Peepal tree - The religious and medicinal plant

                    Peepal(sacred fig)

Sacred fig or peepal tree has got mythological, religious, and medicinal importance in Indian culture. It is also known as the bodhi tree, pippala tree, peepul tree, peepal tree or ashwattha tree. Refrance of this tree has been found in many books, Vedas, Ramayaņa, Mahabharata, Buddhistic literature(Gautama Buddha gains knowledge while meditating underneath of this tree) Upanişads and puranas such as Bhagwat Geeta, Padma Purana, Skanda Purana, rig Veda, Atharvavĕda, etc. The Peepal is also called as 'Tree of Life' because of its oxygen releasing property at night. According to Ayurveda, every part of Pipal tree is useful for treating numerous health issues and ailments. There are many mythological stories related peepal tree

It has different names in many other languages such as Hindi name(Peepal tree), English name(Sacred fig), Bengali name(Aswattha, Ashud),  Gujarathi name(Peepalo), Kannada name(Ashwattha, agaki, arali mara, ashvathamara, attasa, basari, pippali), Malayalam name(arachu, aracu, araval, arsam, devataru, mangalyam), Marathi name(Peepal, ashvath, pimpal, pipal), Tamil name(Ashwatham, arasan, arasha maram, aalvallari, asvattam, attira, attiru, pippalam, tanivirutcham), Telugu name(Ashwathamu, arasum, ashvaddhamu, ashvattham)
                           .........( Refrance: Wikipedia )
Different parts of this tree such as stem bark, fruits, root, leaf, milk, tender shoots are used in ayurvedic system of medicine. Traditionally the bark is used as an antibacterial, antiprotozoal, antiviral, astringent, antidiarrhoeal, in the treatment of gonorrhea, ulcers, and the leaves used for skin diseases. 

Ayurvedic medicinal properties of peepal

Sheetala – coolant
Durjara – hard to undergo digestion
Rasa (Taste) – Kashaya (Astringent), Madhura (Sweet)
Guna (Qualities) – Guru (Heavy for digestion), Ruksha (Dry in nature)
Vipaka – Katu (Undergoes Pungent taste after digestion)
Veerya (Potency) – Sheeta (Cold)
Karma (Actions) – Kaphapitta shamaka (reduces •  vitiatedkapha and pitta dosha)
Guru – heavy to digest
Varnya – Improves skin tone and complexion

Vitamin, mineral and Phytoconstituents:
1) stem bark : phenols, tannins, steroids, alkaloids and flavonoids, β-sitosteryl-D-glucoside, vitamin K, n-octacosanol, methyl oleanolate, tannin, lanosterol, stigmasterol, lupen-3-one. 

2) root :  β-sitosteryl-D-glucoside( showed a peroral hypoglycemic effect in fasting and alloxan-diabetic rabbits and in pituitary-diabetic rats). 

3) fruits : 4.9% protein having the essential amino acids, isoleucine, and phenylalanine; flavonols(kaempeferol, quercetin, and myricetin).

4) seeds : phytosterolin, β-sitosterol, and its glycoside, albuminoids, carbohydrate, fatty matter, coloring matter, caoutchoue 0.7–5.1%.  
             • Leaves and fruits contain carbohydrate, protein, lipid, calcium, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. 
                  ...............( Reference: NCBI PEEPAL)

24 hr oxygen releasing plant

All plants do photosynthesis in which they utilize CO2 and releases O2 during day time. However peepal tree can do modified or special form of photosynthesis crassulacen acid metabolism (CAM). By this pathway they do photosynthesis at night and releases O2 at night also.
According to recent research peepal tree releases large quantity of isoprene(volatile organic compound) which has capacity to prevent the depletion of ozon layer.

Some home remedies of peepal
1) The bark of the Peepal plant and its fruits are helpful for treat or prevent asthma. Make a powder of the bark and fruits mix both of them in equal quantities and Consume it.

2) Eating ripe fruits of the Pipal tree is helpful in treating poor appetite and burning sensation in the stomach

3) Consuming paste of peepal leaf with jaggery which helps to relieve stomach pain.

4) decoction of the bark or root of Ficus religiosa(peepal) is used to treat swelling, joint swelling and pain.
                   -Tea peepal leaf decoction or infusion also help to get relif from skin problems, it's antioxidants effects also helps to reduce skin problems.

5) milky latex of bark of peepal is applied over wounds and bleeding spots to heal it and stop bleeding.

6) milky latex of peepal tree and extract of peepal leaves mixed properly and applied to the cracked heels.

7) peepal seed powder with Honey or jaggery helps to purify blood.

8) The dried powder of the fruits or the paste of the bark with honey or jaggery helps to treat severe cough.

9) peepal leaf extract help to reduce the effect of poison or toxin and also helps to remove poison from body.

10) Gargling with luke Warm water added with the bark of peepal is useful to treat mouth ulcers and gingivitis.

                                .........(refrance: research published by banaras hindu University and some in Sushruta samhita, local traditions)


Antimicrobial activity
Leaves and fruit extract of this plant with broad spectrum antibiotic or antimicrobial and antiviral activity. Ethanolic extract shows antimicrobial against Aspergillus niger and Penicillium notatum. Research shows that this tree has tremendous potential for isolating strong antimicrobial compounds.

Antidiabetic activity
The ethanolic extracts of the leaves and fruits of peepal were comparatively evaluated for their blood glucose lowering activity in normal and alloxan induced diabetic rats.
        • lot of research is ongoing on this plant such as antioxidant effect, immunomodulatory effect, antihelmentic effect, etc, but in ayurveda it is being used from ancient times.
        • according to research results peepal fractions inhibit pain and inflammation with an analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity profile similar to other compounds of this kind. The results confirm that F. religiosa collected at Nashik, India, has great value as a source of tannins and polypenols compounds with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
                       ..........(refrance: ncbi)

Note: 1)dry clean peepal leaf is used to make painting on them with gold acrylic paint which could important to preserve them for long years and for decoration.
          2) this plant can prevent incapacicating effects of disease caused due to fluoride pollution.


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