

8) The milk with turmeric help in alleviating the pain and healing of fracture, Intoxication caused by dhatura is cured by milk, mixed with sugar.

              Click here for more information about Turmeric

9) Candsur  mixed with milk and added  with ghee  and  sugar cures stiffness of lumbarregion and sciatica. Four palas of cleaned and dried garlic shouldbe added to eight times of milk and waterand boiled till the milk remains. This cures pain in arms, sciatica, irregular fever, abscess and heart disease.

   * Instead of sugar use natural sweetner such as mishri and many more.

Cow’s milk incompatibility

  • Milk along with sour substances and sour fruits is not recommended.
  • Milk along with horse gram is not recommended, because milk is a coolant and Horse gram is hot in nature.
  • After consuming green leafy vegetables and radish, drinking milk should be avoided.
  • Meals cooked with milk and fish or meat should be avoided

             - When combined with incompatible tastes, milk becomes indigestible and causes the build-up of harmful toxins in the body. 

Side effects

Excess intake of raw milk (not boiled) may cause hiccups and Respiratory disorders with difficulty in breathing.

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Refrence : 

1) Nutrients. Published online 2019 Jul 27.  PMCID: PMC6723250

2) Bhaisajya Ratnawali

3) Research & Reviews: Journal of Dairy Science and Technology.   ISSN: 2319-3409.  Volume 3, Issue 3

4) IndianJournals.   The Indian Cow  July-Sept., 2007 

5) Yoga  Ratanakar

6) Sushruta Samhita

7) Atreya

8) Charaka Chikittsa


10) Bhojana kutuhalam

11) NCBI


13) Local tradition and knowledge

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