Coronavirus (the silent killer)

      Coronavirus (the silent killer)

Today we all know that corona virus is spreading vastly and there is fear in human mind about corona. Don't fear about corona, because fear causes releases various harmone which leads to suppress immune response which makes favourable environment to affect you and reduce your ability to fight with this virus. IMP thing is that, it affects only on your immunity(that is upper respiratory tract). If you are affected by corona your immune response helps to get rid of it, only if you stay fearless and firm. Fight the corona virus like warrier. Your immunity is your power and fear can reduce your power (immunity). Corona virus affects only on your immunity. Immunity of old, aged, child is very low so the chances of attack of corona to those people is high. Therefore follow all the preventive measures about corona and if infected don't fear that you will die because of it, be firm and confident. Make your mindset that, I am the most dangerous thing than the corona. If infected you can get cure by yourself fastly by this mindset. Remember: most powerful thing in this universe is human mind. Human mind can do anything but it depends on you, how could you use it. Therefore take proper nutrition, precaution and do yoga to develop or maintain the immunity.
                          Ayurveda and homoeopathy said that," mindset is best thing fight any type virus or infection".

Following link gives proper information about coronavirus (do's and don'ts)

Something that we know about coronavirus

• There is NO proven or approved medicine to CURE COVID-19 today

• There is NO proven VACCINE for COVID-19 today

• But it is 98% recoverable (depends on human immunity)

• There is NO conclusive evidence today that the COVID-19 will die in high temperatures or SUMMERS. We need to wait and watch.

• There are asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 infection. The virus incubates 5-6 days before showing symptoms. You can be INFECTED by someone who shows NO SYMPTOMS of cough/cold or fever. Worse, you can be asymptomatic and infect your loved ones

• As of today, COVID-19 has already spread in the community. That means the INFECTION is not limited just to people who travelled from outside recently or those in touch with them. You can GET infection from anyone.

Infection spreads through surfaces. It lives on surfaces for the following duration:

• Aerosol – 3 hrs
• Copper – 4 hrs
• Cardboard: 12 hrs or more
• Stainless Steel – 72 hrs or more
• Plastic – 72 hrs or more

Transmission of corona virus

Transmission of corona virus is from person to person by methods such as
1) sneezing
2) coughing
3) it mainly spreads through the droplets of body fluids such as Saliva or mucus

Symptoms of corona

•dry cough
•runny nose
•body pain
•Nasal congestion
•sore throat
•diarrhoea(in less)
•difficulty in breathing (worst condition)

Tip: if anyone find this symptom then quarantine yourself for some days(14days)

Preventive measures

1.wash your hand regularly or constantly with alcohol based hand wash for 20-30sec.

2.sneeze and cough on your elbow or handkerchief or disposable tissue.

3.don't touch your face.

4.keep safe distance(1 meter or 3 feet) with people.

5.if possible Stay at home.

6.If you find this symptoms, contact to your doctor and be sitted in your home upto get the result.

7.Clean surfaces with exposure such as door knobs, railings, table, etc. regularly throughout the day.

8.Take precautions that save you from any and all illness. COVID-19 can be more dangerous if you have another illness.

9.Only use a mask if you have cough/fever, with a person with cough/fever or visiting a medical facility.

What people not to do

• Don’t believe in WhatsApp or Facebook messages. Only listen to credible sources of information such as WHO, Govt of India, AIIMS, IITs, etc.
                  (I write all the information using the above information)

• Do not forward any WhatsApp or Facebook messages which are not from credible sources. Verify the authenticity of messages, even if they are from credible sources.

don’t panic and do any behaviour which can hurt others. 

What people do

• Please tell others also to practice SOCIAL DISTANCING and TAKE PRECAUTIONS.

• Stop meeting anyone other than essential. Stay at home, work from home. No group get togethers, poojas, even visit the doctor only if essential, else talk on phone, etc.

• If you have any daily maids/helpers/servers/yoga instructors, please ask them to stop coming immediately. Please give them paid leave, as generously as possible.

• Keep kids inside. Playing community cricket/football/etc. is not recommended.

Elderly people are specially vulnerable. Reduce their exposure to the minimum, even to family as much as possible.

Things that helps to develop immunity

-Take a proper diet

-Do exercise regularly

-Give adequate sleep to your body

-Maintain or develop immunity by taking chawnprash, garlic, ginger, spinach , etc or consult a doctor

-Ayurvedic and unani medicine are best to develop immunity.

                 *I pray that you and your family is healthy, happy and safe.In this current situation.I request all of you to follow all kinds of precaution and pray for the peace around the world.*

*You are really important to me remaining life , I really care for you and I want you to care for yourself and your loved ones ❤*
*Please Stay home, Stay safe, healthy and aware.


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