Wonderful benefits and uses of Reetha ( Indian soapberry )


                   Reetha(Indian soapberry/soapnuts)

Reetha tree is a highly valued medicinal plant in Ayurveda for its innumerable therapeutic and detoxifying properties. Ayurvedic herb reetha is widely grown in tropical countries like India, China and Nepal. The dried fruit of this plant is used as a key component in various shampoos, cleansing agents and hair care products.

Reetha is considered to one of the best natural and plant based sustainable cleaners available in the market today. The shells of reetha contain saponins that make it an excellent surfactant and detergent. Once the soap berries come in contact with water, saponins are released, which acts as a natural disinfectant and surfactant. These saponins lower the surface tension of water, which helps in loosening and removing the dirt, oil from clothes and surfaces.

It has different names in different languages such as English name(Soap nut, Soapnut, Soap Nut, Soapberry, Soap Berry, Washnut, and Wash Nut, South Indian Soapnut, three-leaf soapberry),  Marathi name(reetha रिठा),  Hindi name(Ritha, Reetha, Aritha, फेनिल phenil (as it produces froth), रिष्ट risht, रिष्टक rishtak),  Tamil name(Pannankottai, punalai,  punthi, puvanti),  Telugu name(Kunkum Chettu, kunkuduchettu, phenilamu),  Kannada name(Antuvala kayi norekaayi, togate mara),  Malayalam name(cavakkaay, pasakkottamaram, uruvanchi),  Gujarati name(arithi, aritho, arithu),  Manipuri name(Kekru),  Bengali name(Ritha),  Oriya &  Konkani name(Ritha),  Urdu name(Phenil, Reetha)

Phytochemical content

• Seeds of Sapindus mukorossi contain 23 % oil of which 92 % is triglycerides; the triglyceride fraction contained 30 % oleo-palmito-arachidin glyceride, 13.3 % oleo-diarachidin glyceride and 56.7 % di-olein type glycerides such as dioleo-palmitin, dioleo-stearin and dioleo-arachidin.

• The main phytoconstituent isolated and identified from different parts of this plant are triterpenoidal saponins of oleanane, dammarane and tirucullane type. 

• Various types of triterpene, saponins of oleanane, dammarane and tirucullane type were  isolated from the galls, fruits and roots of Sapindus mukorossi. Oleanane type triterpenoid saponins named Sapindoside A&B were reported from the fruits of Sapindus mukoross 

• Leaf extract of reetha contains different type of flavanoids like quercetin, apigenin, kaempferol and rutin.

• The major constituents of Sapindus mukorossi fruit are saponins (10%-11.5%), sugars (10%) and mucilage. Saponins are secondary plant metabolites with divergent biological activities. Sapindus saponins are a mixture of six sapindosides (sapindosides A, B, C, D and mukorozi saponins (E1 and Y1), with sapindoside B as one of the major constituent

Properties and benefits 

Rasa (Taste) – Tikta (Bitter), Katu (Pungent)

Guna (Qualities) – Laghu (Light to digest), Teekshna (Strong, Piercing)

Taste conversion after digestion – Katu (Undergoes pungent)

Veerya (Potency) – Ushna (Hot)

Effect on Tridosha – Balances all the three Doshas

Benefits in

Lekhana – has scraping property, useful in balancing Kapha, in respiratory disorders and in cholesterol / clot deposition in blood vessels

Laghu – light to digest

Garbhapatana – induces abortion

Graharoga – Psychiatric disorders

Kushta – skin diseases

Kandu – itching, pruritus

Visha – Toxic conditions, poisoning

Visphota – boils, blisters

Roots and bark are expectorant and demulcent.

Roots are specially used for hemicrania (migraine) and epilepsy.

Fruits which are bitter and astringent are emetic, abortifacient, expectorant, antihelmintic.

Uses, application and health benefits

1) Traditionally soapnuts have been used as shampoos, detergents and for cleaning gold and silver jewellery for centuries in India.

2) Reetha powder is applied externally to treat boils, scorpion bite, itching lesions, because of its Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

3) Due to presence of saponins, soapnut is well known for its detergent and insecticidal properties and traditionally used for removing lice from the scalp and used in dental carrie.

