Everything that you should know about Gaduchi/Giloy (Amritvel)

      Gaduchi/Giloy (Amritvel)

Gaduchi is a popular medicinal plant which is used in several traditional medicines to cure various diseases. It is considered an essential herbal plant of Indian system of medicine (ISM) and has been used in the treatment of fever, urinary problem, dysentery, skin diseases leprosy, diabetes, and many more diseases. It is also known as botanical medicine or phytomedicine. It shows antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiviral, antipyretic, antidiabetic, antifungal, antimicrobial, antitoxic, hypolipidaemic, radio-protective, cardioprotective, wound healing, immunomodulating, antiosteoporotic effect.

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Guduchi is clearly an herb with a myriad of potent medicinal qualities, qualities that were recognized by the ancient rishis in Vedic times, long before modern scientific technology. Through spiritual means, the rishis were able to understand guduchi (and other herbs) in a pro-found manner and now modern science is able to evaluate and recognize many of the medicinal properties of guduchi.

It has different names in different languages such as English name(Indian Tinospora, Heartleaved moonseed, Heart-leaved tinospora, Indian tinospora, tinospora gulancha), Marathi name(Ambarvel,amrita, amritavalli, guduchi, gulvel), Hindi name(Giloy, Gurach, Gulvel, Guruchi), Kannada name(agniballi, amrutaballi), Telugu name(dussiramu, tippatige), Tamil name(Amrida Valli, Silam, Pattigai,amirtavalli, kunali), Malayalam name(amritavalli, chitamrith), Gujarati name(Gulo, Gado, Galo), Bengali name(Giloy, Gulancha), Oriya name(Gulochi, Gulancha), Punjabi name(Batindu, Gilogularich), Sikkim name(Gurjo), Assamese name(Hoguni-lot), Konkani name(amritvel).

It is commenly called  Guduchi(because It protects and guards body from diseases) in sanskrit

Parts of plant used

Whole plant is used

Giloy Leaves have similar qualities, but are less effective than steam.

Intake formats for Gaduchi

1) Tablet

2) leaves juice/ Steam juice

3) Powder(churna)

4) Decoction

5) Extract

Vitamin and mineral content

Guduchi is a rich source of protein and micronutrients, such as iron, zinc, copper, calcium, phosphorus, and manganese. 

The chemical constituents of Tinospora cordifolia(gaduchi) belong to different classes such as alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, phenolics, aliphatic compounds, polysaccharides, leaves are rich in protein (11.2%), calcium and phosphorus. The stem contains clerodane furono diterpene glucoside (amritoside A, B, C, and D) 

• Some of the essential constituents of T. cordifolia.(Gaduchi)

Active ComponentCompounds
TerpenoidsTinosporide, Furanolactone diterpene, Furanolactone clerodane diterpene, furanoid diterpene, Tinosporaside, ecdysterone makisterone and several glucosides isolated as poly acetate, phenylpropene disaccharides cordifolioside A, B and C, cordifoliside D and E, Tinocordioside, cordioside, palmatosides C and F, Sesquiterpene glucoside tinocordifolioside, Sesquiterpene tinocordifolin.

AlkaloidsTinosporine, (S), Magnoflorine, (S), Berberine, (S), Choline, (S), Jatrorrhizine, (S), 1,2-Substituted pyrrolidine(S), Alkaloids, viz. jatrorrhizine, palmatine, beberine, tembeterine, choline.

Lignans3 (a, 4-dihydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)-4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl), (S)



Giloinsterol, (S), ß-Sitosterol, (S), 20a- Hydroxy ecdysone, (S).

18-norclerodane glucoside,Furanoid diterpene glucoside,Tinocordiside, Tinocordifolioside,Cordioside, Cordifolioside,Syringin, Syringin-apiosylglycoside,Pregnane glycoside, Palmatosides,
Cordifolioside A, B, C, D and E



Giloin, Tinosporan acetate, Tinosporal acetate, Tinosporidine, Heptacosanol, Octacosanol, sinapic acid, Tinosponone, two phytoecdysones, an immunologically active arabinogalactan.    


Properties and benefits
• Qualities – Laghu(Light to digest), Snigdha(Oily, Unctuous)
• Taste – Astringent, Bitter
• Taste conversion after digestion – Madhura(sweet)
• Potency – Ushna(Hot)
• Prabhava (special action): destroys toxins both internally and externally
• Effect on Tridosha –Balances all three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha)
          - The API (Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India) mentions its kapha and pitta pacifying properties by virtue of its bitter and astringent taste. By virtue of its sweet, post digestive effect, it pacifies vata and pitta dosha and provides a nourishing effect to the body. Thus Guduchi has a balancing effect on all the three dosha.
          - Unique effect : Being it is hot in potency, it does not increase pitta.

