Makhana/Fox seeds - Health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more


Makhana/Fox seeds

Makhana is the seed of the lotus plant that is used in the preparation of sweets as well as savories. These seeds can be consumed raw or in cooked form. Makhana is also used for medicinal purposes. It grows in water and is found in India, Korea, China, Japan and Russia. In India, it is popularly known as Makhana. They are the edible seeds of lotus flower which can be roasted or fried. These are used in many dishes of India. They are also considered as very pious food and used in many rituals. Along with this they are also highly beneficial in terms of nutritional values.

It shows Antioxidant, Cardioprotective, Aphrodisiac, Spermatogenic, Antidiabetic, Antihyperglycemic, Antihyperlipidemic, Anti-melanogenic, Nephroprotective, Hepatoprotective, Anti-fatigue properties.

         Click here for more information about Antioxidants and free radicals

It has different names in different languages such as English name(Fox nut),  Hindi name(Makhana),  Marathi name(Mane),  Bengali name(Makhana),  Telugu name(Melluni padmamu),  Gujarati name?Makhana),  Punjabi name(Jaivar), Unani(Makhaanaa),  Urdu name(Kanta Padm),  

What is Makhana? 

Makhanas are roasted and popped seeds of Euryale Ferox Salisb. Euryale Ferox belongs to Nymphaeaceae (water lilies) family. These seeds are processed in traditional ways, roasted and sold popped Makhana. 

Vitamin and mineral content

• Minerals : Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium

• It contains large amount of calcium and potassium.

• It contains 77g Carbohydrates, 9.7g Protein, 7.6g Dietery fiber, 0.1g Lipids/fat

• Makhana has almost no cholesterol, low fat and low sodium. 

• It has very high nutritional as well as medicinal properties as it has a high ratio of lysine+ arginine/proline (4.74–7.6) and amino acid index (89–93%) 

• The calorific value of raw seeds (362 k cal/100g) and puffed seeds (328 k cal/100g). 

• studies reveal that the components of the seed coat mainly include tannins and polyphenols.

Properties and benefits 

Guna (qualities) – Guru (heaviness), Snigdha (unctuousness)

Rasa (taste) – Madhura (sweet), Kashaya – astringent, bitter – Tikta

Taste conversation after digestion – Madhura (Sweet)

Veerya(Potency) – Sheetala(cold)

Effect on Tridosha – Balances Vata and Pitta Dosha.

          Click here for more information Tridosha

Vishtambhi – Causes constipation

Grahi – absorbent, useful in diarrhoea, IBS

Kinchit Marutakrut – slightly increases Vata Dosha.

Vrushya – aphrodisiac, improves vigour

Garbha Samsthapaka – ensures safe pregnancy

Balya – improves strength and immunity

Pittasra – useful in Raktapitta (Bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, heavy periods, etc)

Daha –  used in burning sensation, as in gastritis, neuropathy, burning sensation in eyes etc

Benefits, uses and application

1) In Ayurvedic treatment, Makhana seeds are often prescribed for reducing fatigue. The seeds have a couple of characteristics which help in increasing the energy levels of the body. It also improves the vitality, and boosts stamina in a person. 

2) It is an excellent and nutritive alternative for unhealthy fried food and other fried snacks. 

3) As it contains high amount of potassium and low amount of sodium, helps to reduce blood pressure and it's abundant Magnesium content improves quality of blood and oxygen level. Including this its high Anti-oxidant and Cardioprotective activities protect the heart.

4) Eat ghee fried Makhana for insomnia. Don't take too much of ghee for frying.

          Click here for more information about Ghee/Clarified butter

5) Makhana is known as anti-aging foods because of powerful antioxidants. 

6) Makhana contain iron, so it is also helpful in anemia.

7) As Makhana is rich in protein and fiber, it helps to reduce weight.

8) Makhana increases quality and quantity of semen, prevents premature ejaculation, increases libido and helps in female infertility. It strengthens body and increases energy level. Because of its aphrodisiac properties it is grouped under Vrishyadi group.

