pointed gourd/Paraval - Ayurvedic remedies, health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more

 Pointed gourd/Paraval 

The pointed gourd, Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.also called “parwal” or “patal”—is an important cucurbitaceous vegetable extensively cultivated in India, particularly in the states of Bihar, eastern Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Assam and to some extent in Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Gujarat. This perennial and dioecious vegetable crop is an extremely nutritive, wholesome, and highly accepted vegetable, which is available for eight months of the year February to September. The green, tender fruits of pointed gourd are consumed as a vegetable; however, new, tender shoots and leaves are also used as vegetables. It is easily digestible, diuretic, and laxative. It also invigorates the heart and brain and is useful in the disorders of the circulatory system.

It has different names in different languages Hindi name(Parval),  Marathi & Gujarathi Name(Paraval),  Telugu name(Kommu Potla / Chedu Potla),  Bengali name(Patol),  Tamil name(Kambupudalai),  Kannada name(Kaadu Padaval, Kadu padavala kayi),  Malayalam name(PatolamIt)

Phytochemical constituents

The fruit constituents are minerals (Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Copper, and Sulphur), vitamins, tannins, saponins, alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, steroids, pentacyclic triterpenes, and other bioactive compounds have proven that the pointed gourd promising.

pointed gourd is considered to be a poor man’s vegetable. It is rich in vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C. It is also a great source of calcium

Properties and Benefits 

  • Rasa (Taste) – Tikta (bitter), Katu (pungent)
  • Guna (qualities) – Laghu (light to digest), Rooksha (dry)
  • Taste conversion after digestion – Katu (pungent)
  • Veerya (potency) – Ushna (hot)
  • Effects on Tridosha – Balances Kapha & Pitta.
  • Varnya – Good for skin, improves complexion:
  • Avatala – does not cause Vata imbalance.
  • Vrushya – natural aphrodisiac
  • Rochana – improves taste, useful in anorexia
  • Deepana – improves digestion strength
  • Cholesterol-lowering
  • Useful in
  • Kandu – itching sensation
  • Kushta – skin diseases
  • Jvara – fever
  • Daha – burning sensation
  • Kasa – cough, cold
  • Asra – purifies blood 
  • Pointed gourd root : 
  • Sukha virechaka – causes mild purgation.
  • Its stalk balances Kapha.
  • Patola patra – leaves balance Pitta.
  • Pointed gourd fruit is Tridosha balancing.
  • Leaves are febrifuge, Root is laxative and appetizer, Fruit is laxative, Febrifuge and appetizer


  • Febrifuge – reduces fever
  • Laxative – stimulates or facilitates the evacuation of the bowels
  • Cholagogue –promotes the discharge of bile from the system, purging it downward
  • Aperient – relieve constipation
  • Expectorant – promotes the secretion of sputum by the air passages, used to treat coughs
  • Anthelmintic
  • Tonic
  • According to Bhojana Kutuhalam, The fruit of patola is sweet, alleviates pitta dosha, imparts taste and relieves fever. It is strengthening, does nourishment, wholesome for the body, stimulates the digestive fire and promotes digestion. The leaves of patola alleviates pitta, The stem alleviates kapha, Its fruits alleviates all the three doshas and its root causes purgation.

Uses, Remedies, Benefits and Application 

1) Ayurveda medicines with PatolaMainly used in medicines that are useful in gastro intestinal and liver disorders.

2) Help in weight loss: Pointed gourd hasvery low in calories can reduce their weight. It helps your stomach to feelfuller and controls the need to eat.

3) Patolakaturohinyadi Kashayam – used in jaundice, viral infections, skin diseases. 

4) atolamooladi Kashayam – used in skin diseases, flu, viral infections etc. 

5) Leaves are used in the treatment of enlarged the liver and spleen, hemorrhoids, fistula in ano, fevers, leprosy, intrinsic hemorrhage, erysipelas, alopecia, diseases of mouth, inflammations, and wounds.

6) Patoladi Ghrita – used in fever, flu, skin diseases, ENT disorders etc.

7) Patoladi Choornam – used in anemia, bloating, gastritis etc.

8) Parwal Vegetable is easily digestible and helpful in aiding digestion. 

9) Eating parval reduces excess cough and acidity in the body.

10) The juice of leaves is tonic. Internal administration of this juice removes the blood impurities and thus helps in the treatment of skin diseases. The leaves juice is used as a febrifuge, in edema, alopecia, and in subacute cases of enlargement of the liver. In Charaka Samhita, leaves and fruits are used for treating alcoholism and jaundice.

11) Traditionally Parval are used in the treatment of diarrhea, acid gastritis, obesity, eye diseases, oedema, fever, and sperrnatorrhoea.

12) Seeds present in the pointed gourdvegetables help to ease stool and isrecommended to reduce constipation problem.

13) The Patola leaf juice is rubbed over the chest in the liver congestion and over the whole body in intermittent fevers.

14) The decoction of tender shoots with sugar improves digestion.

15) Being cooling in nature, Grinding the root of parwal and applying it on the head provides relief from all types of headache.

16) In the case of excess cough, a decoction of leaves is beneficial. It is prepared by boiling Parval leaves 6g and dry ginger powder in one glass water for a few minutes. This is filtered and taken twice a day.

17) Patol leaves of the plant are boiled in water and this decoction is taken internally for hyperacidity and biliousness.

18) In the case of boils, wounds, the paste of leaves is applied topically.

19) In raktpitta (variety of bleeding disorder that occur due to excessive use of food which has hot, acidic potency), parwal leaves juice should be taken in a dose of 5-10 ml with honey.

20) To treat Alopecia areata juice of patola leaves is applied to the scalp for        continuous 21 days.

21) Pointed gourd contains natural antioxidants, vitamin A and C that helps to fight with the free radical molecules which encourage the aging signs.

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  1. Charaka Samhita
  2. Bhojana Kutuhalam
  3. IJP, 2014; Vol. 1(7): 422-428.
  5. Pharmacogn Rev. 2012 Jan-Jun; 6(11): 61–67.  doi: 10.4103/0973-7847.95886. PMCID: PMC3358970
  6. Neuropharmacological properties of Trichosanthes dioica root. Chin J Nat Med. 2013;11(2):158-163. doi:10.1016/S1875-5364(13)60043-6
  8. Genetic Improvement of Vegetable Crops. 1993, Pages 251-258
  9. Food Science and Human Wellness, Volume 7, Issue 1, March 2018, Pages 34-48
  10. NCBI
  11. PUBMED
  12. Local Traditions and Knowledge
  13. Ayush Dietary Advisory for Kuposhan Mukt Bharat
  15. Journal of Global Biosciences Vol. 5(7), 2016 pp. 4350-4357. ISSN 2320-1355


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