• Rasayani - Rejuvenative
• Sangrahini - brings about absorptive nature to stomach and intestines, Useful in malabsorption syndrome, diarrhoea.
• Jvara - Useful in fever. 90% of Ayurvedic medicines for fever contain Guduchi as an essential 
• Balya - improves strength
• Agnideepani - Improves digestion power
• Amahara - relieves Ama -indigestion
• Kasahara - Useful to relieve cough
• Paunduhara - relieves anemia
• Trut hara - relieves excessive thirst (as seen in fever)
• Vamihara - useful to relieve vomiting.
• Prameha - useful in diabetes and urinary tract disorders
• Shwasa - useful in difficulty in breathing, (dyspnoea), asthma, Bronchitis
• Kasa - cough, cold
• Dahahara - relieves burning sensation in the body. Note that though Guduchi is Hot in potency, it helps to relieve burning sensation. This action is brought about by its Madhura Vipaka. (Sweet after-taste). Sweetness is coolant in nature.
• Mehahara - useful in treatment of diabetes, urinary tract disorders.
• Kamala - Useful in treatment of jaundice and related diseases of liver
• Kushta - Useful in skin diseases
• Vatasra - Vatarakta -Useful in gout-arthritis
• Krimihara - useful to relieve intestinal worms.
• Arsha - Piles, hemorrhoids
• Krichra - Difficulty in passing urine
• Hrudya, Hrudroga - Vatanut - Useful in heart diseases with Vata symptoms such as pain.
• Chakshushya - improves vision, good for eyes, useful in eye disorders
• Vayasthapana - anti aging, rejuvenating
• Vrushya - Aphrodisiac

Application, uses and benefits
1) Immunomodulatory effects : Take 2 gram of gaduchi powder along with honey(1-2gram) on empty and lick it once a day for 1.5 - 2.5 months. OR  you should consume Gaduchi decoction by adding 1 teaspoon of powder to 1 cup of water and reduce it half and take it. OR take equal quantity of 2-3  teaspoon of giloy juice and water on empty stomach.
                - immuomodulatory property of Tinospora cordifolia is well documented. Active compounds 11-hydroxymustakone, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, N-formylannonain, cordifolioside A, magnoflorine, tinocordiside and syringin has been reported to have potential immunomodulatory and cytotoxic effects. They have been reported to function by boosting the phagocytic activity of macrophages, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in human neutrophil cells.

2) Gaduchi is ideal for Infections in the respiratory system, skin, and soft tissues
Infected wounds, especially in diabetic conditions and Immune compromised conditions.

3) For seasonal allergies, giloy powder or extract powder(500 mg) is taken along with 1 gram of (black pepper, long pepper and ginger) and 2 pinches of turmeric, make a thin paste of this mixture with honey and take this once or twice a day with water. 

4) Gaduchi dry herb powder along with castor oil is useful in relieving gout or normal pain

5) Guduchi along with jaggery helps to relieve constipation.

6) Giloy along with ginger powder is useful in rheumatoid arthritis.

7) For Pitta type of vomiting, associated with severe burning sensation, migrain, gastritis, water added with the powder of Bengal gram or Gavedhuka- root or Guduchi  and kept it overnight, then taken. 

8) Its anti-diabetic potential through mitigating oxidative stress (OS), promoting insulin secretion and also by inhibiting gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. With this phytochemicals (Alkaloids, tannins, cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, and steroids) shows anti-diabetic effect.

9) Guduchi (dry herb powder or in its decoction (kashayam) form) along with Ghee (clarified butter) is useful in Vata imbalance disorders. – like arthritis.

10) Giloy in combination with sugar candy (unprocessed sugar) is helpful in Pitta imbalance disorders such as skin diseases, gastritis, dizziness, liver disorders etc.

11) Guduchi is a large, climbing shrub. Traditionally, if Guduchi climbs up a Neem tree, another bitter tree, it is considered to be more potent and highly sought after as it takes on the properties of the Neem tree as well. 

12) Gaduchi is a very good detoxification agent. Means it removes toxins from the body which is formed due to imbalanced pitta dosha and environmental toxins. 

13) it is very good remedy for fever. Take decoction / tablet of Gaduchi.
                    - In  a study  it  has  been  observed  that Guduchi Ghana prepared  by  classical  method produced significant  suppression  of  carrageenan-induced oedema indicating  that  it  inhibits  fluid exudation and thus acute inflammation.
                   - The starch of this plant serves a beneficial household remedy for chronic fever, relieves burning sensation, increases energy and appetite.

14) Guduchi has shown its potent radio protective effects in animal experiments.

15) Ayurveda describes Guduchi as helpful in hepatitis and jaundice due to its detoxifying properties. 
             - Giloy or Guduchi has the ability to detoxify your liver and help in proper functioning. It might also act as a remedy for fatty liver. One of the biggest benefits of Guduchi is that it can help stimulate the regeneration of liver tissue that has been damaged.

16) Decoction of root of giloy is for dysentery and diarrhea. Decoction of old stems for periodic fever.

