Spiny Gourd /Kantola /Kartoli - Health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more

 Spiny Gourd /Kantola /Kartoli 

Spiny Gourd or Kantola could be a vegetable that generally seen in Indian markets during monsoon season. It has several health advantages that is the reason why now it’s available all round the world besides Indian landmass. Fruit is covered with small spines everywhere that is why it named as “SpinyGourd” also known as teasel gourd, Kakrol, Kankro, Kartoli, Kantoli and Bhat korola. Kantola primarily cultivated within the mountain regions of India on infertile soil and it is a vascular plant of solely three to four months generation.

The fruits have diuretic, antioxidant, laxative, hepatoprotective, an-tivenomous, antihypertensive,anti-inflammatory, antiasth-matic, antipyretic, antileprosy,antidiabetic and antidepres-sant properties and leaves have antihelminthic, aphrodisiac, anti-hemorrhoidal, hepato-protective, antibronchitic, an-tipyretic, antiasthmatic andanalgesic properties. Root juice has stimulant, astringent, antiseptic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antiulcerant effect. 

                 Click here to explore more about Antioxidant and Free radicals

It is commonly called as (Spine gourd, Teasel gourd) - English,  (Kantola) - Hindi,  (Kartoli) -  Marathi,  (Meluku-pakal, Palu-pakal) - Tamil,  (Katwal, Kankoda) - Gujarati,  (Bhat korola, Kankrol) - Bengali,  (Avandhya, Bhat-kerela) - Assamese,  (Adavikakara) - Telugu,  (Ben-pavel, Erimapase) - Malayalam,  (Karchi-balli) - Kannada.

Phytochemical constituents

  • Each plant containscompletely different chemical compounds.Kantola is low in calories as solely seventeen calorie per 100g packed with completely differentnutrients like dietary fiber, minerals, vitaminsand anti-oxidants 
  • Edible kantoal fruit contain 84.1% moisture, 7.7 g carbohydrate, 3.1 g protein, 3.1g fat, 3.0 g fiber and 1.1 g minerals. It also contained small quantities of essential vitamins like ascorbic acid, carotene, thiamin, riboflavinand niacin. It also content protein in the leaves.
  • The presence of tracealkaloids and ascorbic acid in kantoal fruit isconfirmed by phytochemical tests. Presence ofglycosides, lectins, b-sitosterol, saponins, triterpenes of ursolic acid, hederagenin, oleanolic acid, aspiranosterol, stearic acid, gypsogenin, two novel aliphatic constituents.Three triterpenes and two steroidal compounds have been isolated from the dry root.
  • some of its micronutrient and secondary metabolites as follows: calcium: 0.5 mg/g, sodium: 1.5 mg/g, potassium: 8.3 mg/g, iron: 0.14 mg/g, zinc: 1.34 mg/g, protein: 19.38%, fat: 4.7%, total phenolic compound: 3.7 mg/g, phytic acid: 2.8 mg/g, and ash value: 6.7%. Moreover, its fruit is recommended as nutritionally rich source of protein and good source of lipid, crude fiber, carbohydrate, iron, calcium, phosphorous. Additionally, it is the highest amount of carotene (162 mg/100 g of edible portion) container amongst the cucurbitaceous vegetables.
  • The ash content is reported as 3-4% containing a trace of manganese
  • The fruit contains higher amount of ascorbic acid and iodine. The presence of secondary metabolites of fruit including alkaloids, steroids, triterpenoids, and saponins was determined.
  • Momordica dioica (peeled) contained 0.27 mg/kg of chromium and 4.91 mg/kg of zinc, Momordica dioica (unpeeled) contained 0.26 mg/kg of chromium and 11.0 mg/kg of zinc.
  • Seed oil of the Momordica shows the insecticidal effect 100% mortality with the 4% seed oil concentration.

Uses, Remedies Benefits and Application

1) Diabetes: Phyto-nutrient, polypeptide-P and planthypoglycaemic agent helps to scale back theglucose levels. Kantola is made in Phyto-nutrient, polypeptide-P, plant hypoglycaemicagent and charantin that boosts the polyosesynthesis within the cells of liver, muscle andanimal tissue. Combined result of these compounds can facilitate to scale back theamount of glucose to treat type-2 polygenic disorders.

