MULETHI(Licorice / Yashtimadhu) - benefits, uses, chemical constituents and many more

           MULETHI (Licorice / Yashtimadhu)

Licorice is one of most widely used in foods, herbal medicine, and extensively researched medicinal plants of the world. Licorice roots have been used worldwide as a medicine and flavor in industry for over 4000 years. Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn. belongs to the  family  Leguminosae, is a  genus of perennial  herbs and  under shrubs distributed in the subtropical and warm temperate regions of the world. Liquorice, which grows best in well-drained soils in deep valleys with full sun, is harvested in the autumn two to three years after planting.

It shows Anti-oxidant, Antacid, Anti-ulcerogenic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Alzheimer’s, Anti-obesogenic, Anti-adipogenic, Anti-atherogenic, Anti-asthmatic, Antibacterial, Antiviral, Adaptogenic, Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Antidepressant, Anti-stress, Antitussive, Aphrodisiac, Demulcent, Expectorant, Immuno-modulating property.

Click here for more information about the Anti-oxidant and free radicals

It has different names in different languages such as English name(Licorice, Liquorice),  Marathi name(Jeshtimadh),  Hindi name(Mulethi, Jethimadhu),  Tamil name(Atimadhuram),  Telgu name(Yashtimadhukam),  Kannada name(Atimadhura, Jeshtamadhu),  Bengali name(Yashtimadhu),  Gujarati name(Jethimadh),  Sanskrit name(Yashtimadhu)

Vitamin and mineral content

• Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice) is accounted by water-soluble, biologically active complex. Starches (30%), pectins, polysaccharides, simple sugars, gums, mucilage (Rhizome), amino acids, triterpene saponin, flavonoids, mineral salts, bitters, essential oil, fat, asparagines, female hormone estrogen, tannins, glycosides, protein, resins, sterols, volatile oils and various other substances are components of this complex

                - Other secondary metabolites such as fatty acids, phenol, guaiacol, asparagines, glucose, sucrose, starch, polysaccharides, and sterols (β-sitosterol, dihydrostigmasterol) have also been found 

Flavonoids : liquiritin, liquiritigenin, rhamnolliuiritin, liquiritin apioside, gralbranin, glabrol, licoflavanone, isoliquiritigenin, neoisoliquiritin, licuraside, licochalcone A and B, licoricidin, 7-methillicoricidin, hispaglabridin A and B, liocflavone A and B, liocflavanol, glyzaglabrin, licoisoflavanone, glabroisoflavanone, glabrone, licoricone, and gancaonin.

                 - Mulethi has yellow color due to the flavonoids, e.g., liquiritin and isoliquiritin.

Coumarins : liqcoumarin, glabrocoumarone A and B, herniarin, umbelliferone, glycocoumarin, licofuranocoumarin, licopyranocoumarin, and glabrocoumarin. 

Essential oil compounds : α-pinene, β-pinene, octanol, γ-terpinene, stragole, isofenchon, β-caryophyllene, citronellyl acetate, caryophyllene oxide, and geranyl hexanolate. 

• It is a saponin compound (60 times sweeter than cane sugar) comprised of a triterpenoid aglycone, glycyrrhetic acid (glycyrrhetinic acid; enoxolone) conjugated to a disaccharide of glucuronic acid. Whereas Glycyrrhizic acid is the major triterpenoid saponin in licorice root 

• Licorice contains more than 20 triterpenoids and nearly 300 flavonoids. Among them, glycyrrhizin (GL), 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid (GA), liquiritigenin (LTG), licochalcone A (LCA), licochalcone E (LCE) and glabridin (GLD) are the main active components which possess antiviral and antimicrobial activities. 

Glycyrrhizin and the aglycone of glycyrrhizin are believed to speed the healing of gastric ulcers 

• Glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetic acid can exist in the 18α and 18β stereoisomer forms. Glycyrrhizin is considered to be the most common of the Asiatic folk medicines to be used as an anti-inflammatory agent on neutrophil functions including ROS (reactive oxygen species) generation. Thus, Glycyrrhizin is considered as quenching agent of free radicals and also as blocking agent of lipid peroxidation chain reactions. Glycyrrhizin showed chemopreventive, antioxidant, and antiproliferative activity when tested on animal model. Glycyrrhizin (a tribasic acid), can form a variety of salts.

• Liquorice flavonoids have exceptionally strong antioxidant activity. Antioxidant activity of liquorice flavonoids was found to be over 100 times stronger than that of antioxidant activity of vitamin E.