17) Decoction of stem with cold and hot water (about 3-4 g) in morning in an empty stomach, as a tonic.

18) Giloy is known as a medhya rasayana (learning and memory enhancer) and Vayasthapana(herb which restores age) in Ayurveda. It is also described to be useful for treatment of bhrama (Vertigo) in various Ayurvedic texts.

19) This medicinal herb is a health rejuvenator which is also widely known for its effectivity in enhancing natural immunity to fight against a number of illnesses such as fever, jaundice, skin diseases, constipation and tuberculosis.

20) Juice of the stem with honey is better for the treatment of Asthma. Stem is used as an ingredient for Ayurvedic preparations to treat general debility, UTI, fever, dyspepsia. 

21) In Sushruta Samhita root is used for suturing surgical wound.
            - The areal roots of Guduchi are so thin yet so strong that, Sushruta made use of this for suturing surgical wounds. This had dual benefits. One was the thread were very strong so, there was no chance of wound rupture. Second is, Guduchi has potent wound healing property. Hence wound healing used to happen very quickly.

22) Guduchi / giloy is best to cause astringent effect, promoting digestion, alleviating Vata, Kapha, constipation and Raktapitta (bleeding disorders).

23) A medicated ghee called Guducyadi ghrta “alleviates gulma, dyspnoea, wasting, asthma and cough.  

Note : 1) According to Vaidya Mishra, guduchi’s light quality coupled with its heating action allows it to penetrate the dhatus(tissue) while the astringent quality enhances absorption in the dhatus.

            2) Guduchi is classified in the Caraka Samhita under the category of “Jeevaneeya Gana” which means “Enlivening and Anti-Aging Herbs”.

             3) guduchi is described as: laghu (light), deepanam (kindles digestive fire), chakshushyam (good for the eyes), dhatukrit (builds the seven bodily tissues), medhayam (rejuvenating for the mind), bayasthaapankarakam (maintains youthfulness and longevity).

             4) Vaidya Mishra has described guduchi as “jivanti” (or life-giving).
             5) All three of  parts of guduchi should be collected in the summer when the bitter qualities are most abundant and, if not used fresh, dried in the shade.   Guduchi grows well without fertilizer or pesticide making it simple to grow.  It is easy to recognize and can be propagated by cuttings. 
             6) Charaka described over two dozen poly-herbal formulas that include Guduchi and that are used for a wide variety of ailments.  

1) Modern research has found that guduchi also has gastroprotective properties. Epoxy clerodane diterpene, a compound in guduchi, was isolated and given to rats with gastric ulcer. The compound reduced the gastic ulcer “by reinforcement of defensive elements and diminishing the offensive elements.”

1) Avoid during pregnancy or consult any ayurveda physician before use.

2) people with diabetes should take this herb only under medical supervision. Because with diabetic tablet it lowers the blood sugar levels.

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Reference : 
1) Charak Samhita

2) Bhavaprakasha Nighantu

3) Sushruta Samhita

4) NCBI : 1) The chemical constituents and diverse pharmacological importance of Tinospora cordifolia; Heliyon. 2019 Sep; 5(9): e02437. Published online 2019 Sep 12 ; PMCID: PMC6827274
                2) Tinospora cordifolia: One plant, many roles; Anc Sci Life. 2012 Apr-Jun; 31(4): 151–159 ; PMCID: PMC3644751
                3) Clinical Evaluation of Analgesic Activity of Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia) Using Animal Model ; J Clin Diagn Res. 2014 Aug; 8(8): HC01–HC04. ; Published online 2014 Aug 20 ; PMCID: PMC4190733
               4) International Journal of Ayurveda Res. 2010 Apr-Jun; 1(2): 112–121. ; PMCID: PMC2924974

5) Vagbhata’s Astanga Hrdayam

6) Dhanvantari Nighantu

7) World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research;       Vol 7, Issue 12, 2018.  ; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331087814_GUDUCHI_A_POTENTIAL_DRUG_IN_AYURVEDA


9) Local traditions and knowledge

10) a) AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda) 2014 Jan-Mar; 35(1): 108–110. ;  PMCID: PMC4213960
       b) Hypoglycemic and anti-hyperglycemic activity of Guduchi Satva in experimental animals ; Ayu. 2013 Oct-Dec; 34(4): 417–420.; PMCID: PMC3968707

11) Patanjali Research Institute

12)Journal of Plant Physiology & Patholog ; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340829005_Guduchi_Its_Medicinal_Properties

13) International Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine ; eISSN: 2381-1803

14) SVAyurveda: From Sutra to Science, Vaidya Mishra, “Guduchi–Learn About The Most Divine Herb In Ayurveda”, https://vaidyamishra.com/shop/media/dravya-guna-vigyan-ayurvedic-pharmacopoeia/guduchi-learn-about-the-most-divine-herb-in-ayurveda.html.

15) California College of Ayurveda (Ayurvedacollege.com)

16) Sciencedirect.com



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