                - Makhanna increases stickiness of secretions by increasing moisture level in body. Hence it increases quality and quantity of semen and useful in impotence. It helps to increase the fertility in women and reduces Vata and Pitta. It strengthens the body and reduces burning sensation and quenches thirst.

9) Makhana is superior to dry fruits such as almonds, walnut, coconut and cashew nut in term of sugar, protein, ascorbic acid and phenol content. 

            Click here for more information about Almond


10) Lotus Seed provides relief from problems like numbness, aching near waist and knees.

11) Makhana is extremely suitable for arthritis, impotence and premature aging.

12) Lotus Seed is highly recommended for the women during pregnancy and post natal weaknesses.

13) Rich of flavonoids in Makahan helps in reducing the risk and preventing inflammation.

14) Makhana has antidiabetic and antihyperglycemic properties. It reduces blood glucose level and stimulates insulin secretion from Pancreatic beta cells. The antidiabetic action might be due to its antioxidant activities.

15) Makhana is used as a tonic and for the treatment of leucorrhoea and good immunostimulant.

16) Fox Nuts (Makhana) has high calcium content is good for bone and teeth health.

17) The seeds of the Lotus plant are rich in nutrients and dietary fibres, making it a digestive booster. It works by boosting the secretion of gastric juices to help improve digestion. Kamal gatta also activates intestinal motion to help smoothen bowel movements. This benefit allows Kamal Gota to be incorporated in Ayurvedic diarrhoea treatment as well as anti-diarrhoea supplements.

18) Kamal Gota contains isoquinoline alkaloids that are proven to help combat depression and anxiety.

19) As Makhana has antioxidant and anti-aging property, it helps in preventing the skin from inflammation and aging. 

            - It helps in tightening the skin and preventing wrinkles.

20) It helps in Vitamin B1 deficiency.

21) Makhana bhel/Salad for wweight loss: Add Makhana along with some spice such as cumin&carom seed powder and some rock salt.

         Click here for more information cumin seed

         Click here for more information Carom seeds

        Click here to explore more about Rock Salt

How to consume Makhana?

• You can roast the seeds or fry them in a little ghee wherein they pop like popcorn. These puffed seeds can be eaten with some black salt and cinnamon. Or they can be directly roasted for puffing.  

           Click here for more information about Cinnamon

• Alternatively, the puffed seeds can be used as an ingredient in dishes like Makhana Kheer, Makhana bhel Makhana Chops, gud makhana, etc. 

          Click here for more information about Jaggery/Gud

• A paste made with lotus seeds is used as a key ingredient in many Japanese and Chinese desserts. 

Side effects : 

1) it causes some digestive issues such as constipation, gas, feeling bloated. It is not indicated in people with bloating and constipation.

2) They can cause allergies in some people.

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1) Bhavaprakasha Nighantu

2) Journal of Biological Physics. Published online 2018 Oct 25.  PMCID: PMC6408554

3) Molecules. 2013 Sep; 18(9): 11003–11021.  Published online 2013 Sep 9.  PMCID: PMC6270581

4) Springerplus. 2015; 4: 315.  Published online 2015 Jul 3.  PMCID: PMC4489967

5) Dravya guna Vigyan Vol. 2

6) Charaka Samhita



10) Local tradition and knowledge

11) Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2015 Vol. 4 Issue 2 69 [e ISSN 2350-0204]

12) Journal of AgriSearch 3(4): 199-205 ; ISSN : 2348-8808 (


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  1. Thank you for sharing benefits of Makhana. We can also add food like this in our diet as quick bites. Here are Top 18 Quick Tasty Healthy Bites at Home .

  2. I have gone through your blog and found you have written good information on Makhana. I thank you for the same.

  3. An amazing information you gave thank you very much. The Makhana Benefits for Hair are astounding. It is a very powerful food that combines the best of both worlds: it is high in protein and full of essential micro-nutrients while still being gluten-free and vegan. The Makhana Fruit is a popular ingredient in Indian cuisines. It's also attributed to hair growth benefits. Here's what you need to know about the makhana fruit, its benefits for hair, and how you can use it to improve your hair's health!


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