Properties and benefits of Mulethi

Taste(Rasa) –  Madhura(sweet)

Qualities(Guna) – Heavy(Guru), Snigdha(Unctuous) and Sneha(Oily)

Potency(Virya) –  Cold(Sheetla)

Taste conversation after digestion Sweet(Madhura)

Effects on Tridosha – Pacifies Vata & Pitta


Click here for more information about Tridosha

Jeevaneeya – herbs that promote longevity

Sandhaneeya – herbs that help in bone fracture healing and wound healing

Varnya – herbs that improve skin complexion

Kanthya – herbs that improve voice

Kandughna – Herbs that relieve itching sensation (pruritis)

Chardinigraha – Herbs that relieve vomiting

Shonitasthapana – Herbs that check bleeding

Mutravirajaneeya – Herbs that restore proper colour of urine

Snehopaga – herbs that are used in Snehana – a preparatory procedure before Panchakarma treatment

Vamanopaga – herbs that are used in Vamana (emesis) Panchakarma treatment

Asthapanopaga – herbs that are used in Basti Panchakarma treatment (rectal enema with decoctions)

Pittanilajit – Balances Vata and Pitta

Asrajit – detoxifies blood

Vranashothajit – useful in wound and inflammation

Vishahara – useful in poisoning

Chardihara – in small quantities, it relieves vomiting.

Trushnahara – relieves excessive thirst

Kshayahara – relieves emaciation and tiredness.

Chakshushya – Good for eyes

Balakrut – Improves strength and immunity

Varnakrut – improves skin complexion

Shukrala – increases sperm count and semen quality

Keshya – good for hair. Improves hair quality. Hence it is used in many herbal hair oils.

Svarya – improves voice quality

Sandhaneeya – wound healing and bone healing

Kandughna Gana – relieving itching sensation

Pureesha Virajaneeya – which helps to bring back proper colour of stools

Dhumapana –Herbal smoking

Health benefits, Uses and application 

1) Mulethi is helpful in sore throat, throat irritation, cough and bronchitis.

                 -  Yashtimadhu has expectorant property. Which eases coughing up thick yellow/white sputum accumulated in the lungs. With this it's antibacterial properties reduces infection of upper respiratory tract and also irritation.

                 - Liquorice has been shown to work as efficiently as codeine in sore throat. It decreases irritation and produces expectorant effects. Carbenoxolone (a semi synthetic compound derived from Glycyrrhiza) stimulates gastric mucus secretion. Likewise, liquorice extract may also be able to stimulate tracheal mucus secretions producing demulcent and expectorant.

2) Small licorice sticks of 2 – 3 cm length are chewed and swirled and the juice is swallowed slowly or half a teaspoon of licorice powder mixed well with ghee or honey is swallowed  to relieve hoarseness of voice. Many singers use this for the purpose of improving their voice.

3) Regular intake of 2 grams of licorice powder, along with half a cup of warm milk is explained as an excellent brain tonic and rejuvenator (Medhya Rasayana).

                         - The roots and rhizomes of Glycyrrhiza glabra is an efficient brain tonic it increases the circulation into the CNS system and balance the sugar levels in the blood. Liquorice shows significantly improved learning and memory on scopolamine induced dementia.


4) For chronic cough, chest injury, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis etc conditions, 48 ml of juice of fresh licorice (or its decoction) is consumed daily along with milk. The dose is increased by 6 ml, everyday. This is continued for one month. During this period, the patient should drink only milk and abstain from eating solid foods. This recipe is best to promote nourishment, lifespan, strength, skin health and immunity.

                     - Many ayurvedic immunity modulating and dry cough or wet cough medicine contains licorice root juice or powder.

                    - Enhances immunity by boosting levels of interferon which is the key chemical of the immune system that fights off viruses and bacteria.

5) It's anti-allergic property is highly beneficial in allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma.

6) Licorice if applied on face, can improve complexion, useful in acne, blemishes, acne scars, white heads and black heads.

                  - For oily face, then make a paste of fine powder of licorice with water and apply it on face, leave it for 5 – 15 minutes, then wash off with hot water.  Or   You can add red sandalwood powder equal proportion to the above paste, to make it more effective and provide good cooling effect.

             - For dry face or above face problems use : Mix 5 grams of licorice with 10-15 drops of kumkumadi taila. Apply it evenly as a face pack. Leave it on face for 5 – 15 minutes, wash off with lukewarm water. Or you should apply Kumkumadi taila evenly on face.

              > Licorice root works on all skin types, be it oily skin, irritated or mature and uneven skin. Licorice as a natural demulcent due to its ‘Snigdha’ or oily property as written in Ayurvedic texts, exhibits a mild smoothening and brightening action on skin. Used in serums, spot treatments, cleansers, and masks, it helps in the fading of hyper-pigmentation and sun damage for all skin tones in a safe manner. It blocks melanin production to prevent the formation of hyper-pigmentation. Its usage leaves the skin brighter, hydrated and clearer. The root extracts are potent for red, acne-prone skin as well as for dull complexions and dehydrated skin. The root also contains a particular compound that works as a gentle sunscreen.

7) Paste prepared with licorice along with Tagara, dill seeds, Kushta, sandalwood and ghee is used to apply externally to relieve headache, shoulder and back pain. 

Click here for more information about Ghee

8) It is best in improving eye health, aphrodisiac effect, improving hair quality, throat/voice quality, skin complexion, imparting colour and wound healing.

