Chikoo/Sapota/Sapodilla - Health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more


Nature has blessed us with a wonderful flora and fauna, which has made our life beautiful. One of these wonders is a sapodilla fruit. Sapodilla, commonly known as Chickoo is such a fruit, which has a sweet taste that resembles a mixed flavour of brown sugar and beet root. It is liked by people of all ages. Sapodilla plum (Achras sapota or Manilkara zapota) is a tropical evergreen fruit tree belonging to the family of sapotaceae used in traditional system of Indian medicine. Ripe sapodilla fruits are eaten, which are rich in calories and contain sugars, acids, protein, phenolics, carotenoids and ascorbic acid and possess high antioxidant properties.

It shows anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, antiglycative, hypocholesterolemic analgesic and spermicidal activities

            Click here for more information about Anti-oxidant and free radical

Marathi name(chikoo),  Hindi name(Chikoo),  English name(Sapodilla , Bully Tree, Chicle, Chico Sapote, Chiku, Marmalade Plum, and Sapote),  Malayalam and telgu(Sapota, Sapotasima),  Kannada name(Chikku, Sapota), Tamil name(Simaiyiluppai),  Bengali name(Sopeta, Sofeda),  Oriya name(Sapeta)


  • Taste– sweet
  • Properties – light
  • Potency – cold
  • Taste conversation after digestion – sweet
  • Effect on Tridosha – Vata & Pitta balancing and Kapha increasing

             Click here for more information about Tridosha

Vitamin and mineral content

  • Vitamin : B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C
  • Mineral : Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc
  • Chikoo is reported with presence of polyphenolic compounds like tannins and flavonoids (9). Also, triterpenes were previously isolated from these fruits. Its methanolic extracts contain dihydromyricetin, quercitrin, myricitrin, catechins and gallic acid. Recently some novel triterpenes have been identified as 4-caffeoylquinic acid (cryptochlorogenic acid), lupeol-3-acetate, methyl 4-O-galloylchlorogenate and β - amyrin-3-(3’-dimethyl) butyrate.
  • Importantly, chemical constituents such as flavonoids, polyphenols, dihydromyrecetin, quercitin, myricitrin, catechin, epicatechin, gallocatechin and gallic acid have been isolated from fruits.
  • Sapodilla is enriched with phytochemicals such as catechin, epicatechin, leucocyanidin, leucodelphinidin, leucopelargonidin, and gallic acid

Benefits, application and uses

1) The decoction of young fruits along with flowers is used to treat diarrhea, dysentery and pulmonary diseases because of its high tannin contain.

                 - antidiarrhoeal activity of the extract may be due to the increase of the re-absorption of electrolytes and water from gastrointestinal tract or inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis. Antidiarrhoel effect may be seen due to the presence of flavonoids, and saponins.

2) The leaves and fruits of sapodilla have been used in traditional medicine to treat several diseases 

3) Sapodilla fruit is mainly consumed fresh as a dessert due to its pleasant sweet flavor and aroma. Sometimes the fruit is chilled prior to eating which improves its flavor. The flesh is sometimes used to make sherbets, ice cream or is eaten as dried fruit in India. Some people make syrup and vinegar from the sapodilla juice and jams from the flesh.

4) Tea from old leaves is used to treat coughs, colds and diarrhea

                  - crushed seeds are used as a diuretic, sedative, sopoforic and for kidney stones

                  - The latex can be used to fill tooth cavities temporarily and the bark can be used to make tea for treating fevers.

5) The sapota seed oil is extracted and mixed with sesame oil in 1:4 ratio. This nourishes the scalp by pacifying irritated skin. Thus it promotes healthy hair growth and prevents hair fall.

              Click here for more information about Sesame seed/oil

6) Sapodilla fruit can be beneficial for individuals with constipation or irregular bowel movements. The dietary fiber present in sapodilla fruit has water-holding capacity that provides bulk and volume to the stools, reduces pressure and helps in passing stool easily. 

7) Seeds contain saponins and quercitin, used as tonic, antibacterial, antipyretic, febrifuge and laxative. While, seed paste is effective against stings and venomous bites, seed juice is known to have diuretic and antihistamine qualities, effective against anxiety and depression, removes bladder and kidneys stone.

8) The Chickoo fruit reduces inflammation and pain in gastritis, reflux oesophagitis and bowel disorders. Paste of seeds of sapodilla is used to alleviate pain and inflammation due to stings and bites. 

               - Anti-inflammatory activity of Manilkara zapota may be due to inhibition ofrelease of histamine and serotonin. Inhibition of biosynthesis of prostaglandins by inhibiting cyclooxygenase pathway may also contribute for both anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic activities. Anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic activities of the leaves of the plant could be attributed to the active constituents like lupeol acetate, oleanolic acid; apigenin-7-O-α-L-rhamnoside and myricetin-3-O-α-L-rhamnoside present in the Manilkara zapota leaves.

9) It is useful in pregnancy due to its high nutritional content. It reduces weakness, nausea and dizziness and prevents anaemia.

10) Sapodilla fruit is also a good anti-spasmodic agent.

11) Leaf decoction in wound healing and mouth ulcers : Mature green leaves are collected. 3 – 4 leaves are added with 600 ml water, boiled and reduced to 300 ml. Filtered. After cooling, it is used for mouth gargling as well as washing the wounds.

