12 Amazing health benefits of Raisins/Manuka


          Dry raisin (Part-2)

A raisin is a dried grape. Raisins are produced in many regions of the world and may be eaten raw or used in cooking, baking, and brewing. In the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia, the word raisin is reserved for the dark-colored dried large grape, with sultana being a golden-colored dried grape, and currant being a dried small Black Corinth seedless grape.

Raisins are sweet due to their high concentration of sugars (about 30% fructose and 28% glucose by weight). The sugars can crystallize inside the fruit when stored after a long period, making the dry raisins gritty, without affecting their quality.

• In case of grapes, bael fruit and Haritaki (Harad fruit), – the dried fruits are better than the fresh.

Golden raisins are slightly higher in calories per cup than black and also have a little more sodium and an extra gram of fibre. The differences in calories and sodium are so small as to be negligible, however.

     Click here for Grapes(part - 1)

Properties and benefits

> Raisins (golden & seedless)

Taste – sweet

Properties – unctuous

Potency – cold

Taste conversation after digestion (Vipaka) – sweet

Effect on Tridosha :

Vata balancing (useful in kshaya, kshata)

Pitta balancing (used in burning sensation, fever, bleeding disorders)

Kapha nourishing (nourishing, is aphrodisiac)

         Click here for more information Tridosha

> Raisins (dark & seedless) 

• Seedless variety of grapes have lesser qualities than seeded grapes

Taste – sweet

Properties – unctuous

Potency – cold

Taste conversation after digestion – sweet

Effect on Tridosha

Vata balancing (useful in kshaya, kshata)

Pitta balancing (used in burning sensation, fever, bleeding disorders)

Kapha nourishing (nourishing, is aphrodisiac)

> Raisins (seeded)

Taste – sweet

Properties – unctuous

Potency – cold

Taste conversation after digestion – sweet

Effect on Tridosha

Vata balancing (useful in kshaya, kshata)

Pitta balancing (used in burning sensation, fever, bleeding disorders)

Kapha nourishing (nourishing, is aphrodisiac)


Raisin varieties depend on the type of grape used and are made in a variety of sizes and colors including green, black, brown, blue, purple, and yellow. Raisins are traditionally sun-dried, but may also be water-dipped and artificially dehydrated.

Uses, Benefits and Application

1) It is very good for students to regularly eat the raisins soaked in water early in the morning to avoid tiredness.

          - it is also a great stress buster and help to reenergize the body.

2) Dry grapes or raisins help to ease bowel movement and to cool eyes

3) Anaemia : For iron deficiency, soak a handful of raisins in water overnight and eat in the morning with a teaspoon of honey and some dates.

        - Raisins are excellent source of Iron.

           Click here for more information about Honey

           Click here for more information about Dates/Khajoor

5) Cough : boil a handful of raisins and drink the raisin tea.

6) Constipation : Soak a handful of raisins in water overnight and eat in the morning.

7) Resins are very good for eyes.

8) Dry grapes / raisin is useful in the treatment of excessive thirst, fever, respiratory problems, vomiting, gout, liver disorders, excessive burning sensation, dryness, emaciation.

9) Raisin calms the mind. Hence, it is best to have some grapes when you feel tired, burnt out or confused.

10) Raisins are also used in the treatment of intestinal disorders.

11) Raisin is especially used in treating hang over due to excessive alcohol intake and to reduce the effect of alcohol on the body.

12) 10-12 raisins are soaked in water. After 2-3 hours, on maceration it is taken to relieve burning chest.

13) Raisins contain healthy vitamins and minerals. They are also fat-free and cholesterol-free, high in antioxidants, and an excellent source of fiber.

          Click here for more information Anti-oxidant and free radicals

14) Boron and Calcium content in raisin maintain good bone and joint health.

15) Raisin lowers the LDL(bad cholesterol) and as it is rich in potassium which helps in lowering of blood pressure.

16) As Raisins are heavy to digest they are combined with cardamom or cinnamon which helps in easier digestion of Raisin.

          Click here for more information about Cardamom

          Click here for more information Cinnamon

> Always take care while purchasing Rasin; raisin are ordinarily brown in colour but they  have been treated with sulfur dioxide to maintain their yellowish brown color. 

    Be aware of these shiny golden raisins.

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Reference : 

1) 1) World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research ; 2020,6(10), 67-71 ;   ISSN 2455-3301

2) Charaka Samhita

3) Sushruta samhita

4) Bhavaprakasha Nighantu

5) Dhanvantari Nighantu

6) Journal of Nutrition. 2009 Sep;   PMCID: PMC2728695

7) International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)  ;   Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017;  ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

8) A review on benefits and uses of Vitis vinifera (Grape) ; RRBS, 7(5), 2013 [175-180] ; ISSN : 0974 - 7532

9) Ann N Y Acad Sci.  Published online 2015 Jun 22.  PMCID: PMC4553113

10) Int J Mol Sci.  Published online 2010 Feb 4.  PMCID: PMC2852857

11) Local tradition and knowledge

12) Antioxidants (Basel). Published online 2017 Sep 15.  PMCID: PMC5618099

13) NCBI


15) Nutrients. Published online 2019 Dec 24.  PMCID: PMC7019280

16) Imeage source : Wikipedia and pexels


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