Khajoor (Dates) - Health benefits, application chemical constituents and many more
Khajoor (Dates)
Phoenix dactylifera Linn. (Pind kharjura) is also known as date palm cultivated for its edible sweet fruit. Date fruits are a good source of low cost food and are an integral part of Arabian diet. For Muslims all over the world dates are of religious importance and are mentioned in many places in the Quran.
The date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is one of oldest cultivated plants of human kind and used as food for 6000 years. There are more than two hundred varieties of dates available worldwide. It is the main crop in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Middle Eastern countries.
It has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant, antihyperlidimic antiinflammatory, gastroprotective, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, immunostimulant property.
Click here for more information about Anti-oxidant
It has different names in different languages such as Marathi name(Khajura, boichand, khajoor, shendi, shindig, pindakhajur), Hindi name(Kajoor, kejur, kanjoor, khajoor, khajra, Khajur), English name(Date Palm, Wild Palm), Gujarati name(Khareka), Bengali name(Khejur), Malayalam name(Eethapala, intappana, kharjjuram), Tamil name(Ichan, citrichu, iiccampanai, iicham, peria iitchham, periichcham), Telugu name(Pedayita, chettetha, eeshaan chedi, eeta, etha, peddaeeta), Arab name(Rutab),
When to eat khajoor
> It is best to eat in early morning on empty stomach or you should eat it as afternoon snack on empty stomach.
- Studies have shown that eating dates on an empty stomach provides the body with many important benefits.
> When you are hungry
- They’re a concentrated form of calories and very filling due to their high fiber content. But it is not a meal to eat too much. Eat it as ae energy booster.
> Nighttime snack
- They’re an excellent bedtime snack due to their high fiber content. Fiber takes longer to digest, which can help you stay full and keep midnight hunger pangs at bay.
> Before workout
- Though dates are naturally high in sugar, they don’t spike blood sugar quickly. Rather, they provide a type of slow-releasing carb that allows for a steady stream of energy to fuel your workout. Try having 2–4 dates 30–60 minutes before a workout.
> Khajoor should be eaten before lunch or dinner
- According to ayurveda sweet should be eaten before food, because the sweet taste acts quickly on the taste buds and saliva. Eating the sweet item first enables the flow of digestive secretions. OR If you eat sweets at the end of meals, you are slowing down your digestion.
- If anyone want to gain weight then he/she could eat sweet or khajoor after meal/food.
Tips to eat khajoor
- wash khajoor before eat.
- Eat khajoor according to digestive strength.
Vitamin and mineral content
Vitamin : A, C, K, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9
Minerals : Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper, Sulfur, Boron, Selenium, Sodium, Zinc.
• It contains easily digestible sugar (70%), manly glucose, fructose, sucrose, dietary fiber and contain less amount of protein and fats.
• Fruit pulp contains phytochemicals like phenolics, sterols, carotenoids, anthocyanins, procyanidins, and flavonoids. The ratio and concentrations of these constituents depend on the type of the fruit, stage of fruit picking, location and soil conditions.
• The glucose, fructose and sucrose contents ranged from 29.04 to 34.53 g/100 g, 20.72 to 23.65 g/100 g, and 1.86 to 2.34 g/100 g, respectively. The highest glucose level was found in Khasab whereas the highest fructose was observed in Khalas.
• lipids are mainly concentrated in the skin and have a higher physiological importance in the protection of fruit than contributing to the nutritional value of the date flesh.
• The date flesh and seed both contain a wide range of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The satu-rated fatty acids include capric, lauric, myristic, palmitic, stearic, margaric, arachidic, heneicosa-noic, behenic, and tricosanoic acids. Unsaturated fatty acids include palmitoleic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids.
• Dates contain various types of phytochemicals such as carotenoids (beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, neoxanthin, etc.), the phenolics, mainly the cinnamic acids and their derivatives (feru-lic, sinnapic, syringic, vanillic, gallic, caffeic, protocatechuic, coumaric acids, and their derivatives such as dactilyferic acids, etc.), flavonoid glycosides (luteolin, methyl luteolin, quercetin, and methyl quercetin) flavones, flavonols (catechin, epicatechin), flavoxanthin, anthocyanins) and so on.
