Curry leaves - ayurvedic remedies, health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more

Curry leaves (kadi-patta) Curry leaves which is commenly called as 'kadi patta'. It makes the food both healthy and tasty along with pleasing aroma. It have many names in many other languages. In Indian food, it is widely used in many of raciepes. The tree is native to the Indian subcontinent, and can be found growing wild throughout the country, in Sri Lanka, and east through Thailand These tree grows best in well-drained soils in areas with full sun or partial shade, preferably away from the wind. Human needs in terms of shelter, clothing, food, flavors, fragrances and even medicines have been provided by plants. Even some important drugs used presently have been derived from plants. It has different names in different languages Curry Leaf (English), Karepaku (Andhra Pradesh), Narasingha (Assam); Barsanga, Kartaphulli (Bengal); Gorenimb (Gujrat); Mitha Neem (Himachal Pradesh); Kathnim, Mitha Neem, Kurry Patta (Hindi); Karibeva (Karnataka); K...