Sweet Lemon/Mosambi - Ayurvedic remedies, health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more


       Sweet lemon or Mosambi

Sweet lemon or Mosambi (Citrus limetta Risso), a variety of citrus belongs to the family Rutaceae.  It is one  of the most important commercial fruit crops grown in all continents of the world. It is highly valued for its exceptional nutritional and medicinal properties throughout the world.The phenolic compounds found in citrus wastes are responsible for their antioxidant activity and have been reported to possess biological properties such as anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. The juice yield of mosambi is less than half of the fruit weight. It is the most common available citrus juice in the Indian subcontinent. The juice is commonly sold at mobile road stalls. The tree is used for ornamental purposes as well as for graft stock.

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Sweet lime or sweet lemon is a juicy, non-acid citrus fruit rich in Vitamin C. The sweet lime (Citrus limettarisso), is commonly known as “Mosambi” in Indian subcontinent. Fruit is eaten fresh and also served as fresh juice. It is beneficial in fever, jaundice, diabetes, obesity etc. Mosambi instantly nourishes the body. It boosts immunity by improving the function of heart and ensuring proper blood circulation. Juice of this fruit is sweet when served fresh and turn bitter when it is kept in contact with air. 

Citrus fruits generally composed of 90% terpenes, 5% oxygenated compounds and less than 1% non-volatile compounds such as waxes and pigments. D-limonene, the most abundant terpene has antimicrobial properties, primarily the exhibition of antibacterial activity against gram positive bacteria and also increases the effectiveness of sodium benzoate as a preservative.

It has different names in different languages such as English Name(Sweet lime, sweet lemon),  Marathi Name(Mosumbi),  Sanskrit Name(Mista nimbu phala),  Hindi Name(Mita nimbu, sharbathi nimbu, mousambi, mosambi),  Tamil Name(Kolumichangai, Satukudi or sathukodi),  Telugu Name(Gajanima, Bathayi),  Bengali Name(Mita limbu),  Gujarati Name(Mita limboo),  Kannada Name(Moosambi),  Konkani Name(Musumbi),  Malayalam Name(Chaathukkodi, Moosambi, Madhura naranga),  Urdu Name(Mousambi),  Nepali Name (Mausam),  France name(Bergamot),  

Vitamin and mineral content

Vitamin : C, A, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9

Mineral : Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, magnesium, zinc

• Flavonoids (hespiridin and naringin)  are  found to be present in the peel and the inner part of the fruit.

• This fruit is rich in vitamin C, providing 50 mg per 100 g serving.

• Various compounds have been identified by the process of Mass spectrophotometry. Till now about 30 compounds have been identified in various studies. Limonene(d-limonene) is the main component of the citrus peel oils and it ranges from 40-95% in concentration in citrus fruits.

• Oral administration of d-limonene is rapidly and almost completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract in humans as well as animals.It is rapidly distributed to different tissues in the body and is readily metabolized. 

• With this it also contains some of the compounds in some what large amount such as Bergamol, β-pinene, Linalool, α-pinene, α-terpineol, Neral, Geranial, β-Bisabolol, β-Bisabolene, β-Myrcene.

Properties and benefits

Taste – sweet

Guru – heavy to digest

Potency – cold

Effect on Tridoshas : Balances vata and pitta dosha but aggravates Kapha dosha

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Benefits in 

Balya – promotes physical strength

Brhmana – nourishes

Gara roga – food poisoning

Visha – poisoning, toxic condition

Shosha – emaciation

Aruchi – anorexia

Tresha – excess thirst

Chardi – vomiting

How to check if the fruit is ripe?

Gently scratch the surface of the peel, if its oil enters the fingernails it is ripe. This fruit must me plucked from tree when it is fully ripen because it will not ripe off the tree.

Uses benefits and application

1) The flavonoids in sweet lime stimulates secretion of bile, digestive juices and acids and thus improves the digestion capacity and cures indigestion. Thus, drinking mosambi juice frequently throughout the day can ward off stomach problems, indigestion, nausea and dizziness.

              - d-limonene has been shown to be effective in relieving occasional heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD). 

              - Due to its sweet fragrance, mosambi juice facilitates the release of saliva from the salivary glands which assists in quick digestion. The acids present in mosambi juice help in the removal of toxins from the bowel tracts, thus easing constipation. Sweet mosambi juice with a pinch of salt can provide immediate/instant relief.

2) It is used to relieve vomiting and nausea. Due to its it's good sweet taste and good aroma.

3) Scurvy : This disease is caused by vitamin C deficiency characterized by swollen gums, frequent bouts of flu, clod and cracked lip corners. Being rich in vitamin C, mosambi is effective in curing scurvy.

3) It is effective in case of stomach upsets, dysentery, diarrhea and loose motions as it is rich in potassium. 

4) D-limonene(sweet lemon essential oil)  is a monocyclic monoterpene with a lemon like odor and is major constituent in several citrus oils like orange, lemon, mandarin, and grape fruit. Because of its pleasant citrus fragrance additive in perfumes, soaps, foods, chewing gum and beverages.

5) Mosambi juice is beneficial for diabetes patients. To treat diabetes, you can mix 2 teaspoons mosambi juice, 4 teaspoons amla juice and 1 teaspoon honey and take this on an empty stomach every morning for best results. Whereas the high pectin content present in the peels of sweet lemon works against Blood sugar and Cholesterol.

