Banana - Health benefits, Nutrition facts, application, side effects and many more


Banana is an edible fruit and is herbaceous  flowering  plant belonging to the genus Musa and the family Musaceae. Banana is also  eaten as cooked vegetable (and is then called  plantains). It is grown worldwide and constitutes the fifth most important agricultural food crop in terms of world trade.

Fruits are essential components of a healthy diet due to their content of vitamins and minerals, fiber, and beneficial non-nutrient substances as bioactive compounds. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommend ingestion of at least 400 g (about five portions) of fruits and vegetables per day. Low fruit consumption is one of the main risk factors for increased mortality also increases the risk of chronic diseases and poor health quality. Therefore, the regular consumption of fruits can reduce the incidence of some diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, and some types of cancer.

                -  To  promote  healthy  eating  lifestyle,  the  USDA  recom-mends  filling  up  half  or 40%  the  plate  with  fruits  and  vegetables.

It has different names in different languages such as Hindi name(Kela, amrit, kachkula, kela, maozkula),  Marathi name(Kela, kel),  English name(Banana tree, Plantain),  Gujarati name(Kela),  Telugu name(Aratichettu, amritapany, ananti, kadali, batisa, bontarati),  Tamil name(Valakkai),  Kannada name(Bale gida),  Malayalam name(Palam, etavale, ettakaya, kadalam),  Persian name(darakhte-mouz, mouz,talh),  Arab name(Mouz,shajratul-mouz)  

Vitamin and mineral content

Vitamins : C, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, Choline

Minerals : Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc


• Banana contains several bioactive compounds, such as phenolics, carotenoids, biogenic amines and phytosterols, which are highly desirable in the diet as they exert many positive effects on human health and well-being.

• Banana is starchy fruit that contains rpidly digestible starch. Rapidly digestible starch is digested and broken down to glucose within 20 minutes. Thus, it provides quick energy to the body. This makes banana an amazingly instant energy providing fruit.

As the fruit matures or ripens, the carbohydrate content increases. Furthermore, on ripening the starch content decreases and the amount of soluble sugar increases, that is, starch gets converted to soluble sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose. Other sugars such as maltose and rhamnose are also present in very small quantities.

• Among the carotenoids present in banana fruit, α-carotene, β-carotene, and β-cryptoxanthin have provitamin A activity, but others like lycopene and lutein have a strong antioxidant capacity.

• They identified various anthocyanins such as cyanidin-3-rutinoside (main one as 80 per cent of total pigments, being 32.3 mg/100 g) and 3-rutinoside derivatives of delphinidin, pelargonidin, peonidin, and malvidin. 

• Ripening induces the production of ethylene gas which is a plant hormone that indirectly affects  the  flavor of the fruit. Ethylene stimulates the  production of  the enzyme amylase which breaks down starch into sugar. So the pulp turns very sweet to eat. Ethylene production also initiates the synthesis of the enzyme pectinase to act upon the pectin between the cells in the pulp. This results in the softening  of the tissues on ripening.

• Various  aliphatic  and  aromatic  amines  are  present  in  banana.  The  common  amines  found  in banana are tryptamine (0.03 mg/kg), melatonin (466 ng/kg), methylamine, ethylamine, isobutylamine, isoamylamine, dimethylamine,  putrescine,  spermidine,  ethanolamine,  propanolamine,  histamine,  2-phenyl-ethylamine,  tyramine, dopamine,  noradrenaline and serotonin  (11.7 mg/kg).  Active amines  like  dopamine  are derived  from  tyramine  and serotonin from tryptophan, whose occurrence in these fruits could directly influence their concentrations in human serum.

Properties and benefits

> For whole plant

Taste – Madhura (Sweet), Kashaya (Astringent)

Qualities – Guru (Heavy for digestion), Snigdha (Slimy in nature)

Taste conversation after digestion – Madhura

Veerya (Potency) – Sheeta (Cold)

Effects on Tridosha – Reduces vitiated vata and pitta dosha but Increases kapha


> Banana stem :

Guru – heavy to digest,  • Sheeta – coolant,  • Rooksha- Dry,  • Grahi- hardens the stools,  •Balances Kapha Pitta Dosha

Indicated in –

Yonidosha – gynecological disorders,   

• Keshya – Improves hair strength, promotes hair growth

Asra – blood disorders such as abscess, skin disorders, bleeding disorders such as menorrhagia, nasal bleeding etc.