14 Popular Dates Varieties :
1) Medjool Dates
2) Piarom Dates
3) Deglet Noor Dates
4) Mazafati Dates
5) Barhi Dates
6) Rabbi Dates
7) Thoory Dates
8) Sayer Dates
9) Dayri Dates
10) Halawy Dates
11) Sukkari Dates
12) Khudri Dates
13) Zahidi Dates
14) Safawi Dates
Properties and benefits
• Taste – Madhura (Sweet)
• Qualities – Heavy for digestion, Slimy in nature(viscous), Provides strength, Snigdha(unctuous, oily)
• Taste conversation after digestion – Madhura (Sweet)
• Potency – Sheetla (Cold)
• Effects on Tridosha – Reduces vata and pitta dosha
Click here for more information about Tridosha
• Strength and Immunity promoting (Balya), Cardiac tonic (Hridya), Aphrodisiacs (Vrishya), improve sperm quantity and quality (Shukral) and nourish the body (Tarpana).
Indicated in
• Koshtagata vayunashaka - bloating or gaseous distention
• Kshut - excess hunger
• Trushna - excessive thirst
• Shramhara - fatigue
• Daha - burning sensation
• Hikka - Hiccups
• Jwar - Fever
• Cough - Kasa
• Diabetes - Prameha
• Raktapitta - Bleeding disorders
• Swash - Respiratory disorders
• Trishna - Excessive thirst
• Abhighat - Any injury
• Vairasya - Tastelessness
• madatyaya - Intoxication
> Properties as per different parts of plant
• Fruit – Sweet, cooling, tonic, fattening, aphrodisiac, alexiteric, useful in leprosy, thirst, asthama, bronchitis, fatigue, tuberculosis, abdominal complaints, fever, vomiting, loss of consciousness and useful in vata disease.
• Leaves - Aphrodisiac and good for the liver.
• Flower- Bitter, purgative, expectorant, tonic to the liver, fever and blood complaints.
• Seed - Applied to wounds, lesions, inflammation, demulscent, expectorant, laxative, nutrient and prescribed in the case of asthma, gonorrhea.
• Gum – Useful remedy in diarrhea and disease of the genitor-urinary system
Uses, health benefits, application
1) Date fruits increases the kapha dosha and hence becomes a cause for decreasing the digestive fire when consumed in excess.
- During Ramzan season Muslims consume more dates during fasting, because it increases kapha which protect the gastric mucosa from the damaging effects of the gastric acid.
2) For weakness and Immunity : Eat 2-3 dates daily on empty stomach in early morning and boiling it with milk further enhances their nutritional value.
3) Dates have demulcent effect(relieving inflammation or irritation), expectorant and antitussive (prevent or relieve a cough) properties. Its intake during winters prevents and gives relief in cold, cough, flu and many upper respiratory problems.
- Boil 3-4 dates for 4-6 minute and then drink milk when it is lukewarm and eat all khajoor.
4) For Anemia : Dates are full of iron which increases haemoglobin and also purifies blood. Eat dates and drink date milk or dried khajoor.
5) relieves constipation : Dates are full of soluble fibers and have laxative in action. Fibres absorb and hold water and thus helps in stool softening. So eating dates gives relief in constipation.
6) For Hiccough : Pulp of Kharjura or Pippali mixed with honey should be used.
7) For Cough caused by Vata: Linctuses(a syrupy or sticky preparation containing medicaments exerting a local action on the mucous membrane of the throat) made of kharjura, pippali (Piper longum), draksha (Vitis vinifera), sarkara and paddy, each in equal amount, added with honey and ghee is an excellent remedy for cough caused by vata.
Click here for more information about Ghee
8) For Vomiting : Kharjura pulp, coconut, draksha (Vitis vinifera), or badar (Ziziphus jujuba) should be taken as linctus(thick liquid medicine, especially cough mixture / चाटण).
9) For abnormal taste : Paste of draksha and kharjura should be kept in mouth and gargles.
10) For Heamaturia – Decoction of kharjura, kasmarya (Cassia sopera), tinduka (Diospyros malabarica) seed and guduchi (Tinosporia cordifolia) mixed with honey check heamaturia.
