Water apple


                Water  apple

Water apple, also known as watery rose apple or rose apple, with the scientific name Syzygium aqueum, is native of South-East Asian countries and certain tropical regions of India.Water apple have much more  benefits for human health and is prized for its therapeutic applications for treating various ailments, including heart conditions and liver disorders. The  medicinal properties of this fleshy fruit are well-documented in  Indian medicine like Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani.

Common names in different languages:

 "Chambakka" or “Pani Seb” in Hindi,
“Jambu” or “Panneer Naval” in Tamil,
“Jambakka” in Malayalam
 “Gulaabijamichettu” or “Gulaabijamikaayalu” in Telugu
 # this  delicious fruit is mostly popular for its thirst-quenching properties.

Biological classification:

Kingdom:    Plantae
Order:       Myrtales
Family:     Myrtaceae
Genus:      Syzygium
Species:      S. samarangense

Condition and different places for growth of water apple:

Water apple plants naturally need wet, warm and humid climatic conditionsand soil rich with moisture content. Its native environments include tropical South-East Asian countries as Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, India and Sri Lanka. Due to its amazing advantages that is enhancing overall health, they are also cultivated in temperate environments of Hawaii, Florida and California in the United States, as well as in southern regions of Australia.

Some basic information about the plant:

The water apple tree belongs to the Myrtaceae family
 grows up to a height of 3 to 10 meters
It have deep-brown bark supporting widespread branches
 the leaves are long and narrow with prominent shin.


This plant blossoms in the summer that is in the month of may-august, with pale green, cream and white flowers in full bloom.From August to November it devpopes fruits,which are creamy-green in colour and turn a bright pinkish-red once completely ripened (water apple or rose apple). The ripe water apple fruits are bell-shaped, have crimson colored skin on the outside encompassing a white, juicy flesh within. They ooze a mildly pleasant aroma and usually have one or two grey seeds in the interior.

Taste of water apple:

. These luscious water apple fruits have an intrinsically crunchy texture and are quite sweet in taste when ripe. However, the unripe green water apple possesses a astringent flavour and hence it is better or good to use in the preparation of pickles, curries and chutneys.

Some important contents of water apple with benefits:

. The water apple fruit is ideal for weight loss due to its low calorie content and negligible amounts of saturated fats.
 In addition, it also provides dietary fibers, to aid in digestion and has no cholesterol, for better heart function.

Water apples are rich in Vitamin C for boosting immunity and Vitamin A for proper vision. They are also abundant in the B vitamins that can aid in regulating metabolism.

In addition, they possess vast amounts of crucial trace minerals like iron and calcium and antioxidants, which monitor enzyme function and prevent free radical damage in the body cells.

The leaves also contain powerful plant compounds called flavonoids, which offer anti-inflammatory properties for those suffering from chronic conditions.

Consumption of water apple:

Water apples are widely grown and consumed worldwide today and are also processed in the form of fresh juices, jams, pickles and salads.

Nutritional Value :

Amounts Per 100 g Serving:

Liquid Content:

Water 93.0 g 90%


Proteins 0.6 g 1%
Carbohydrates 5.7 g 2%
Dietary Fiber 1.5 g 0.5%
Starch 0.0 g
Sugars 0.0 g
Fats 0.3 g 0%
Cholesterol 0.0 mg


Vitamin C 156 mg 25%
Vitamin A 22 mg 5%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 10 mg 2%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 5 mg 1%


Calcium 29.0 mg 3%
Iron 0.1 mg 0.1 %
Magnesium 5.0 mg 1%
Phosphorus 8.0 mg 1%
Potassium 123 mg 20%
Sulphur 13 mg 1.5%

Water Apple Health Benefits:

1. Fights Free Radical Damage:

Water apple is rich in Vitamin C and flavonoids. These prevent the damage of cells due to free radicals, pollutants and toxic chemicals which lead to the illness such as heart disease and cancer. Free radicals are developed in the body when the body gets exposed to the radiation, smoke and during the process of breaking down of food. Having antioxidant property it effectively fights toxins in the body.

