Beetroot/chukunder - Benefits and Nutrition



Beetroot is also known as ‘Beet’ or ‘Chukunder’. Beetroot, an annual or biennial cultivated form of Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris conditiva, includes a variety of edible taproots originated from the Middle East, which has been spreading worldwide, from the Americas to Europe and Asia. As a rich and nutritious source, it is believed to hold health-promotional characteristics.

It shows anti-oxidant, anti-allergic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, anti-diabetic, hepato-protective, Vata balancing, hypotensive and wound healing properties.

           Click here for more information about the Anti-oxidant and free radicals

Vitamins and Minerals content

Vitamins : A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C

Minerals : Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc, Sodium

• Beetroot is consist of multiple biologically active phytochemicals including betalains (e.g., betacyanins and betaxanthins), flavonoids, polyphenols, Saponins and inorganic Nitrate (NO3).

            -Betalains are unique nitrogen-containing pigments found exclusively in families of  Caryophyllales order and some higher order fungi, where they replace anthocyanin pigments.  

            - Beta vulgaris betalains include two classes  of  com-pounds: betacyanins, which are red violet and betaxanthins (predominantly, vulgaxanthin-I),  which are yellow. The major betalain in red beet is betanin, which is betanidin-5-O-beta-glucoside, containing phenolic and cyclic amine groups, acting as antioxidants 

            - Vulgaxanthin is a yellow or orange pigment found in beetroots and yellow beets.

            - Betaine (trimethylglycine) is found naturally in most living organisms and rich in dietary  sources include seafood, especially marine invertebrates (≈1%), wheat germ or bran (≈1%) and spinach (≈0.75%). The total content of betaine in red beet juice is 0.3% -  0.4%. The principal  physiological role of betaine is an osmolyte and methyl donor (transmethylation). As an osmolyte, betaine pro-tects cells, proteins, and enzymes from environmental stress  (dehydration,  ex-treme temperature etc).  

Beetroot is classified as one of the ten plants with the highest antioxidant activity.

• 100 g of this plant contains: alkaloids (128.8 mg), steroids (16.4 mg), glycosides  (0.652  mg),  flavonoids  (6.15  mg),  terpenoids  (115.5  mg),  saponins  (3.789  mg),  beta-carotene  (11.64  mg),  vitamins  A  (2.6  mcg). 

• Apart from betaines, small amounts of hydroxycinnamic acids such as gallic, syringic, and caffeic acids and flavonoids have been identified.

• Raw beets are mostly water and carbohydrate, they also contain small amounts of all the amino acids (protein).


Taste : Bitter and Sweet

Potency : Hot

Effects on Tridosha : Pacifies Vata and Pitta but increases Kapha

              Click here for more information about Tridoshas

Benefits, application and uses

1) It helps for reducing blood pressure and risks that are associated like strokes and heart attacks. This causes because of rich content of nitrates.  Beetroot nitrates are converted into nitric oxide that it reduces blood pressure and widens the blood vessels. 

              - Eat/ Drink beetroot on daily basis for limited time and limited amount. (Approx 150/200ml - Juice).

2) Taking beetroot juice on daily basis acts as anti-aging substance with reducing wrinkles on skin, reduce free radical damage and maintain youthfulness of skin. Because it contains large amount of Anti-oxidants and phenolic compounds with proper vitamins and minerals content.

               - For wrinkles : Take 1-2 teaspoon of beetry juice along with same amount of honey. Apply this whole mixture evenly on face. Wash the face after 10-15 min. With water.

           Click here for more information about Honey

3) Betanin, obtained from the roots, is used industrially as red food colorant, to improve the color and flavor of tomato paste, sauces, desserts, jams and jellies, ice cream, candy.

4) Beetroot can also be used to make wine.

5) Beetroot is eaten as raw or drink in juice format, which helps to reduce anemia. Because it contains large amount of iron.

6) Eating beet(raw) or drinking beetroot juice helps to improve structure of blood circulation and to treat any problems in circulatory systems, digestive systems and large intestine.

                - Red beet product consumption provides a significant effect on nearly all organs of  the  digestive  tract:  pancreas,  liver,  colon.  Red  beetroot  is  well  known  as  an  “internal cleansing”   substance and provides a mild laxative effect

                - One cup of beetroot provides 3.81 grams (g) of fiber. Consuming fiber is good for smooth digestion, healthy gut and relieves constipation.