Karnashoola – Earache,   

• Rajodosha – gynecological disorders

Amlapitta – acidity, gastritis, acid peptic disorder, Prameha

> Banana inflorescence / Banana flower benefits:

Tikta – bitter

kashaya – astringent

Grahi – absorbent, useful in diarrhea, IBS

Deepana – improves digestion strength

Veerya (potency) – hot (Ushna)

Kaphahara – balances Kapha, useful in productive cough, asthma, bronchitis, chest congestion problems

> Raw banana fruit benefits :

Indicated in –

Trushna – excessive thirst,    • Akshiroga – eye disorders

Raktapitta –Bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, heavy periods, etc

Prameha – Urinary tract disorders, diabetes,   • Jwara – fever

Rakta Atisara – diarrhoea, dysentery with bleeding

> Semi ripe banana fruit :

Ishat Kashaya Madhura – slightly sweet and astringent

> Black banana :

Ruchya – improves taste, relieves anorexia,  • Kashaya – astringent,  • Madhura – sweet

Indicated in

Meha – diabetes, urinary tract disorders,    • Pitta disorders,   • Trushna – excessive thirst,   • Vatala – increases Vata Dosha,   • Brimhana – improves weight,    • Laghu – light to digest

Application, uses and benefits

1) Do not have heavy food when having bloating. Fiber rich fruits like Banana helps in such conditions.

2) Banana flower is very helpful in reducing kapha dosha and it's releated disorders, because of its aphrodisiac property.

3) Banana leaf is traditionally used as plate for having food. It has calming effect and aides in digestion.

4) Banana leaf juice is applied externally to treat dandruff and dermatitis.

5) Fresh flower of banana, unripened banana fruit – Rich in astringent principles, acts as natural styptic and avoids diarrhoea and bleeding per rectum.

6) The pulp of the fruit and flowers of banana is applied over burnt injuries as part of treatment.

7) Cardiovascular health : Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, a vital mineral and electrolyte in the body that carries a small electrical charge. These charges cause nerve cells to send out signals for the heart to beat regularly and muscles to contract. Potassium is also needed to maintain a healthy balance of water in cells, and offsets the effects of excess dietary sodium. An imbalance in the diet of too little potassium and too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure. Excessive sodium can lead to a buildup of fluid in the blood, placing pressure on the walls of blood vessels and eventually causing damage. Potassium helps the body to flush out extra sodium in the urine, and eases tension in blood vessel walls. Bananas, rich in potassium and fiber and low in sodium, are an important component of heart-healthy diets.

8) Single banana provides you with 23% of the potassium that you need on a daily basis. Potassium benefits the muscles as it helps maintain their proper working and prevents muscle spasms.

9) It is used as a remedy of constipation.

             - Eat a ripe banana in the evening before bed.

10) Bananas have long been recognized for their antacid effects that protect against stomach ulcers and ulcer damage. A flavonoid in the banana, leucocyanidin, has been found to significantly increase the thickness of the mucous membrane layer of the stomach. Since bananas help to neutralize acidity, they are also a great way to get rid of heartburn. 

12) In cases of skin infection and eczema, the ash of burnt stem of banana plant is mixed with turmeric powder and applied over the affected area.

13) The juice of banana stem is given in a dose of 20-25 ml to treat renal calculi and leucorrhea.

14) The fresh juice of the stalk of Banana plant acts as antidote for morphine and arsenic toxicity.

15) Banana leaf wrap is a traditional famous Spa treatment wherein the banana leaves are wrapped around the patient’s body. This is known to improve energy levels and induces relaxation.

16) Raw banana is given to treat cases of cholera.

17) Raw and ripened banana is used for many culinary items and desserts all over the world.

18) Banana leaves juice : 20-30 ml is mixed with a pinch of each of ginger, black pepper and rock salt. Mixed well. Jaggery is according to need. This is for the treatment of cold, cough, asthma, weak digestion and vomiting sensation.

       Click here to explore more about Ginger

       Click here to explore more about Rock Salt

19) The flowers of banana is consumed to treat hyperacidity.

20) Fresh juice from the stem of banana is given in a dose of 15-20 ml to treat cases of hysteria, burning sensation and dehydration.

21) One fistful of flower is taken and 1 cup of water is added. It is crushed or put in mixer and fresh juice is extracted. To this, 1 tablespoon of of honey is added and consumed early in the morning. This reduces gastritis as well as heaviness of the body.In few of the individuals it may cause tastelessness (anorexia) and in such a case 1 spoon of cumin seed is added to this juice.

22) Daily intake of 15 – 20 ml fresh juice of the tube helps to reduce the chances of occurrences of urinary stones. It is useful in treating burning urination as well.

23) Ghee is smeared over the tender banana leaf and warm food is served over this. Before completely cooling down, the served food is consumed. This helps to pacify the gastric irritation caused in the patients of gastric and duodenal ulcer.

24) The rhizome (root part) : 100 grams is cooked well by adding 50 grams of jaggery. Then it is made into fine paste. To this paste, a teaspoon of ghee is added and constantly stirred in mild intensity of heat till we get semisolid consistency (paste). Later it is taken out of the fire and on self cooling little honey is added and mixed thoroughly. This can be kept for 2-3 months. 5-10 gram of this linctus is taken along with food daily (similar to a fruit jam). This is a very good nutritive and rejuvenator and anti ageing. This is effective in non specific leucorrhoea cases.