11) Date seeds are commonly used as animal feed. They are soaked in water until soft, crushed and then fed to horses, cattle, camels, sheep, goats and chickens. They can also be used as a source of oil, coffee substitute and raw material for activated carbon as well as an adsorbent for dye-containing waters. The oil content of the seeds may be suitable for use in the production of cosmetics.
12) Cold infusion prepared from the fruit of date palm is given in a dose of 40 to 50 ml in condition of fever and dehydration.
13) Date palm is used in the preparation of Desserts, Biscuits, ladoos and many more items.
14) Khajoor is best for enhancing health, immunity, physical strength and hemoglobin.
15) Improve or maintain bone health, as dates are rich sources of copper, magnesium, selenium, and manganese and all these nutrients are important to keep your bones healthy and prevent bone-related diseases such as osteoarthritis.
16) High Anti-oxidant, vitamin and minerals maintain and improve heart health.
17) Dates are usually taken as such or with Arabian coffee, milk, or yoghurt. In the processed form, they are consumed as paste, syrup, pickles, jams, jellies, and are used in many bakery or confectionary products together with chocolate, coconut, honey, vinegar, and others.
Click here for more information about Coconut
Click here for more information about Honey
18) Decoction of dates and fenugreek is recommended in the treatment of bronchial asthma.
Click here for more information about Fenugreek (Methi)
19) Energy booster : They are a good source of energy, due to their high natural sugar content like glucose, fructose, and sucrose. These sugars can be easily processed and utilized by the body for an instant burst of energy when needed.
20) Dates potentially promote and ease labor in pregnant women. It was seen in a research study that the consumption of dates in the last four weeks before labor significantly reduced the need for induction and augmentation of labor, and produced a more favorable delivery outcome.
21) Improves brain functionality : Inflammatory cytokines such as Interleukin can be extremely dangerous to your brain. The increased presence of IL-6 (Interleukin 6) is attributed to the development of neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s disease. The presence of inflammatory markers is never a good sign for your neural health and therefore it is to be considered with extreme care. The regular intake of dates has been found to be beneficial in reducing the IL-6 levels and thereby helping in reducing the risk of developing brain degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s.
22) The sweet pulp of the date fruit is useful in dysentery. The date fruits are used as an ingredient in various aphrodisiac and tonic confections.
23) Date fruit is a potent therapeutic as well as dietetic agent in Vata disorders like hemiplegia, paraplegia, motor neuron diseases, convulsions, and many of the nervous system disorders.
24) Chronic and recurrent infections and inflammatory conditions like abscess, boils, and ulcers can also be controlled by a regular use of date fruits and also with external applications of various Ayurveda preparations made of dates.
Click here for more information about Betel Leaves
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Some dates recipes to increase stamina, immunity, hemoglobin
1) dates ladu
2) dates milkshake
take 10 seedless dates then add 3 cup chilled milk, ¼ tsp cinnamon powder. Blend to smooth milkshake. add ice cream / ice cubes for rich texture.
3) Milk soaked dates
Soak the dates in cow or goat milk whole night and consume this whole on next morning and you should also add honey or jaggery as per your taste.
4) Dates halwa
5) energy bar / protein bar recipe
1) Antidiabetic activity : The exact mode of action of dates in the control of diabetes is not fully understood but it might be due to increases the output of insulin and inhibit absorption of glucose. Various active compounds present in Phoenix Dactylifera Extract (PDE) such as flavenoids, steroids, phenol and saponines, which play a role as anti-diabetic and these compounds from other plants, also scavenge the free radical liberated by alloxan in diabetic rat.
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1) Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2017; 6(5): 403-406
2) Charak Samhita
3) Sushruta Samhita
4) Bhavprakash Nighantu
7) Int Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. 2014; 7(3): 483–491 ; PMCID: PMC3992385
8) Journal of ayurveda and integrative medicine
9) Local tradition and knowledge
10) Journal of Advanced Botany and Zoology Volume 5 /Issue 1 ISSN: 2348 – 7313
11) NCBI
13) Wikipedia
14) Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 48:877–887 (2008)
16) Mohamed Ali Al-Farsi Nutritional and Functional Properties of Dates: A Review, Journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition Volume 48
Excellent Job mister Jawadwar ..
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Thanks for sharing wonderful info, Found your post interesting, can not wait to see more from you. Good luck for upcoming post!!! You can also read more from Mazafati Dates