Custard apple/Seetaphal - Health benefits, applicatio,n chemical constituents, side effects and many more

Custard apple/Seetaphal

Sitaphal is one among of them usually known as custard apple, Seetaphal, Sharifa, sugar apple; sweetsop is the fruit of Annona squamosa (Annonaceae). The leaves of the plant have been utilized as bug spray, anthelmintic and in healing of bleeding wounds. Fruit of custard apple is a tropical fruit mainly grow in tropical climate. The fruits are well known for their delicious taste and are heart shaped with light green skin, a soft creamy white flesh.

It shows antidiabetic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, antiobesity, lipid-lowering, and hepatoprotective

Vitamin and mineral content

It possess appreciable concentrations of various minerals, such as phosphorus (P), potassium (K), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), copper (Cu), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn), and vitamins, namely, A, C (ascorbic acid), E, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), and B9 (folic acid). These minerals are required to maintain a healthy human body, as they help to perform various activities, such as maintenance of healthy teeth and bones, muscle contraction and relaxation, blood clotting, blood pressure regulation, nerve functioning, immune system health, energy metabolism, and many enzymes.

It contains appreciable vitamin C in the range of 35–42 mg per 100 g, and dietary fibre, vitamin B1 (thiamine), and potassium contents are also notably high
Phytochemical studies have revealed that custard apple contains numerous phenol-based compounds, e.g., proanthocyanidins, with 18 different phenolic compounds, mainly alkaloids or flavonoids.

The average sugar content is 14.58% and is about 50-50 glucose and sucrose. The plant is  reported to contain different chemical constituents like Borneol, Camphene, Camphor, car-3-ene,Carvone, β- Caryphyllene, Eugenol, Farnesol, Geraniol, 16- Hetriacontanone, Hexacontanol, Higemamine, Isocorydine, Limonine from stems, roots.

Custard apple pulp is very sweet and contains up to 28% sugar in which sucrose (2.53%) percentage are pre- dominant sugar along with dextrose (5.05%) percent laevulose (0.04%) in rich with aromatic flavour

Properties and Benefits 

Rasa (Taste) – Madhura (Sweet) 
Veerya (Potency) – Sheetala (Cold)
Taste conversation after digestion – Madhura(Sweet)  
Effects on Tridosha – Reduces vitiated vata and pitta dosha)
Balya – Improves strength 
Mild laxative
Leaves, Wood and Steam - Wound healing 
Improves taste perception
Fruit does not cause excess vitiation of kapha dosha
Seeds & Bark are pungent and Hot in Potency 

Uses, Remedies, Benefits and Application  

1) Custard apple is used in desserts, jams, syrups and other cuisines all over the world. 

2) Root of sitaphala is made into decoction and given in a dose of about 50 ml to treat diarrhea. 

3) Dried powder of fruit is used in the treatment of pus filled ulcer. 

4) These vitamins and minerals present in custard apple are involved in many activities in the human body, such as maintaining skin health, epithelial tissue development, bone development, visual sharpness, immune response, wound healing, and strengthening connective tissues. Vitamin B1, B2, B3, and B9 act as cofactors for several enzymes involved in oxidation-reduction reactions and carbohydrate metabolism.

5) First prepare a decoction of Leaves  of custard apple Then add tankan bhasma to it and use this wash your hairs for 2-3 times a week. This helps to relieve from dandruff and scalp  itching.

6) The powder is made into paste by mixing with water and applied over the ulcer for speedy ripening of the ulcer and discharge of the pus from it. 

7) Paste of the leaf and root is made into paste and applied over the area affected with fungal infection of the skin. 

8) The leaves yield an excellent oil rich in terpenes and sesquiterpenes, mainly B-caryophyllene,which finds limited use in perfumes, giving a woody spicy accent. Fiber extracted from the barkhas been employed for cordag.

9) Custard apples are high in potassium and magnesium, both of which are essential for keeping cardiac diseases at bay and controlling blood pressure levels. Also, vitamin B6 and dietary fiber present in custard apple helps to keep the blood cholesterol levels normal, thereby reducing the incidence of cardiac arrest and other heart ailments considerably.

10) For head lice, Seed powder is applied on whole scalp and coverd with cotton cloth and wash it after 2-3 hours, Do this procedure 2-3 times in week for 2 weeks.

11) The fruit pulp acts as tonic for cardiac muscles. The decoction of the root is used for head wash to kill head lice. 

12) Bark of the plant of Sitaphala is made into decoction and given in a dose of 40 to 50 ml to control blood sugar level in diabetic patients. 

13) Take a mixture of 1/2 cup custard Apple pulp along with 1/4th cup of jaggery and 2 pinch of cardamom for 15-20 day, it helps to improve libido and good aphrodisiac.

14) Scrapings of root-bark are used for toothache.
15) In Aligarh district of Northern India, villagers used to consume a mixture of 4 - 5 newly grown young leaves of Sitaphala along with black pepper (Piper nigrum) for management of diabetes. It is documented that this may ensure up to 80% of the positive results with continued therapy. 

16) The leaf decoction is also employed in baths to alleviate rheumatic pain.

17) Custard apple is a wonder-fruit for pregnant women. Being a rich source of dietary fibre, copper, and vitamin B6, custard apple goes a long way to alleviate the symptoms of constipation and morning sickness (especially nausea) in pregnant women. When consumed regularly during pregnancy, it helps in producing more breast milk. Custard apple also contributes significantly towards the development of the brain, nervous system, and immune system of the foetus.

18) The powder of the leaf of sitaphala is mixed with honey and given as expectorant to treat patients suffering from cough and dyspnea.

19) Yellow resin extracted from seeds exhibits sympathetic action such asdilatation of pupil, dryness of mouth, decreases secretions.

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  1. Bhojana Kutuhalam
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  3. Local Tradition and Knowledge 
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  11. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2015; 4(1): 21-28


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