            Click here for more information about Honey

            Click here for more information about Amla

6) The sweet lemon peel was used as the low cost natural bio-sorbent.

7) Regular consumption of mosambi juice ensures proper blood circulation by improving the function of the heart and it's high vitamin C content results in a much healthier immune system.

8) Being low in fat and calories, mixture of Mosambi juice and honey burns extra calories which helps to reduce body weight.

                   - Citrus limetta fruit peel contain the flavonoids hesperidin and naringin. Hesperidin and naringin both are proven to be potent hypoglycaemic agents.

9) Pregnant women are often advised to drink mosambi juice as it provides a lot of calcium that benefits both the growing fetus and the mother too.

10) Being rich in vitamin C, mosambi juice helps in clearing common cold and improves the body’s resistance towards cough and cold.

11) Mosambi juice has an important role to play in skincare. Being rich in vitamin C, it improves the skin color naturally and is used in several beauty products and alternative medicine supplements and vitamins. Some of its skin benefits are :

                      • For treatment of Pigmentation, Spots and Blemishes : Mosambi juice treats various pigmentation issues such as spots, pimples and blemishes. For this purpose, apply fresh mosambi juice on the affected area at bedtime and wash with warm water the next day.

                     • Treatment of Body Odor and Sweat : Taking a bath with mosambi peel juice or few drops of sweet lemon essential oil mixed in bath water helps in tackling body odor and sweat. With removing body odour, it also helps in reducing pain due to its antiinflammatory properties.

                  • Treatment of Cracked Lips : Rubbing mosambi juice on lips 2-3 times a day can reduce the darkness of lips and also treats chapped lips.

                 • Prevention of Skin Problems : Mosambi juice is great for skin health due to the presence of vitamins and minerals. Its antioxidant, antibiotic and disinfectant properties rejuvenate the skin by protecting it from infections. Mosambi juice cleanses your blood, thus providing relief against skin problems.

                 • Reduction of Swelling and Pain: Applying a mixture of mosambi juice and castor oil on the affected area can lessen swelling and pain. 

12) Antiulcer effects : Peptic ulcers are open sores that occur on the inner lining of your esophagus, stomach or upper intestine and cause a lot of abdominal pain. The acids in lime juice provide relief against peptic ulcers by causing an alkaline reaction in the system, thus reducing gastric acidity. For best results, you can drink a mixture of mosambi and lemon Juices. Drinking mosambi juice in warm water treats mouth ulcers and bad breath.

13) Due to its antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties, this juice protects your eyes from infections and muscular degeneration. Washing your eyes with a few drops of mosambi juice mixed in plain or salt water can help in treating infections like conjunctivitis.

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14) Treatment of urinary disorders : Being rich in potassium, mosambi juice helps in treating urinary disorders such as cystitis. Cystitis is an inflammation of urinary bladder, also known as urinary tract infection (UTI). Mosambi juice boiled in water should be taken within a couple of hours after cooling for immediate relief in cystitis. Potassium facilitates the detoxification process of kidneys and bladder, preventing various types of urinary tract infections.

15) Being rich in potassium mausambi juice helps to reduce blood pressure.

16) Sweet lime helps in perception of food taste by releasing the secretion of salivary glands in the mouth thus it can be made used in anorexia.

17) Peel yields essential oil. Oil is aromatic, used as flavoring agent in food, beverages, aromatherapy and pharmaceutical industries. Pharmacological activity of this essential oil is Antimicrobial, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anxiolytic.

18) Mosambi juices acts as a very good detoxifying agent by flushing out toxins and neutralizes the harmful effects due to stress and pollution.

19) Sweet lemon Juice maintains proper bone health by maintaining proper calcium balance.

20) Drinking mosambi juice along with pinch full of Sunthi and some amount honey / jaggery regularly reduces weakness and fatigue, boosts your energy and maintains freshness.

           Click here for more information about Dried ginger/sunthi

21) Mosambi juice has great anti-ageing properties due to its high Anti-oxidant, flavonoids & carotenoids effect. and helps reduce wrinkling of the skin. It promotes the development of healthy collagen, provides firmness and prevents aging.

22) Mosambi juice helps in the treatment of jaundice and this is why the doctors prescribe this juice. Sweet lime has a coolant effect and treats the symptoms of jaundice. Anyone suffering from jaundice can consume it to treat fever, nausea and vomiting. Being a light drink, the Sweet Lime juice can boost the functioning of the liver and improve digestion.

23) Sweet lime juice prevents dehydration and is far better than carbonated drink which only gives acidity and burps. It is far better to drink mosambi juice when feeling dehydrated and thirsty.

Research : 

Gallstone dissolution : In an in vitro study performed on d-limonene, it was observed that it could dissolve human gallstones within two hours. In animals, infusion of d-limonene into the gallbladder dissolved and disintegrated gallstones, which were excreted through the common bile duct. In patients post gallstone surgery, infusion of 20 mL d-limonene every other day dissolved gallstones overlooked during surgery. In some patients gallstone dissolution occurred after only three infusions.

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Reference :

1) 1) Chemical Center Journal / Bmc chemistry.  Published online 2015 Dec 24.  PMCID: PMC4690266


3) World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol 4, Issue 11, 2015.

4) Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2016. ISSN : 0975-7384



7) springer : https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13201-019-0997-6

8) Local tradition and knowledge

9) Wikipedia

10) Bhavaprakasha Nighantu

11) Journal of Horticulture Science.  Vol. 11(1):44-46, 2016


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