Sugarcane/Ganna - Health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more



Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum Linn.) is an important perennial grass of Poaceae family, indigenous to tropical South Asia and Southeast Asia. It is cultivated worldwide due to the economical and medicinal value of its high yielding products. Sugarcane juice is well known as a raw material for the production of refined sugar and its wax is considered as a potential substitute for the expensive carnauba wax, which is of cosmetic and pharmaceutical interest. Refined sugar is the primary product of sugarcane juice, but during its processing, various other valuable products are also obtained in an unrefined form, such as, brown sugar, molasses, and jaggery. Sugarcane juice is widely used in India in the treatment of jaundice, hemorrhage, dysuria, anuria, and other urinary diseases. 

It has different names in different languages such as Hindi name(Ganna, Eekh, Ikha),  English name(Sugarcane),  Marathi name(Oons, Uss),  Gujarati name(Sheradi, Ganderi),  Tamil name(karimbu, Karumbu),  Telugu name(Cheruku),  Bengali name(Unkh, Kajali, Iksu, Khak),  Punjabi name(Shakir surkh),  Kannada name(Kabbu),  Malayalam name(Karimbi),  Arabian name(Kasabussakkar).

Phytochemical constituents

  • Vitamins : B6, B9, C
  • Minerals : Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, zinc
  • The phytochemistry of sugarcane wax (obtained from the leaves and stalks of sugarcane), leaves, juice, and its products has revealed the presence of various fatty acid, alcohol, phytosterols, higher terpenoids, flavonoids, -O- and -C-glycosides, and phenolic acids. 
  • Policosanols and D-003 along with some steroids and terpenoids have also been identified and isolated from sugarcane wax. Policosanols are a mixture of long chain primary aliphatic alcohols (1 - 8) ranging from 2.5 - 80%. Octacosanol (1) constitutes 50 - 80% of the total policosanoles. Other major pharmacologically active components of sugarcane wax are long chain aliphatic fatty acids (9 - 18) present at lower concentrations. The mixture of these acids is known as D-003 Although fatty acid and fatty alcohol are reported as major constituents various phytosterols (19 - 22), steroids (23 - 28), and higher terpenoids (29 - 30) have also been reported in sugarcane wax.
  • Sugarcane is comprises of 70 - 75% water, 13 - 15% sucrose, and 10 - 15% fiber.
  • sugarcane juice showed the presence of phenolic acids such as hydroxycinnamic acid, sinapic acid, and caffeic acid, along with flavones such as apigenin, luteolin, and tricin. Among the flavones, tricin derivatives accounted for the highest concentration.
  • several color components from sugarcane juice have been identified, with chlorogenic acid, cinnamic acid, and flavones. Following that, all the colored components from sugarcane juice were classified into four major classes: Plant pigments, polyphenolic compounds, caramels, and degradation products of sugars condensed with amino derivatives. 
  • Sugarcane contains various phytochemicals including phenolic compounds, plant sterols, and policosanols. Phenols help in the natural defense of plants against pests and diseases, while plant sterols and policosanols are the components of wax and plant oils. The phytochemicals have gained increased interest due to their antioxidant activity, cholesterol-lowering properties, and other potential health benefits. 
  • Presence of phenolic acids such as hydroxycinnamic acid, sinapic acid, andcaffeic acid, along with flavones such as apigenin, luteolin, and tricin, was alsoidentified in high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection(HPLC-DAD) analysis of phenolic compounds from sugarcane juice 

Best time to take sugar cane juice

Take sugar cane juice in the afternoon, when Pitta Dosha is predominant. It is better to avoid it during night.

Properties and Benefits

  • Rasa (Taste) – Madhura (Sweet)
  • Guna (Qualities) – Guru (Heavy), Snigdha (Slimy)
  • Taste conversation after digestion – Madhura (Sweet)
  • Veerya (Potency) – Sheetala (Cold)
  • Effects on Tridosha – Reduces vitiated vata & pitta dosha
  •                   Explore more about Tridosha(vata-Kapha-Pitta)
  • Jeevana – enlivening
  • Brimhana – improves weight
  • Vrushya – aphrodisiac, improves vigor
  • Krumiprada – can cause or worsen intestinal worm infestation
  • Mutraprada – Mutrala – diuretic, improves urine flow
  • Sara – induces mobility, causes diarrhoea, purgation, relieves constipation
  • Mootrashodana- Purify the urine
  • Santarpana – Nourishing
  • Balya – improves strength and immunity
  • Hladi – good and comforting for mind and heart
  • Ojasya – improves immunity
  • Vatahara – useful in treating disorders of Vata Dosha imbalance  such as neuralgia, paralysis, constipation, bloating, etc

Uses, Remedies, Benefits and Application

1) Sugarcane juice in a dose of 100-150 ml is consumed to control nausea and vomiting.

