AMLA/Indian gooseberry - Health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more

Amla/Indian gooseberry

All parts of the Emblica officinalis (EO) tree i.e, fruits, bark, leaves, seeds, flowers, and roots are known to have medicinal properties. EO is native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Southeast Asia including India, China, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Mascarene Island. EO is a vital medicinal plant in Ayurveda which is the ancient holistic system of medicine practiced in the Indian subcontinent.

Amla fruit is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C, containing approximately 20 times the vitamin C content of an orange. Its antioxidant effects explain its traditional use as one of the best rejuvenative tonics (rasayana) in Ayurvedic medicine particularly for Pitta Dosha.

Amalaki is revered in several traditional Vedic festivals. In the texts  of the Puranas, it is referred to as Divaushadhi, which means it is a divine plant, or divine ayurvedic medicine.

The fruit is used either alone or in combination with other herbs to treat many ailments such as common cold and fever; as a diuretic, laxative, liver tonic, refrigerant, stomachic, restorative, alterative, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, hair tonic, antianemia, antihypercholesterolemia, wound healing, antidiarrheal
                 Click here for more information about Antioxidants and Free radicals


Chemical constituents

Phytochemically, amla is composed of several bioactive compounds such as flavonoids (i.e, Quercetin, Kaempferol), phenolic compounds (i.e., gallic acid, methyl gallate, ellagic acid, trigallayl glucose), tannins (i.e., Emblicanin A and B, phyllaemblicin B, punigluconin, pedunclagin, Chebulinic acid, Corilagin, Geraniin, Ellagotannin), amino acids (i.e., glutamic acid, aspartic acid, alanine, lysine, proline, cystine), fatty acids (i.e., stearic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, myristic acid, linolenic acid, linoleic acid), alkaloids (i.e., Phyllantine, Phyllembein, Phyllantidine), pectin, citric acid, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), cellulose, gum, and albumin. 

The main constituents of Amalaki include ascorbic acid, fatty acids, bioflavonoids, polyphenols, cytokinins, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron, tannins, and pectin.
Based on the stage of ripening, the vitamin C content of amla varies and is the highest in ripe amla fruits (~800 mg/100 g) compared to unripe (~560 mg/100 g) or semi-ripe (~600 mg/100g) EO fruits.

A study by Carlson et al. revealed that EO has an antioxidant content of ~261.5 mmol/100 g which was substantially higher than numerous other plant-based foods and supplements that were tested using the FRAP assay in the same study. 

Compounds isolated from Emblica officinalis were galic acid, ellagic acid, 1-O galloyl-beta-D-glucose, 3,6-di-Ogalloyl- Dglucose, chebulinic acid, quercetin, chebulagic acid, corilagin, 1,6- di-O -galloyl beta D glucose, 3 Ethylgallic acid (3 ethoxy 4,5 dihydroxy benzoic acid) and isostrictiniin.
It also contains flavonoids, kaempferol 3 O alpha L (6'' methyl) rhamnopyranoside and kaempferol 3 O alpha L (6''ethyl) rhamnopyranoside. A new acylatedapigenin glucoside (apigenin 7 O (6'' butyryl beta glucopyranoside) was isolated from the methanolic extract of the leaves of amla with the known compounds; gallic acid, methyl gallate, 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloylglucose and luteolin-4'-Oneohesperiodoside were also reported

Properties and Benefits

  • Guna(Qualities) – Guru(Heaviness), Sheetala(Coolant)
  • Rasa(Taste) – Has five tastes(sour, Sweet, Bitter, Astringent & Pungent). Sour is dominant taste.
  • Taste conversion after digestion – Madhura(Sweet)
  • Veerya (potency) – Sheetala(Cold)
  • Effect on Tridosha – It balances all the three Doshas(Vata-Kapha-Pitta
  •                  Click here for more information about Tridosha (vata-Kapha-Pitta)
  • Vayasthapana – Of all the anti aging herbs Amla is the best.
  • Chakshushya – good for eyes, improves vision
  • It balances Vata due to its sour taste and Pitta dosha due to its sweetness & coldness and Kapha dosha due to dryness & astringent properties.
  • Raktapittaghna – useful in bleeding disorders.
  • Pramehaghna – Useful in diabetes and urinary tract disorders.
  • Vrushya – aphrodisiac
  • Rasayana – anti aging, rejuvenative
  • Kanthya – useful in throat diseases, improves voice, good for throat.
  • Hrudya – good for heart
  • Daahahara – relieves burning sensation
  • Jvarahara – useful in fever
  • Rasayana – anti aging, rejuvenative
  • Amalaki churna is used in preparing a type of salt called Vida Lavana

Amla seed kernal

  • Taste – sweet and astringent
  • Vrushya – natural aphrodisiac
  • Pradara – uterine bleeding disorders such as menorrhagia, metrorrhagia etc
  • Chardi – vomiting
  • Balances Vata and Pitta
  • Kasahara – relieves cold and cough
  • Laghu – light to digest
  • Kashaya – astringent
  • Balances Kapha and Vata Dosha
  • Madakrut – can cause intoxication on excess use.
useful in –
  • Trut – excess thirst
  • Chardi – vomiting
  • But seed kernel should be avoided during excessive diarrhea, abdominal colic, purpueral disorders and in pure Vata conditions.