9) For sore throat and cough : Gargle with yashtimadhu water or decoction reduces throat inflammation, irritation and pain.  Or  Take Mulethi root powder along with honey and sitopaladi churna.

Click here for more information about Honey


10) A very high dose of 30 grams per day of licorice, for many weeks may cause increase in blood pressure. But usually, as per Ayurveda, its daily dose is note more than 3 grams per day. Don't take this for long time or always prefer ayurveda practitioner before use.

11) The root extract produces mild estrogenic effects, and it has proven to be useful for some in treating symptoms of menopause, relieving menstrual cramps.

12) Licorice is a popular sweetener found in many soft drinks, food products, snacks and herbal medicines.

13) It is blood-purifier, Increases quality and quantity of blood, useful in bleeding disorderAnti-pyretic, relieves dysuria, promotes longevity of life, promotes fracture healing, Good Brain Tonic, Mild laxative.

14) It has powerful antioxidants, phyto-estrogens which are helpful during menopause. It has antidepressant compounds and helps in warding off depression.

15) Good for heart health, prevents damage from LDL cholesterol (Bad fat), Discourages clogging plaque formation which can damage heart.

16) It is anti-emetic, relieves thirst, relieves tiredness / exhaustion, provides energy, useful in relieving wasting disorders, degenerative diseases and Externally it has been effectively used in eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis.

17) It is Good for eye and eyesight / vision, Provides good strength and immunity, Enhances color and complexion, Good aphrodisiac, increases the quantity and quality of semen, Good hair tonic, Excellent remedy for throat disorders, good for improving voice, Heals ulcers, wounds and swelling / inflammation associated with wounds, It neutralizes the bad effects of poisons and toxins. In Chinese medicine it was administered for treating food poisoning and its ill-effects.

                           - It is reported that glycyrrhetinic acid in liquorice extract gives anti-inflammatory effect similar to glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. In vitro studies, glycyrrhizic acid inhibits all factors responsible for inflammation. It inhibits cyclooxygenase activity and prostaglandin formation (specifically prostaglandin E2). It is also responsible for indirectly inhibiting platelet aggregation.

18) For nasal and chest congestion, make an ayurvedic decoction by boiling a few pieces of mulethi root, tulsi leaves, pudina leaves in water. Strain the mixture and drink the aqueous decoction by infusing it with a spoon of honey to open a blocked nose and reduce inflammation due to chest congestion.

Click here for more information about Pudina/mint

Click here for more information about Tulsi

19) Licorice in Food industry : Licorice is widely used as a flavouring agent especially in tobacco industry. In combination with sugar, the sweetness  increased  by  100  times.  In  pharmaceuticals and medicinal tea it not only acts as a flavouring agent but also reduces the unpleasant taste of other constituents. It is  used as a sweetner and flavouring agent in low  caloric and non-cariogenic food. It gives sparkle and aroma to confectionary products and beer respectively. Licorice serves as  a preservative in food industry.     

20) Licorice root is considered to be an effective option for keeping your liver, healthy and free from diseases. This helps in protecting your body from being damaged by free radicals and also helps in treating jaundice thus keeping your liver healthy.

21) liquorice extract can be efficiently used to formulate cosmetic products for the protection of skin and hair against oxidative damage.

22) Anticoagulant activity of licorice : Glycyrrhizin is the first plant based inhibitor of thrombin. It is found to prolong the thrombin and fibrinogen clotting time. It also increases plasma recalcification duration. Glycyrrhizin causes inhibition in thrombin induced platelet aggregation. But there was no effect of glycyrrhizin on Platelet Aggregating Factor (PAF) and Collagen agglutination.

Common intakes of licorice

1) Just chew 2-3 cm of licorice root

2) Decoction of root

3) Licorice root juice

4) Tablet

5) Powder

> Moderate/ medium use of licorice do not cause any side effects.

Precautions : 1) Excessive dosage of it increases blood pressure and causes nausea and vomiting.

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Reference : 

1) Plant and Human Health, Volume 3. 2019 Feb 12 : 1–21 ;  PMCID: PMC7123875

2) International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 5(4) July-Aug. 2015(1868-1874)

3) Phcog Rev. Vol  3 , Issue 6, 247-258,2009 

4) Charak Samhita

5) Sushruta Samhita

6) Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2014  ;  ISSN NO: 2231-6876

7) Dhanvantari nighantu

8) Bhavaprakasa nighantu



11) Local tradition and knowledge

12) Wikipedia

13) Pages 57 - 88  Ancient Science of Life ;  Vol  No. XIII Nos.    1 &2, July-October 1993


15) Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants. 2015 Oct 22 : 354–457  ;  PMCID: PMC7122586

16) : Agonistic and antagonistic estrogens in licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) ;. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry volume 401, pages305–313(2011)

17) Iran J Pharm Res. 2012 Spring; 11(2): 541–548.

PMCID: PMC3832176


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