4) Reetha shampoo : Dry the reetha fruits. Cut open, remove the seeds then soak the dry de-seeded fruit in water overnight. Boil it. The reetha will turn slimy and mushy. Strain the liquid and add any of your Favorited essential oil to it for smell.

5) Washing cloths : add 2 table spoon of Reetha powder in half bucket of water, mix it well and leave it for 2-5 minute. Soak your cloth for an hour and then wash.

6) People with allergic reactions to soap can safely use this product as they are gentle on the hands and 100 percent chemical free. They are sustainable, eco-friendly, reusable, inexpensive and with several benefits to mankind.

7) Washing fruits and vegetables : Add Reetha powder in warm water and then wash your fruits and vegetables which 100 safe, natural and removes germs and dirt. It's antibacterial and insecticidal and cleansing property helps in such conditions.

8) leaves of Reetha is boiled in water or decoction of leaves is added in bucket of bath water which helps in relieving joint pain and treating gout and rheumatism.

9) Reetha is also used for the treatment of epilepsy, excessive salivation, migraines, lumbago, paralysis of the limbs and chlorosis. It is an effective expectorant and beneficial for sore eyes and opthalmia. The anthelmintic properties of soap nuts help in expelling parasitic worms from the body. The powdered soap nut seeds are traditionally used for treating constipation, nausea.

10) Amla-Reetha-Shikakai shampoo : soak dry Reetha fruits or dried fruit powder, dried shikakai pods or shikakai powder and dried amla fruit or powder in water over night (upto 12 hours). Boil this mixture and strain it. Your shampoo is ready.

                - This is effective for hair fall, lustre

                - Vitamins and saponins enhances the lustre and shine, reduces the dryness making the hair look silky and voluminous. The richness of nutrients makes new hair follicles and strengthen the hair from within the root. With this antibacterial and antifungal properties helps in  treating scalp infections and dandruff and lice.

11) Amla-Reetha-Shikakai hair pack for dandruff and hairfall : Mix equal quantity of amla , Reetha, shikakai powder soak this mixture in little water for 2-4 hour, apply thick paste of this mixture to hair.

                    - Combination of Reetha with Amla and Shikakai is useful to manage hair problems like greying of hair. Reetha helps to clean the scalp and Amla has Pitta balancing property which helps to manage the natural color of the hair. Shikakai is also an effective remedy for natural and healthy hair.

12) Reetha plant is beneficial in balancing Kapha doshas, lowers cholesterol levels and treats respiratory problems. The roots and bark are expectorant and demulcent in nature and the fruit with a bitter and astringent quality works as an expectorant and anthelmintic.

13) Take 1-2 teaspoon of Reetha powder. Add to 2-3 glass of water. Boil till the water reduces to half. Strain and use the liquid as a body wash to get rid of itching of skin.

14) Make a paste of Reetha powder with warm water. Apply on the affected area and leave it for 1-2 hours. Wash it with plain water to get rid of joint pain.

15) It is an important herb that is used in the treatment of contaminated soil. Moreover, it has also been used for washing and bleaching cardamoms, further helping in improving the latter’s color and flavour.

16) The seeds of Reetha are used to remove tan and freckels from the skin.

Precaution : 1) Reetha powder is not recommended for pregnant women as it may induce abortion.

                       2) Avoid it's contact with eyes because it redness and irritation of eyes.

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Refrences : 

1) Suhagia et al., IJPSR, 2011; Vol. 2(8): 1905-1913

2) World J Gastroenterol. 2006 Nov 28; 12(44): 7136–7142.   ;  PMCID: PMC4087774

3) Rev. Inst. Med. trop. S. Paulo vol.54 no.5 São Paulo Sept./Oct. 2012


4) International Journal of Advanced Research (2015), Volume 3, Issue 3, 939-946

5) The Open Dermatology Journal, 2018, Volume 12 

6) Bhavaprakasha Nighantu

7) Madanapala Nighantu

8) Raj Nighantu 


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