Uses, Remedies, Benefits and Application

1) Amala with Aloevera juice for liver health, radiant skin and long hair.

2) Gooseberry, mint leaves and jaggery in hot water – useful to have a calm stomach, useful in acid peptic disorders.
3) Amla candy – usually made with sugar or jaggery. It is good for gastritis, to gain weight and to cool down the body during summer.

4) Weight loss : Half teaspoon of amla powder is taken along with Honey, 2 times a day.

5) Healthy Amla chat : Amla with spices like cinnamon, cumin & little ajwain powder, ginger and jaggery.                                   

6) Pickle : Few fruits of Amla pulp slices mixed with tablespoon of mustard oil with a little salt, curry leaves, green chilli and cumin seeds is useful to improve digestion strength.
Amla Chutney: Take ½ cups of Amla then add 1 cup of chopped coriander, 2-4 green chilies, pinch of hing (asafoetida) and salt as per your taste to it.
                       Click here for more information about Cumin seed

7) The fresh juice and raw fruits of AmalakI is cold in potency, tastier to drink, sweetish in taste, alleviates kapha doSha, reduces fever and burning sensation. It promotes virility and increases the lifespan of the individual when taken in the prescribed format of dosages and rasayana therapy modality.

8) For bleeding of the nose: Seed fried in ghee and ground in conjee is applied as Lep to the forehead to stop bleeding from the nose.

9) Amla is beneficial to patients with itching sensation, skin diseases, fever, uncontrolled thirst, burning sensation within the channels of the body, anorexia etc.

10) It Supports healthier hair. Amla Berry boosts absorption of calcium, thus creating healthier bones, teeth, nails and hair. It also helps maintain youthful hair color and retards premature graying, and supports the strength of the hair follicles, so there is less thinning with age.

11) It relieves constipated bowels when taken regularly. Gooseberries act as a tonic in maintaining the vision, physical strength, complexion of skin, and eroticism.

12) Ayurvedic perspective the healing properties of Amalaki extend to all tissues (dhatus) and it has the ability to increase Ojas, meaning that it enhances energy, immunity, fertility

13) Amla powder  with cinnamon and turmeric is good for respiratory health.
                    Click here for more information about Cinnamon

14) Amla with ghee and turmeric is good for allergic rhinitis and hives.
                    Click here for more information about Ghee

15) If you wish to take Amla, then consuming chyawnaprash is a good way. 

16) Amla powder for grey hairs – Equal parts of Amla and Bhringaraj powder are mixed and this mixture taken in a dose of half teaspoon 2 times a day after food with water for a month.

17) Amla is made into a combination with other two herbs – Haritaki and Vibhitaki – this combination is called Triphala. Triphala balances Pitta and Kapha Dosha.

18) Skin complexion : Teaspoon of Amla is mixed with half a strand of saffron and consumed with water.  OR  Teaspoon of Amla is mixed with quarter teaspoon of turmeric and consumed with water.

19) For Kapha : Morning is the time when Kapha is dominant. If one has high Kapha and wants to take Amla, then morning is the best time to take it along with honey.

20) If you have digestion problems, or some skin related issues like acne, you can have 1 teaspoon of Amla(powder) along with 1 teaspoon of ghee in afternoon. After 2 min drink some luke warm water, because it is advised to drink luke warm water after consuming ghee/oily stuff. It is taken in afternoon, because Pitta is dominant at afternoon

21) For Vata imbalance, joint diseases, gas trouble,  then 1 teaspoon of Amla(powder) can be taken along with 2 teaspoon of Sesame oil at evening. Vata is dominant at evening. After 2 min drink some luke warm water, because it is advised to drink luke warm water after consuming ghee/oily stuff.
                    Click here for more information about Sesame

22) Amla leaves – taken orally, or applied as a paste on hair, is to good to improve hair qualities.

23) Tree turmeric (Daruharidra) with the juice of Amalaki – Phyllanthus emblica mixed with honey is useful in curing Paittika type of Dysuria.

24) Dandruff : Mix amla powder with a few drops of lemon juice and 1 tbsp of curd to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on the scalp and leave for 45 minutes. Wash it off with warm water. Repeat this remedy every alternate day until you see positive results.
                   Click here for more information about Lemon

25) In Vedic period, it was added to bathing water. Charaka has mentioned Amalaki as the best among anti aging herbs.