2. Bolsters Immune Function:

Vitamin C increases the white blood cells production and also improve its functioning. As Vitamin C is an antioxidant, it eliminates the oxidative damage and enhances the smooth functioning. Vitamin C effectively boosts the immune

3. Reduced Risk Of Stroke:

The negligible amounts of sodium and cholesterol in the water apple lowers the chances of stroke and illnesss such as inflammation, oxidative damage, atherosclerosis and blood pressure. The development of plaque in the cells results in the stroke or heart attack which could be reduced with the Vitamin C.

4. Boosts Good HDL Cholesterol:

Having the source of Niacin, it regulates cholesterol synthesis in the body. Niacin enhances the good cholesterol(HDL) levels and reduces the amounts of harmful triglycerides and bad cholesterol(LDL) in blood.

5. Improves Metabolism:

Consuming water apples in routine diet helps in the assimilation of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. it acts as a catalyst to enzymes in biochemical processes. This  promotes proper appetite and metabolism and helps maintain optimal body weight.

6. Prevents Constipation:

Containing fiber in water apple helps the intestine for the better movement of food and adds bulk to the stool  to large intestine which helpful for those having the irregular bowel function or constipation. It supports in healthy weight and healthy digestive system and

7. Heals Muscle Cramps:

Having an adequate amounts of potassium and water, It enhances the strength of muscles and reduces the muscle cramps caused due to the low levels of potassium, sodium or dehydration.

8. Cures Liver Damage:

Liver damage leads to the various illnesses which are caused due to the excessive consumption of alcohol, anemia, malnutrition, infection and hepatotoxic drugs etc. Watery Rose Apple contains hepatoprotective agents that help in effectively treating liver illnesses or problem

9. Good For Diabetes:

Water apples have powerful anti-hyperglycemic properties( lower blood sugar levels in diabetic patient). Jambosine which  is a bioactive crystalline alkaloid present in water apples that suspends the conversion of starch into sugar thereby regulates the sugar level, especially in diabetic patients.

Water Apple Uses For Skin:

1. Enhances Skin Texture:

Containing Vitamin A and C could be obtained from the water apple which helps to prevent the damage from the oxidative stress caused due to poor diet, stress and pollution. It also reduces the dryness and wrinkles of skin.

2. Prevents Acne:

The leaves of water apple possess the anti-acne properties such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties, which effectively fights  the microbes causing acne and thus reduce inflammation and acne

3. Clears Suntans and Dark Spots:

 water apples contains useful skin-whitening agents. It's  leaf extracts are used extensively skin care products, as the phenolic antioxidant possesses UVB-blocking ability.

4.Treats Skin Infections:

Extracts prepared from the bark of the Water Apple are very effective against Staphylococcus aureus, a common bacterial microbial agent that causes many skin disorders such as blisters and pustules, as well as hypersensitivity and allergies.

Water Apples In Ayurveda:

1. Treats Epilepsy And Seizures:

The bioactive constituents in water apples such  as terpenoids help in improving nerve function. Hence, it is effective  for those suffering from neuronal complications like seizures.

2. Heals Oral Thrush:

The bark extract is crushed and applied on microbial infections in the mouth known as oral thrush, to heal the sores and swelling.

3. Remedies Kidney Stones:

The leaf extracts of water apple possess strong anti-inflammatory properties, which help to get rid of kidney stones within the system and ensure smooth elimination of toxins and bladder function.

Water Apple Recipes:



Rose apple – 500 g
Lime juice – 1 tablespoon
Jaggery– 775 g
Water - 150 ml


• Select ripe red rose apple fruits

• Remove the seeds carefully

• Soak the seeds in water mixed with 1 table spoon of lime juice

• Add 575 grams of sugar into 150 ml of water in a pan and bring to a boil and allow to thicken.

• Subsequently add the rose apple fruits to the syrup and boil.

• If redness is less add permitted food coloring highlight the redness.


Water apples being a fabulous source of dietary fibers, aid in digestion and regulating appetite. Jaggery supplies vast amounts of the key trace mineral iron, which promotes red blood cell synthesis. Cinnamon not only enhances the flavour and aroma of the preserve, but also offers calcium for strong bones. Cardamom is rich in vitamin C, thus assisting in enhancing immunity.

Water Apple Side Effects:

So Keep in mind to eat only measured portions of water apples, as eating too much poses the risk of toxicity in the body due to accumulation of trace mineral metallic compounds present in the fruit, within the body.


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