12) The Vitamins E, A and C of the fruit Manilkara zapota/chikoo, makes the skin healthy due to its moisturising effect. Presence of antioxidant like ascorbic acid, polyphenols and flavonoids help in reducing wrinkles. Warts and fungal growth on the skin is cleared away by the milky sap of the sapodilla plant. The seed oil helps in moisturizing the scalp and softening hair. It yields beneficial results in the management of curly hair. The sapodilla seed oil helps in treating hair-fall due to seborrheic dermatitis.

            - Chiku stem bark decoction is well known for anti microbial properties. It helps to subside itching and dandruff. To prepare decoction – 40 grams of bark powder is boiled with 800 ml water, boiled and reduced to 500 ml, used for hair wash or rinse.

           - Sapota seeds are washed and dried. This is made into fine powder and applied to scalp or dusted over the head. Then the head is covered with a cloth tightly for 1-2 hours. This is useful in dandruff and head lice.

13) Sapodilla is regarded as a natural energy booster as it contains fructose and sucrose.


14) Being rich in calcium, iron and phosphorus, sapota fruit greatly helps inbenhancing and strengthening the bones. Copper is essential forthe growth of bones, connective tissue and muscles. Deficiency of copper increases the chances of osteoporosis, muscle weakness, low strength, breakage, weak joints etc. Studies show that the intake of copper with manganese, zinc, calcium slows the loss of bone in older women.

15) Chikoo helps to improve the immune system of body and protects from various diseases.

16) Sapodilla fruit contains a large amount of Vitamin A, which helps in the formation of visual sensory cells and improves eyesight.

17) Chikoo helps in faster healing of unhealing wounds and Abscess(faster maturing of abscess). Just apply the paste of raw chikoo at affected area.

18) Sapota fruit provides a high amount of dietary fiber(5.6/100g). Thus, it is regarded as an excellent bulk laxative.The fiber content provides relief from constipation. It supports the colons’ membrane and makes it resistant to infections.

19) The high latex content of sapota fruit can be used as a crude filling for tooth cavities. This gum-latex of the plant Manilkara is also used in dental surgeries and making transmission belts.

20) Having a high dose of carbohydrates and essential nutrients,sapota is extremely beneficial for pregnant and lactatingmothers. It helps in reducing weakness and other symptoms ofpregnancy such as nausea and dizziness.

21) Chikoo stem bark decoction have  anti microbial properties. It helps to reduce itching and dandruff. prepare decoction – 40 grams of bark powder is boiled with 800 ml water, boiled and reduced to 500 ml, used for hair wash.

22) Magnesium contained in sapota is beneficial for blood andblood vessels whereas potassium helps in regulating blood pressure and promoting healthy circulation. Folate and iron prevent anaemia. Sapota helps in strengthening the intestinesand in improving their performance. 

23) After buying, it is best to consume chikoos within 3-4days.

24) Raw chikoos, when stored in a rice of bag for two days, can be ripened.

25) Presence of antioxidant like ascorbic acid, polyphenols and flavonoids help in reducing wrinkles. 

26) 3 – 4 Mature leaves are added with 600 ml water, boiled and reduced upto 300 ml and then Filtered. After cooling, it is used for mouth gargling as well as washing the wounds. This has proven effect in mouth ulcers and in chronic ulcers.

27) The seed oil helps in moisturizing the scalp and softening hair.

28) It yields beneficial results in the management of curly hair

29) Many year the latex from the sapota tree called chick was the main ingredient of chewing gum. It contains 15% rubber and 38% resin and it’s tasteless. Steps to process the latex into chewing gum drying melting, eliminator of foreign matter mixing with other gum, sweetness and flavor and finally rolling into sheets and cutting in to different sizes.

30) Value added products such as juice, vinegar, jam and wine increases the economic value of the sapota. These value added products highly accepted in all over the world by consumers in every group.

31) Sapota seeds are washed and dried. This is made into fine powder and applied to scalp or dusted over the head. Then the head is covered with a cloth tightly for 1-2 hours. This is useful in dandruff and head lice.

32) Warts and fungal growth on the skin is cleared away by the milky sap of the sapota plant. 

33) Sapota seed oil is mixed with sesame oil in 1:4 ratio. This nourishes the scalp by pacifying irritated skin. Thus it promotes healthy hair growth and prevents hair fall. 

         Click here to explore more about Sesame oil

34) Eating Chikoo helps to get relief from the severe cold and chronic cough by eliminating the phlegm.

Side effects: 

  • Raw sapota fruits contains high amount of latex and tannins, which contribute to its extremely bitter taste. Mouth ulcers, prickling in the throat, and dyspnoea, especially in small children is observed upon eating of raw fruits.

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Reference : 

1) Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences.   2020 Feb; 23(2): 224–235.  PMCID: PMC7211360

2) Scientific Reports. 2014; 4: 6147.   Published online 2014 Aug 21.   PMCID: PMC4139949

3) Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences.   Published online 2020 May 11.   PMCID: PMC7451601

4) Postharvest Biology and Technology of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits.   Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition ; 2011, Pages 351-362, 363e

5) International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology.  ISSN: 2454-132X   (Volume 3, Issue 6)

6) Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 6(4), July – August 2015

7) Horticultural Reviews, Volume 45, First Edition. 

8) Journal of Food Biochemistry31(2007) 399–414.

9) Local tradition and knowledge

10) NCBI


12) Wikipedia

13) International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. Volume 3; Issue 1; January 2018; Page No. 184-187. ISSN: 2455-4898 

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