Bitter gourd(karela)

             Bitter gourd(karela)

Every one called it as bitter in taste. Very few people like it and the substance is karela. It s also called as bitter gourd( in English), bitter melon; bitter apple; bitter gourd; karela; bitter squash; balsam-pear, etc.due to bitter taste many people don't like this substance much more. Everyone must hear from older people about regular eating of karela and it's benefits. Having lot of health benefit but due to a single bad quality(bitter taste), it is avoided by people.

                It has many different names in many different language but commonly it is called or known as karela.

                In India it is eaten in the form of sabji, kadhi, juice, fried karela with onion and in many dishes.

Biological classification:

M. charantia

Vitamins and minerals content in karela:

Karela consists of lots of vitamins, minerals, compounds and dietery fibers

•Vitamins: A(beta-carotene), C, K, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, etc

•Minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium (less than potassium), zinc, magnesium. It has more amount of calcium and potassium than banana and spinach.

•Karela contains high amounts of antioxidants, phenols, isoflavones, flavonoids, glucosinolates and various other components.

   In traditional medicine of India, different parts of the this plant is used as claimed treatments for diabetes and as a stomachic, laxative, antibilious, emetic, anthelmintic agent, for the treatment of cough, respiratory diseases, skin diseases, wounds, ulcer, gout, and rheumatism.

Medicinal Properties Of Karela:

It is also referred as a stomachic which means that it improves appetite, serves as a laxative(used to stimulate bowel movements or loosen up stool to ease its passage), antibilious(against liver problem), emetic(in cases of stomach wash), antiparasitic and is also recommended for treating cough, respiratory ailments and for managing rheumatism.

karela health benefits

1) lowers LDL Cholesterol:

It lowers the LDL(low density lipid) or bad cholesterol in blood. LDL causes plaque formation in arteries which leads to atherosclerosis, heart attack

   Being rich in iron, it strengthens the immunity and protects heart.

2) Improves Immunity:

Karela is the best which helps to fight against many infections, which helps to increase immunity. It also show resistance against indigestion, constipation, nausea, etc

3) Good For Vision:

Being rich in Vitamin A and Beta Carotene, regular intake of Karela juice improves eye health and prevents vision related problems like cataract, macular degeneration, nearsightedness, etc..

4) good for digestion:

Karela is best medicine for indigestion, acidity, constipation, ulcer and many stomach related issues. Being rich in source of dietry fiber, it helps to resist many stomach related problem. Because dietry fiber maintains or improve bowel movement.

To maintain your immunity, maintain your stomach health. Because 70%of immunity is in our stomach.

     Tip: add leafy vegetable to your diet.
            Drink karela and Loki juice regularly on empty stomach in the morning.

5) Good for Diabetics

Bitter gourd has a compound(polypeptide p, charantin and vicine ) that functions similar to insulin. In fact. It reduces the blood glucose levels in both Type I and Type II diabetes.

6) Skin Glow:

Being rich in source of Antioxidant, vitamin A and vitamin C play a vital role in preventing wrinkles and reduce acne, pimples, skin infection, wrinkles.

 Applying karela juice on your skin, helps to reduce uv damage and regular intake of karela detox the body

It fight against various skin infection such as fungal infection, bacterial infection, itching, psoriasis (scales and dry patches on skin). Antiinflammatory property prevents irritation and pain

Karela Recipes:

Bitter gourd is extensively used in Indian kitchens such as

1. In South India, it is mixed with jaggery, added to stew and those crispy fritters are quite popular.

2. Kakarakaya Kaaram, a traditional powder made along with onions, Pagarkayi Pitla, a form of stew, are other staple dishes.

3. North Indians consume Karela as a subzi or a curry, stuffed with masalas whereas in Maharashtra and Goa, it is served along with grated coconut.


           1) The extract of bitter gourd when applied on wounds, skin infections provides instant relief from itching, redness and soothes the skin further.

            2) it is one of the best medicine for diabetes type 1 and 2. Because of its hypoglycemic property which is present in extract of krela.

   Tip: dink karela juice regularly on empty stomach in early morning

            3) it is full of Antioxidants which prevents free radical damage

            4) due to Antioxidants, antimicrobial, antiviral properties, it removes toxins in the body.
                   Antioxidant is one the best intoxicant.

            5) regular intake of karela strengthen the hair and hair root. It also nourishs the hair and removes scaly scalp (dandruff)


Karela In Ayurveda:

1) In ayurveda Karla is known as bitter in taste, with dry qualities and hot potency.

2) Karela have resistance against tridosh (vata, cough and pitta).

Tip: drink karela juice twice a day on empty stomach

3) It naturally flushes out toxins, improves digestive functions, boosts metabolism and contributes to the immense health of liver, pancreas, spleen and other vital organs.

4)  it effectively reduces the amounts of LDL or bad cholesterol in the blood.

5) it also effective against many types of cancer.


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