26) With its cooling properties, the fruit is commonly used in the treatment of inflammatory problems anywhere in the body. In the respiratory system, Amalaki has an antibiotic activity against a wide range of bacteria, used traditionally in treatment of lung infections.

27) Amla is the most concentrated form of Vitamin C found in the plant kingdom, and because the whole fruit is used rather than an active ingredient, it is easily assimilated by the human body. The Vitamin C in the Amalaki fruit is bonded with tannins that protect it from being destroyed by heat or light. "Amalaki is the best among the sour fruits.

28) The milky juice of the leaves is a good application to sores. Grind the bark of Emblica officinalis (10g) into a paste and apply to the cut or wound area once daily for 2to3 days. Alternatively, squeeze Emblica officinalis leaves and extract the juice to the cut once daily for 3 to 4 days. Healing occurs when the dynamic harmony of the doshas is restored.

29) It supports the brain and mental functioning. Amla Berry is good for the brain. It is medhya, meaning it nurtures and enhances coordination among Dhi (acquisition), Dhriti (retention), and Smriti (recall), sharpening the intellect and mental functioning. It supports the nervous system and strengthens the senses.

30) It supports the urinary system. Because it enhances all the thirteen agnis (digestive fires) and supports Apana Vata, Amla Berry is especially supportive to the urinary system and can be helpful if you experience a mild burning sensation while urinating. It supports natural diuretic action, but does not force water from the body like diuretic pills. In other words, it helps eliminate waste from the body but does not overstimulate the urinary system.

31) It Supports the eyes. Amla Berry is called Chakshushya, which means "strengthening the eyes" (Chakshu means "eye" and Ayushya means rasayana, so it is literally a "rasayana for the eyes"). It supports the health of the eye by enhancing both Ranjaka Pitta (the subdosha of Pitta that governs liver function and the blood plasma) and Alochaka Pitta (the subdosha of Pitta that governs the eyes and vision). The tridoshic nature of Amalaki also.

32) It Supports muscle tone. Amla Berry enhances protein synthesis, which is why it is good for strengthening muscles and building lean muscle mass. Its unique ayurvedic action offers athletes and bodybuilders a natural way to tone muscles and build lean mass.

33) A powder of the Amla seed and red sandalwood is given with honey, to stop emesis.

34) For hiccup and for painful respiration: Use of juice orextract of the fruit combined with honey and pippali.

35) Triphala, chyawanprash and Brahmarasayana are other classic medicine inwhich Amla is being used since time immemorial.

36) Drinking fresh Amla juice with half teaspoon of ghee and 1teaspoon of honey and 100 Gms of milk after lunch cures chronic piles problem.

37) Urinary problem : The paste made by 20gms of pulp of dried Amla in 160 gms of water till 40 gms is left. This was mixed with 20gms of jaggery. Regular use of this may cure urinary problem.

38) Raga Shadava- External layer and seed are removed and made into pieces. It is mixed with 4 times of water and cooked well. After cooling pepper, elaichi, karpura churna are added and mixed well. It improves taste, nourishment and digestion and also pacifies thirst, giddiness and tiredness.

39) Panaka- Grind Amla pieces and strain the juice. To this juice add jaggery/sugar syrup and mix well. Add Jeera and pepper powder before intake. It pacifies excessive thirst, burning sensation and other Pitta related disorders.
                       Click here for more information about Pepper

40) Stress: External application of 25-50 gm. of fruit rind ground in buttermilk on the forehead.

41) Administration of Lelitaka (purified Sulphur) along with the with the juice of Amla together with honey is the remedy par excellence for the cure of 18 types of Kustha (skin diseases).

42) It is a vrishya herb, which means that it enhances all the seven tissues (Dhatus), including the reproductive tissue. This herb nurtures the ovaries and sperm, and it has a property called garbhasthapana, which means it enhances fertility and the possibility of conception. It is especially nurturing for women, strengthening the uterus and supporting reproductive health.

43) Khada- Cook buttermilk with Amla and spices like Jeera, pepper etc in an earthen vessel. When the buttermilk is reduced to half, add required amount of salt. It improves digestion.

44) Bleeding gums: Fine powder should be gently massaged to gums after brushing at least twice a day regularly.

Amla Hair oil benefits:
  • Strengthen the hair and scalp.
  • Lower the premature pigment loss from hair.
  • Promote hair growth.
  • Remarkably reduces hair loss.
  • Treats all types of dandruff and dry scalp and other parasitic and scalp infections.
  • Amla gives natural black pigmentation to the hair.
               Note: For better hair growth,strength drink amla juice daily and massage hair roots with amla oil (2-3 times a week)

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Reference : 

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  5. Cardiovasc Thorac Res. 2018; 10(3): 118–128.  PMCID: PMC6203864
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  15. NCBI
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  17. Local tradition and Knowledge
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