         Click here to explore more about Jaggery. 

         Click here to explore more about Honey

25) Peel of unripe banana is burnt and The black colored burned substance obtained is mixed with turmeric paste and applied over the lesions of chicken pox. This helps to reduce the scars and discoloration.

          Explore more about Turmeric

26) The fruit is peeled and inner pulp is taken. This is incised and in the incised area 2-3 long pepper fruits or 10-12 pepper seeds are placed and wrapped. This is kept in a tray and exposed to the moon light by keeping it over the terrace during night (especially on full moon day). Next day morning, it is consumed on empty stomach. Procedure is repeated daily for 10-12 days. This helps to reduce the incidences of seasonal cold, rhinitis, cough etc. In few tropical eosinophilia cases also its good effect is experienced by me. In Maharashtra this kind of practice is found.

             Click here to explore more about Black Pepper

27) For dry skin and wrinkles : Nourish skin with a mashed banana face pack mixed with a little milk.

          Click here to explore more about Milk

28) It has been observed that unripe plantain banana may play a protective role against ASPIRIN induced ulcerations. Banana also stimulates the growth of gastric mucosa, that is, it increases the thickness of inner lining of the stomach and thus promotes quick healing. This antiulcerogenic principle was found only in unripe banana. Furthermore, it was also observed that consuming banana strengthened the resistance of stomach lining against ulcerations and erosions.

29) For diarrhoea : Eating 2 green or unripe banana 

             - During diarrhea, the fruits help by contributing with the replacement of electrolytes, as well as in the increased absorption of nutrients that are lost. 

30) Lack of sleep/ Insomnia : Eat banana before bed

              - Banana contains an amino acid called tryptophan. This tryptophan is used in the production serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin and melatonin are two neurotransmitters that regulate your sleep cycle. Thus, tryptophan containing foods induce sleepiness.

31) Bananas contain high amounts of iron, which helps stimulate the production of  hemoglobin in the  blood. So they can be used in cases of anemia, which is a condition caused due to lack of or low levels of iron in the blood.

32) The damages of hair that are caused to the hair by exposure to the dirt, pollution and other environmental toxins can be treated with the banana mask. Banana helps in protecting the hair from further damage. The vitamin B helps in the prevention of split ends.

34) Rubbing banana peel inside out is the best remedy for mosquito bites.

Storage :

> For ripened or unripened bananas - Store at room temperature away from direct sunlight.

> To speed up ripening, store in a brown paper bag   OR  place near ripe fruit(like Oranges), which emits ethylene gas that causes ripening.

> Do not store in plastic bags as this traps excess moisture and may promote rotting.

Note : 

  • Do not take banana along with buttermilk.
  • pe fruit takes long time to digest and can increase Kapha. Hence, it is not ideal during low digestion strength, during cold, cough and asthma.
  • Do not drink water immediately after eating banana because it causes indigestion or slows down the digestion. Drink water 10-15 minute later.
  • Do not combine banana and yoghurt
  • Antifungal properties of banana pulp and peel have been successfully used to treat tomato fungus in an agricultural setting. In their home countries, locals use banana leaves for everything from umbrellas to construction materials. Banana and plantain fibers are used throughout the world to weave ropes, mats and other textiles. Tannins present in ripe banana peel act as tanning agents in leather processing.
  • Antifungal properties of banana pulp and peel have been successfully used to treat tomato fungus in an agricultural setting. In their home countries, locals use banana leaves for everything from umbrellas to construction materials. Banana and plantain fibers are used throughout the world to weave ropes, mats and other textiles. Tannins present in ripe banana peel act as tanning agents in leather processing.

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Refrence : 

  1. Charak samhita
  2. Ashtanga Hrudayam 
  4. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu
  5. Dhanvantari Nighantu
  6. Bhojana Kutuhalam
  7. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry; ISSN 2278- 4136 ;  ZDB-Number: 2668735-5 ;  IC Journal No: 8192   ;  Volume 1 Issue 3
  8. Local tradition and knowledge
  9. Wikipedia
  10. book : Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry - Transgenic Crops VPublisher: SpringerEditors: E. C. Pua and M. R. Davey ; 2007
  11. Proc. IIIrd IS on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables Eds.: B. Patil et al. Acta Hort. 1040, ISHS 2014
  12. (25) (PDF) Banana Medicinal Uses. Available from: [accessed Nov 19 2020].N
  13. NCBI
  14. PUBMED
  15. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences   ; ©IJONS  Vol.7 / Issue 42 / June 2017  ;      ISSN: 0976 – 0997 
  16. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. Volume 1 Issue 3


  1. Thanks to Admin for sharing the above Article. We are all familiar with bananas. It is one of the first foods that firstly introduced to babies and we continue to eat the fruit quite regularly for the rest of our lives. We eat bananas in multiple ways such as blend it to smoothies, add it to bread, or simply eat it straight from the peel.


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