Ashwagandha part - 2
Ashwagandha part - 2
Click here for Ashwagandha part - 1
Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine practiced in India can be traced back to 6000 BC (Charak Samhita, 1949). For most of these 6000 years Ashwagandha has been used as a Rasayana. The root of Ashwagandha is regarded as tonic, aphrodisiac, narcotic, diuretic, anthelmintic, astringent, thermogenic and stimulant. The root smells like horse (“ashwa”), that is why it is called Ashwagandha (on consuming it gives the power of a horse). It is commonly used in emaciation of children (when given with milk, it is the best tonic for children), debility from old age, rheumatism, vitiated conditions of vata, leucoderma, constipation, insomnia, nervous breakdown, goiter etc.
Chemical composition
• The biologically active chemical constituents are alkaloids (ashwagandhine, cuscohygrine, anahygrine, tropine etc), steroidal compounds, including ergostane type steroidallactones, withaferin A, withanolides A-y, withasomniferin-A, withasomidienone, withasomniferols A-C, withanone etc.
• plant also contain chemical constituents like withaniol, acylsteryl glucosides, starch, reducing sugar, hantreacotane, ducitol, a variety of amino acids including aspartic acid, proline, tyrosine, alanine, glycine, glutamic acid, cystine, tryptophan, and high amount of iron.
Health, benefits, application and remedies
1) The root in combination with other drugs is prescribed for snake venom as well as in scorpion-sting.
2) It also helps in leucorrhoea, boils, pimples, flatulent colic, worms and piles.
3) The leaves are bitter and are recommended in fever, painful swellings. The flowers are astringent, depurative, diuretic and aphrodisiac. The seeds are anthelmintic and combined with astringent and rock salt remove white spots from the cornea.
4) Ashwagandharishta prepared from it is used in hysteria, anxiety, memory loss, syncope, etc.
5) Ashwagandha is a well known Ayurvedic Rasayana, and belongs to a sub-group of Rasayanas known as Medhyarasayanas. Medhya typically refers to the mind and mental/intellectual capacity. Thus, Medhya Rasayana like Ashwagandha, is used to promote intellect and memory. The cognition-promoting effect of Medhya Rasayanas is best seen in children with memory deficits, or when memory is compromised following head injury, or a prolonged illness and in old age.
- Ashwagandha helps regenerate axons and dendrites of brain nerve cells. And helps reconstruct synapses, the junctions where nerve cells communicate with other cells. Boosting memory and restoring neural networks affected by neurodegenerative disease. Ashwagandha extract inhibits acetylcholinesterase. The enzyme responsible for breaking down the key neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
6) Ashwagandha is an analgesic that soothes nervous system from pain response. The powerful anti-arthritic properties of Ashwagandha are now widely accepted and documented.
7) It has been used by athletes for improved muscular strength, resistance to fatigue, recovery from exercise, and as an ergogenic aid for many years.
8) Ashwagandha is considered a heart-protective antioxidant that scavenges free radicals and reduces oxidative stress. It further inhibits lipid peroxidation (degradation of lipids). With this ashwagandha has energy boosting properties that provides energy to the heart and improves the overall functioning.
- Ashwagandha is a very good anti oxidant and acts as a heart tonic. It improves strength of muscles of heart (cardiac muscles).It can also be useful in high BP and to relieve stress.
9) Research has found that ashwagandha roots and leaves play a very important role in lowering high blood glucose levels. Thus, it is considered very beneficial for the management of diabetes mellitus type-2. Ashwagandha works by replenishing the glycogen stores in the liver and it suppresses the release of the excess glucose in the blood thus, it helps to control blood sugar levels.
10) For old age tiredness, fatigue : Take a 5 grams Ashwagandha, with a cup of warm milk.
11) 100 gram of Ashwagandha roots are selected and soaked in cow’s milk. Later it is boiled in this milk. Further it is dried under sunshine. The procedure is repeated for 7 times. 2-3 gram of this powder is taken daily along with a teaspoon of ghee. This improves reproductive health of both men and women. It is a specific remedy for leucorrhea.
12) Weight gain - It improves muscle strength and has nutritive value, when it is used along with other high nutrition foods like large quantities of ghee, milk and sugar candy, Withania somnifera is very useful to put on weight. Or you should take 3 grams of Ashwagandha powder along with teaspoon of ghee and administered at night, before food for a month time.
Click here for more information about Ghee/clarified butter
Side effects
Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) is considerably safe for most people, but the rare and mild side effects of Ashwagandha may appear in some individual. These side effects generally occur when Ashwagandha is taken in larger doses (above 10 grams / day - recommended ). Large doses of Ashwagandha can result in stomach upset, loose stools, constipation, pitta dominance as it is hot in nature
*Please consult any ayurveda physician before use
How does Ashwagandha Work in the Brain?
1. Ashwagandha enhances GABA receptors and serotonin in the brain. It appears to work on neuron receptors, enabling GABA to connect easier. This inhibits the signals present under a stress response in the brain. Anxiety goes down. A study was conducted at The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine with 75 volunteers with moderate to severe anxiety. Ashwagandha produced a significant decrease in anxiety levels over the control group.
2. Ashwagandha improves cognitive and psychomotor performance in a healthy brain. Researchers at Nizam‟s Institute of Medical Sciences in Hyderabad, India, worked with 20 healthy male volunteers. In this double-blind, placebo-controlled trial participants were given 250 mg capsules of standardized Ashwagandha extract for 14 days. Significant improvements in reaction times were reported at the end of the trial. The study suggests that Ashwagandha extract improves cognitive and psychomotor (physical reaction) performance even when you‟re in the best of health.
3. Ashwagandha undoes damage to the brain caused by chronic stress and helps keep it healthy. Ashwagandha improves cognitive function. Glycowithanolides, one of the many compounds found in this herb, reduces cortisol. And overall energy levels are enhanced through optimizing mitochondrial function. It also has GABA-mimicking effects in the brain. Comparable to the effects of prescription benzodiazepines like lorazepam
4. Ashwagandha is a part of the adaptogen family, a compound known for its ability to help the body regulate stress and adapt its functions. Adaptogens, work to support the adrenal glands and help counteract effects of stress in the body while correcting imbalances. Recently research has shown Ashwagandha to have even more benefits than previously thought including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and rejuvenating qualities. A study done in the Journal of Indian Psychology showed that a group of subjects who received a high concentration of Ashwagandha showed a significant reduction in their stress assessment scores. Serum cortisol levels were also reduced relative to a placebo group and overall perception of stress with a general conclusion that any adverse effects are mild, and supplementation is considered safe.
Ashwagandha actually helps with a lot more than that, but it is surprising how one herb can have so many positive effects. There are several theories and there are many active ingredients within Ashwagandha. In layman‟s terms they get called the same thing “withanolides” but actually there is a lot going on and even a lot of difference between the types of withanolides. So even though Ashwagandha is just one plant, there are several different molecules going to work on the body simultaneously.
Click here for Ashwagandha part - 2
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Refrence :
1) Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. Published online 2011. PMCID: PMC3252722
2) International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives 2016; 7 ( 1): 1- 11 ; ISSN 0976 – 3333
3) AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda) | Year : 2015 | Volume : 36 | Issue : 1 | Page : 63-68
4) Cureus. Published online 2019 Dec 25. PMCID: PMC6979308
5) J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2012 Oct-Dec; 3(4): 209–214. PMCID: PMC3545242
6) World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research; 2019,5(7), 230-233; ISSN 2455-3301
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11) Local tradition and knowledge
12) Pharmacognosy Reviews , Vol 1, Issue 1, Jan- May, 2007
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