2) Sugarcane wax(whitish to dark-yellowish powdery deposit on the surface of stalks and leaves) is used as a commercial source of long chain fatty alcohols, acids, esters, aldehydes, and ketones.

                - The amount of wax in sugarcane ranges between 0.1 and 0.3%, depending upon its variety.

3) Regular intake of sugarcane juice will improve the quality of semen and increase the quantity of breast milk in lactating women.

4) Nutrients found in sugarcane are beneficial for inner organ functioning, including the kidneys, heart and brain.

5) Intake of sugarcane juice in a dose of 100-200 ml will improve the urine output and hence used in conditions of difficulty in micturition, burning micturition and in renal calculi.

6) Fresh sugarcane juice is consumed to reduce thirst, burning sensation of the body and provide instant energy.

7) Deficiency of nutrients in the body can easily be recovered by including sugarcane juice in our diet.

8) Sugarcane juice helps in proper functioning of digestive system and prevents stomach infections.

9) Mixture of Sesame oil cakes, Vidanga (Embelia ribes), sugar cane juice and cow dung is sprinkled to the root of a plant. This practice enables flowering of the plant in all the seasons. 

               Click here to explore more about Sesame seed

10) Intake of sugarcane juice is beneficial for persons suffering from constipation, jaundice and anaemia.

11) Sugarcane juice is good for burning sensation of body or while urinating, excessive sun exposure, to relieve weakness.

12) One of the surprising benefits of sugarcane juice is that it fights acne, reduces blemishes, delays ageing and keeps the skin supple. Alpha hydroxy acids are supposed to have great benefits for skin health, one of the most prominent alpha hydroxy acids is glycolic acid in sugarcane that helps to maintain the radiance of the skin. Apply directly on skin/mix with face pack.

               - Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) in sugarcane is beneficial in keeping the skin look supple and healthy.

               - Alpha hydroxy acids help fight acne, reduce blemishes, prevent ageing, and keepthe skin hydrated. One of the most effective alpha hydroxy acids is glycolic acid andis present in sugarcane and considered as one of its few natural sources.

13) Sugar cane juice is nourishing, it is a natural diuretic.

14) As it is cold in nature. So Sugarcane juice is one of the best natural coolant drink but it slightly increases Kapha Dosha and calms Pitta Dosha.

15) Sugarcane juice is rich in the good kind of carbohydrates, protein, iron, potassium and other essential nutrients that make it the ideal energy drinks. Especially in the summer months, a glass of sugarcane juice along with lemon & Ginger increase energy level and refreshment and reduces inflammation and fatigue. It builds up plasma and body fluids and helps counter dryness and fatigue.

                   - It is also important to consume the juice as soon as it is extracted because it tends to get oxidized within 15 min. As it is rich with medicinal values, sugarcane juice is considered as a miracle drink .

16) According to the Unani system of medicine in India,sugarcane juice is considered beneficial for the liver by regulating the bilirubin levels and it is recommended that consumption of large amount of sugarcane juice helps for an immediate relief from jaundice.  

17) Decoction of the root of sugarcane in a dose of 50 ml is beneficial to remove intestinal worms.

18) Intake of sugarcane juice provides strength to the cardiac muscles and improves the cardiac functioning.

19) It helps cure the common cold and other infections and also fight fever as it boosts the body's protein levels. 

20) Sugarcane juice is a common indigenous drink, economical and widely consumed by Indian athletes. It is rich in carbohydrates and a few electrolytes, comparable with planned sports drinks. 

21) Sugarcane is beneficial for rehydration as it not only cools the body but also energizes it with a high quantity of useful carbohydrates, protein, and Nutrients. 

22) It is consumed during fevers as it recovers protein loss. 

23) Chewing sugarcane, strengthen teeth and jaw muscles.

24) Sugarcane juice has a  low glycemic index, which keeps the body’s metabolism healthy and helps maintain a healthy body weight.

25) Sugarcane juice is used in many desserts and cuisines all over the world.

26) Sugarcane Molasses is used as a sweetener and a syrup accompanying other foods, such as cheese or cookies.

Side effects

  • It is not ideal in high Kapha disorders such as obesity, asthma, low digestion strength

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  1. Charaka Samhita
  2. Pharmacogn Rev. 2015 Jan-Jun; 9(17): 45–54.   PMCID: PMC4441162
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  5. Molecules. 2019 Mar; 24(5): 934.   PMCID: PMC6429268
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  8. Pharmacognosy Reviews | January-June 2015 | Vol 9 | Issue 17
  9. NCBI
  10. PUBMED
  11. Local tradition and knowledge
  12. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu
  13. Dhanawantari Nighantu


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