Spinach (palak)

                     Spinach (palak)

Spinach is green leafy vegetable with a lot of nutrients.it can be available at any time. It is widely used in salad, soups, dals, chunteys, sabji, etc. Leaves of spinach consumed either fresh or dried. It is grown in many asain countries.

Vitamin and mineral content

Vitamins - A, C, K, , b2, b6, b9 

minerals - magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium and manganese.

Phytoconstituents - patuletin, quercetin, saponin, catechol, sterols, oxalates, nitrates, p-Coumaric acid, ascorbic acid, ascorbic acid, flavonoids and apocyanin 
                 -  It also have less amount of zinc, phosphorus, vit.(b1, b2), nitrogenous compound and large amount of fiber

Biological classification:

S. oleracea

Health Benefits Of Spinach

Improves Bone Health:

The presence of a huge amount of Vitamin K in spinach promotes the secretions of a protein osteocalcin that aids in stabilizing calcium in the bones. Furthermore, spinach is also loaded with calcium, Vitamin C, phosphorus and these nutrients are important for bone strengthening and growth.

Good digestion:

Spinach have large amount of insoluble fiber. Fiber adds bulk to stool as food passes through your digestive system. This may help prevent constipation

Boosts Immunity:

The whopping amount of beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein and chlorophyll are all essential to boost your immune system and fight infections. These nutrients also play a vital role in guarding your eyes against the harmful light.

Controls Blood Pressure:

The abundance of potassium, nitrate and low level of sodium in spinach is a perfect composition for maintaining the blood pressure. Folic acid(vit.b9)  in spinach also aids in lowering the blood pressure and relaxes blood vessels.

Reduces Inflammation:

Spinach is heaped with powerful anti-inflammatory compounds such as flavonoids and glucuronides that can lower inflammation. It is not only beneficial in protecting the heart from enlargement and various cancer but also prevents swelling and pain linked with conditions such as arthritis and gout.

Healthy Skin:

Green leafy vegetables are great for improving the skin health. It is piled up with essential vitamins and minerals that are vital in promoting skin care. Spinach rich in B vitamins is effective in preventing the skin from harmful UV rays and prevent premature ageing of the skin. The nutrients in spinach treats dry and itchy skin making your skin look radiant and supple.

Good for eye:

Spinach is rich in zeaxanthin and lutein, which are the carotenoids responsible for color in some vegetables.Human eyes also contain high quantities of these pigments, which protect your eyes from the damage caused by sunlight

Compound in spinach:

Lutein: This compound is linked to improved eye health.

Kaempferol: This antioxidant may decrease your risk of cancer and chronic diseases.

Nitrates: Spinach contains high amounts of nitrates, which may promote heart health.

Quercetin: This antioxidant may ward off infection and inflammation. Spinach is one of the richest dietary sources of quercetin.

Zeaxanthin: Like lutein, zeaxanthin can also improve eye health.

Ayurvedic remedy

  • 1) plant decoction is used to treat fever with inflammation.

  • 2) Leaves juice or decoction of paalak is consumed in urinary calculi.
   3) seeds are used to treat liver inflammation, jaundice. Because seeds are laxative and cool in nature.

Classification of palak according to Doshas

 Case 1:  if you consume row: it increases vata and kapha during digestion and balances pitta.
Case 2:  if you consume boiled: it balances kapha and pitta and increases vata during digestion.
             - it balances kapha after boiling because it's hardness is decreased.


          1) spinach have high high oxalate (calcium oxalate) content, which can cause itching in throat. So steaming can help to reduce oxalate content

           2) It also contain some amount of Antioxidants which fights free radicle

           3) drinking spinach juice at the time breast feeding is good

           4) person having irritation during urination then those person should drink juice of spinach leaves

          5) drinking juice of spinach leaves with the powder of jerra(cumin seeds) is good for acidity
          6) green leafy vegetables should not be consumed along with milk.


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