7) Beets  have  been  used  in  traditional  medicine  for  hundreds  of  years  to  treat  constipation, gut and joint pain, dandruff.

8) Beets are eaten boiled, roasted, or raw, and either alone or combined with any salad vegetable.

9)  It should be remembered that pregnant women should eat raw beetroot than cooked beetroot. Cooked beetroot lowers the folic acid level.

               - Folic acid is important for the growth of tissues. It is present in beetroot. It is necessary for the fetus spinal cord development at the time of first trimester of pregnancy and it prevents to defect in the spinal cord. It contains more iron and is useful for pregnant women to relief from fatigue and anemia.

10) In contrast to other fruits, the main sugar in beetroot is sucrose with only small amounts of glucose and fructose. Because fructose reduces human exercise capacity, a low fructose and a high sucrose content is preferable, for example, in sports drinks.

11) Beetroot is also rich in antioxidants that help promote healthy functioning of the heart, liver.

12) Patients with kidney disease should consult physician before use.

13) For wound healing or swelling : Use beetroot powder paste along with honey or coconut oil and apply it to the affected area.

14) Beetroot contains many bioactive compounds. It may decrease the amount of blood glucose level after meals by decreasing the digestion and absorption of sugar. It may also stimulate the release of insulin. It also contains large amount of sucrose and very less amount of glucose that's why it doesn't increase sugar. Hence it is good for diabetic patients.   

                  - Consult physician before use.

15) The rich stock of silica in it does perfect utilization of calcium in the body and is also required for healthy skin, hair, nails and bones.

16) Beetroots can be most beneficial to Vata type. Pitta Dosha type person can consume cooked beets due to their cooling nature.  Kapha type can consume in small amount due to its sugar content. Khapa and Vata type can enjoy the beet greens as well.

17) Studies suggest that nitrates can enhance physical performance, particularly during high exercise. Dietary nitrates have been shown to reduce oxygen use during physical exercise by affecting the efficiency of mitochondria, the cell organs responsible for producing energy.

18) Green part of beetroot top also provides large amount of vitamins, minerals, phytochemical, Nitrates and fibers. This part is edible and can be eaten in raw(salad), stamed, cooked(sabji) format.

                 • Note : Beet greens contain high levels of oxalates, which can contribute to kidney stone formation. So do not eat too much of it and also wash the leaves with medium hot/warm water OR put this leaves in this hot water for 5-10 min OR Boil the beet green and remove the water and use this to eat. which helps to remove oxalate crystal in some amount.

               - But B vitamins are also water soluble and will be lost in the process.

19) Although it has a high sugar content, it is low in calories and almost fat free and loaded with fiber, which makes you full with lower calories. This is an nutritious option for those who want keep their weight down.

Intake formats for beetroots

1. Beetroot Salad(raw)

Use 1-2 raw Beetroots(medium size) with some cabbage, cucumber, tomato and leafy vegetables. 

             - Or you should also eat this salad in steamed format(steam salad).

2. Beetroot Juice

Take ½ - 1 cup of Beetroot juice. Add some amount rock salt and lemon for taste.

          - Beetroot Juice is taken on empty stomach.

3. Beetroot Capsule

4. Beetroot Powder

5. Beetroot green top

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Reference : 

1) Nutr Metab (Lond). 2020; 17: 3  ;  Published online 2020 Jan 7  ;  PMCID: PMC6947971

2) Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 2019, 7,  61-79.  ;    ISSN Online: 2327-509X

3) Nutrients. 2015 Apr; 7(4): 2801–2822  ;   Published online 2015 Apr 14   ;   PMCID: PMC4425174

4) Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 42 (2015) 46–55

5) The Nutrition Source. ;

6) BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2017; 17: 313.  ;  PMCID: PMC5609063

7) Balkrishnan A.Chukunder.Ayurved Jadi Buti Rehsya.


9) International Journal of Pharma And Chemical Research I Volume 4 I Issue 2 I Apr – Jun I 2018

10)  ; Compositional characteristics of commercial beetroot 

11) Local tradition and knowledge

12) Wikipedia

13) Nutritional, Bioactive and Physicochemical Characteristics of Different Beetroot Formulations

14) International Journal of Health Sciences & Research ( 280 ; Vol.9; Issue: 6; June 2019


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