          - Oral administration of 50 mL of root juice is advised once a day with empty stomach to beat diabetes. 

2) The root of the male plant is used in snake bites and scorpion sting.

3) Traditional remedy for piles : within the malady of hemorrhoids or piles, you'll use Spiny gourdas drugs to induce relief from piles. Prepare powder of kantola. Take five gms of kantola powder and five gms of sugar twice a day tocure piles.

                - Mucilaginous tuber of female plant and toasted root are used in bleeding piles and bowel infections. 

4) The juice of root is a domestic remedy for the inflammation caused by contact with the urine of the house lizard. 

5) The juice of the leaves are mixed with coconut, pepper, red sandalwood, and so forth in order to form an ointment and applied to the head to relieve pain. 

             Click here to explore more about Black Pepper

            Click here to explore more about Coconut

6) Dried fruit powder applied into the nostrils produces a powerful errhine effect and provokes a copious discharge from the schneiderian mucous membrane.

7) If you're feeling embarrassed by downside of excess sweating then, you'll use kantola to induce relief from the sudation. Take tub withthe fine-grained burred gourd. Use it as natural scrub. It’ll scale back the formation of excess dangerous odor sweating additionally it offers you sleek skin.

8) Kantola additionally has completely different benefiting flavonoids like provitamin A, alpha-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthins that square measure referred to as protecting scavengers against element-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species of these compounds can assist you to appear younger by operating because the anti-aging compound. It helps you to stay your skin healthy.

9) The superficial and oral administration of leaf paste for skin disease, tender fruits are rubbed on skin for pimples and acne and roasted seeds are used for eczema and other skin problems. Root powder is also applied for softening skin and reducing perspiration. 

10) The protective role of the leaves against chronic skin diseases is also reported. A preparation called “Panchatikta ghrita” is made by boiling 800 g each of neem bark, leaves of Momordica dioica/Spiny gourd, Solanum surattense, Tinospora cordifolia, and bark of Adhatoda vasica, in 5-6 liters of water up to its reduction to quarter and then adding of 3.5 liters of butter and about 3 kg myrobalans and is recommended as one tablespoonful with little hot milk internally twice daily in chronic skin diseases.

              Click here to explore more about Neem

              Click here to explore more about Cow Milk

             Click here to explore more about Gaduchi

11) Lutein is a vital carotenoid that prevents various eye diseases and boosts eye health. Spiny gourd is rich in carotenoids, beta carotene, and Vitamin A, all of which are key nutrients for better vision and help improve eyesight.

12) Fog and pollution etc causes respiration issues in our day to day life for which if we will consume burred gourd it will cure respiration issues. Combine 250-500 milligrams of kantola’s root powder with one tsp ginger juice and one tbsp of honey and consume it to induce instant relief in any kind of breathing downside.

               Click here to explore more about Honey

              Click here to explore more about Ginger

13) It contains fibers that may facilitate to stimulate the digestion. And additionally helps to cure constipation.

14) Coughing is that the common downside that seen within the kids and adults due to instant change in the climate or virus and bacteria. If you'll take three grams of fine-grained kantola thrice a day with water to manage the non-stop coughing.

Note : 

  • Avoid the use of ripen kantola
  • Only green colored kantola is edible and used as vegetable. The skin packs loads of nutrients and thus shouldn't be removed

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  1. AGRICULTURE & FOOD: e- Newsletter;   Volume 1 – Issue 8 August 2019 ;  ISSN: 2581-8317
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  5. Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Indian Council of Agricultural Research
  6. Charaka Samhita 
  7. Journal of Advancements in Plant Science | Volume 2 | Issue 2 | ISSN : 2639-1368
  8. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 2015; 3(6): 82-88
  9. International Journal of Minor Fruits, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Vol. 7 (2) : 100- 104, December 2021
  10. Sushruta samhita 
  11. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine; Volume 13, Issue 1, January–March 2022, 100489
  12. JRAS | Year : 2021  |  Volume : 5  |  Issue : 2  |  Page : 69-79
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