

When I was a child, everyone told me that eat sprouts daily which is good for your health and bodybuilding. At that there was no awareness in the people about eating sprouts. But tody when I see the market, it is full of all type of sprouts. Sprouts is one of the best protein supplement for vegetarian people's. There are various types of sprouts which includes sprout of matki (moth or mat bean), mung (green gram), kala chana (Bengal gram), chana (chickpea), etc. There are some other sprouts also which includes the sprout of bean, sunflower, radish, wheat, soyabean, onion, mustard, etc.

Different types of sprout

1) Bean and pea sprouts: Such as lentil, adzuki, garbanzo, soybean, mung bean, black bean, kidney bean, green pea and snow pea sprouts.

2) Sprouted grains: Such as brown rice, buckwheat, amaranth, kamut, quinoa and oat sprouts.

3) Vegetable or leafy sprouts: Such as radish, broccoli, beet, mustard green, clover, cress and fenugreek sprouts.

4) Nut and seed sprouts: Such as almond, radish seed, alfalfa seed, pumpkin seed, sesame seed or sunflower seed sprouts.

How to do sprouting:
1) soak your seed, nuts, whole grain, legumes overnight

2) rinse with fresh water in the morning and then every 12 hours for 1-2 days

3) store in a glass jar with cheese cloth over the top or in the cheese cloth or in the sprouting bag for sprouting

4) expose the fresh sprouts to the sunlight before eating to increase chlorophyll content

What is sprouting?

Sprouting is the natural process by which seeds or spores germinate and put out shoots, and already established plants produce new leaves or buds or other newly developing parts and experience further growth.

Why to eat sprouts instead of raw?

•The nutritional changes that occur while sprouting mainly happen due to the breakdown of complex compounds into very simpler forms. The process helps in the development of some essential nutrients, constituents and also plays an important role in the breakdown of anti-nutrients(natural or synthetic compounds that interfere with the absorption of nutrients) that make the whole phenomenon of sprouting possible. They provide our body all the essential minerals and vitamins when they are used on a regular basis in our diet.

•Sprouting grains causes increased activities of hydrolytic enzymes, improvements in the contents of total proteins, fat, certain essential amino acids, total sugars, B-group vitamins, and a decrease in dry matter, starch and anti-nutrients.

•soaking(hydration) of seeds leads to increase the metabolic activity of seed. Due to this Complex biochemical or metabolic changes occur during sprouting. The reserve chemical constituents, such as protein, starch and lipids, are broken down by enzymes into simple compounds that are used to make new compounds.

•increase in protein quality(means conversion of protein into albumin and globulin and increase increase in proteolytic activity). Proteolytic activity bmeans break down of protein during sprouting which helps ease in digestion.
            Due to this reason this is called as predigested food.

Profits of eating sprouts

1) they are alkaline, whole, pure and natural foods. Alkaline foods can affect the acidity in the stomach and pH of bodily fluids( blood, urine).

2) as sprouts contain large amount of fiber and partially digested protein leads to free us from many digestive problems. Most importantly constipation problem.

3) provides large amount of Vitamins such as B-group vitamins, vit.E, and many more

4) provides essential fatty acids which converts after hydration of triacylglycerols to glycerol.

4) sprouts are rich in source of Antioxidants (protect us from free radical)

5) Sprouts may improve heart health by lowering bad LDL cholesterol and increases good HDL cholesterol.

6) enzymes(rich source of enzymes) in sprouts helps to boost metabolism and keeps body fresh all the time

7) it the best food containing low calorie and nutrient content for the weight loss. Fiber in sprout makes or gives the of fullness of stomach.

8) vit.c and vit.a content in it, boosts immune system.

9) increases the blood flow to the different part of the body.

10) iron content in it helps to reduce anemia

11) bit.c content in it helps to increase hair follicles and decrease hairfall, dandruff

12) it is good food for pregnant women, because sprouts provides necessary neutrient to the child

How to eat?
it can be eaten in raw or cooked and also added in your meals in different format. It is best to eat the sprout at the time of breakfast

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