10 ways to stay healthy

         10 ways to stay healthy

1) Include Satvik Food/Bhojan in your diet

Satvik means "satva" and the satva means food which consists all type of satvas(properties) such as "pure, essence, nature, vital, energy, clean, conscious, strong, courage, true, honest, wise, rudiment of life". Satvik bhojan is apart from Rajasic( food which increase the energy of the body ) and Tamasic ( food which decrease the energy of the body).

It s light in nature, easy to digest, mildly cooling, refreshing and not disturbing to the mind. It is rich in prana (purity), so promotes positive thoughts, happiness and satisfaction. Such type of food can leave us calm, alert and refreshed.' It is different from other kinds of food as it is smooth and pleasant to the stomach.

              - satvik food is simple and grown organically on rich fertile soil. Foods are of attractive appearance and are harvested at the correct time. Satvik food is a food which are grown and ripened naturally. Satvik food can believed to clean the mind and body leading to physical and mental health.

             Click here for more information about satvik food

2) Include more vegetables and fruits in diet

As the fruits and vegetables are good source of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and Anti-oxidant, acts as a nutritional booster and maintains health.

        - Include Verity of fruits and vegetables which will provide different amount and variety of minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals.

3) Eat less to stay healthy

Eat upto 60% - 80% of your stomach capacity and remaining 20% - 40% put free. In this 60 - 80% include plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grain, proteins, healthy oils and water. Due to eating less you should hungry within some time that's why you should break your diet plan in 3-5 times instead of 2. Means eat less but eat 3-5 times a day, when you feel hungry.

                 - Do not over eat.

                 - cook your food on low flame with proper cooking. Don't eat uncooked food. 

                 - Try to eat preservative less food. Means avoid packaged food.

                 - Drink plenty of fluids (water) on regular basis. Stay Hydrated.

4) Fasting

Try to do fasting once week or twice in 15 days or thrice in a month. Because when you do fasting your body starts to eat your own unwanted body cells and makes you free from many diseases, which makes you healthy indirectly.

5) Reduce salt and sugar intake

high salt intake can result in high blood pressure, and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Whereas as large amount of sugar intake should increase calories which indirectly increase fat. 

> How to remove excess salt and sugar

    - Eat salt what ever you add in your food do not take excess salt. Avoid use of excess salt in your diet. 

     - Use Rock salt(shendv namak)  instead of rock salt(NACL).

     - while shopping anything choose low sugar and sodium contain food

     - Try to avoid or reduce regular eating sugar.  Try to include sugar as per the occasion.

     - if you eat sugar too much do work out / exercise for long time.

6) Do exercise 

Do exercise on regular basis. Atleast do exercise 30 minutes a day. Doing exercise makes body flexible, increase immunity, prevents oxidative damage, strengthens body muscle, stay you refresh, maintain proper heart health, proper blood circulation, etc. Moving your body daily helps you to sweat out toxin. Ther are different types of exercise, do whatever you like and you want, but do your exercise properly with proper care. 

     - Move more, sit less

     - Be physically active for 30 minutes most days of the week. Break this up into three 10-minute sessions when pressed for time. Healthy movement may include walking, sports, dancing, yoga, running or other activities you enjoy.

7) sleep properly

Sleep is also a very important factor to stay healthy. Because improper sleep leads to many diseases(heart disease, obesity, many other sicknesses and unrefreshment. That's why sleep is very important factor to stay healthy. sleeping is important but pleasent sleep is very much important. That's why always stay calm and cool which make you tension free and leads to proper or pleasent sleep. Sleep helps with stress management, but it also helps us stay motivated to move, gives us more energy.

- Always try to be happy and tension free.

8) Replace saturated fat with unsaturated fat

Fats are important for good health and proper functioning of the body. However, too much of it can negatively affect our weight and cardiovascular health. Eat a well-balanced, low-fat diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Choose a diet that's low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and moderate in sugar, salt and total fat.

9) Improve your posture

Reduce back pain and alleviate muscle tension when sitting by resting your feet flat on the floor, with even weight at both hips, keeping your back straight and relaxing your shoulders. Whereas as put your sleeping posture straight.

10) Meditation

Studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can help to reduce anxiety, improve your mood and lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. Remaining stree free, energetic, calm makes us fearless and fight for any condition ability, which is very much important factor to stay healthy always. Mind is very factor to stay healthy.

Some tips :

1) stop smoking

2) Do not over drink alcohol

3) Do not overthink

4) Always be happy and calm.

5) Maintain a positive attitude and do things that make you happy.

6) Be involved in your community.

7) Be active all the time

8) Drink herbal teas

9) Eat Anti-oxidant rich food

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